December 09, 2015

Photo Shoot with the Boys

So much has been going on here in the Clark home.  We are anxiously awaiting the news of where we will be going next for Preston's job.  He is finishing up his residency this month and has been interviewing and applying like crazy.  There are several places up in the air so we are looking forward to seeing which one sticks and is right for our family.  Pres will also be graduating with his masters degree on December 19th in San Antonio.  We are so proud of him and all the work he has put in.

Beckham is growing up so quickly.  He is now almost 7 months old!  I feel like we were just at the hospital welcoming him into our family.  Now he's sitting up, rolling around, has 2 teeth, and eats like a champion.  He loves his baby food.  He really enjoys Jackson.  He can watch him all day.  He tries to talk to him and even will try to mimic things he does.  I love this age because they enjoy playing together.  Jack is mostly teaching Beckham what he knows which can be good and bad haha.  I have to watch him.

Jackson is definitely a toddler now.  He is everywhere and loves being outside.  If I allowed him, he'd watch movies all day long.  He is really into dinosaurs, trains, animals, and books.  He can do all the noises of animals and says words when he feels like it.  He can say thank you, bye bye, and a few other two word pairings.  He is one I get frustrated with because he will say words for awhile and then decide not to.  He chooses when he wants to say something and sometimes he just doesn't say it anymore. I'm learning patience :) He loves giving high five and waving hello and goodbye to people. He is at a very fun age.  He enjoys drawing, coloring, and stickers.  We have even made a few crafts together.  

For Thanksgiving this year we were happy to host Mom, Dad, Erin and our cousin Kane.  We had so much fun playing games and eating like the world would end soon.  It's always great to spend the holidays with family and we were so thankful my parents and Er made the trip down to us.  Here's a few pics from the photo shoot I did of the boys and some fun things we have done in the past month or so.

Jackson's first big boy hair cut.  We usually just buzz it but we thought we would cut it this time.

Pres got his hair done at the same time so Jack kept looking over and smiling at him.  Adorable!

Six month check up for Beckham.  Jack got a flu shot while Beckham received all his vaccinations. They both did a great job.  Very brave and strong.  Almost no tears.  Just the initial shock and then they forgot about it.

Taking a walk with Mom.

This is how Jack reads his books.  I'm trying to teach him one at a time but he likes to read them all at the same time. Haha

Motor skills and learning colors.

Sticker boy. 

Making our gratitude turkey.

He loved it.  He glued all the pieces.

Photo shoot downtown El Paso...

Jackson Scott

Love this little man!

Our big big boy!

Love this one.

Beckham James

Beautiful blue eyed baby.

Sitting up like a big boy.


Roaring.  Beckham is a little used to it at this point.  He could care less.

Mommas Boys!! LOVE!

They were such great sports.

Stay tuned for family pics and more Clark fun.

November 03, 2015

Halloween Fun!

I love October!  I think it's one of my favorite months of the year with the exception of my birthday and Thanksgiving Day month, November :).  I absolute love fall and everything that it represents. This year we had a lot of fun with Halloween.  We had been surprisingly busy this month and have loved every second.  I feel like time is going by so quickly. 

Jack enjoyed his first trunk or treat at the church this year.  He ran all over the place and played all the games the youth had set up.  

I won't lie... I was not very creative this year.  I started thinking about Halloween the week of.  Jack kept taking off everything I would put on him so I decided simplicity was best.  Note: Next year I will plan ahead haha.  This year we were a "football family".  We had a Quarterback (me), Running Back (Pres), Rookie (Jackson), and our little football (Beckham).

Jack found a light saber and decided to play with it.  

Father and son :) Love these two!  Jack's eye black didn't last long at all.

Momma with her sweet baby boy! 

Jack was running out of steam at times.  I would catch him just laying down on the grass haha.  

Jack stealing some kids candy bucket.  He put his down and would pick up others haha.  We had to teach him that he could only take his bucket.

Our little Rookies first Trick or Treat.  Last year I was pregnant and sick so we stayed in.  I was happy we could be a part of this years fun.

Preston and I decided to host a Murder Mystery Party this year.  We had never been to one nor have we hosted one so we were excited to see how it turned out.  We invited several friends from church and ended up having a BLAST!! I am so thankful for all those that participated and humored us in this game.  For those that don't know, a murder mystery party is a party where everyone plays a character.  Throughout the evening you each receive little papers with clues on them to try and help you figure out "whodunit".  It's basically a live game of clue.  You have to figure out what killed them, where, when and why someone was killed.  Example: It was Professor Plum in the library with the candlestick.  It's loads of fun, we want to do it again for sure.

Our crazy crew!  We had 12 people come and it was a blast!

Dan and Toni (tailor and heiress who also ended up being the victim), Sarah and Adrian (principal and lawyer)

Preston and I (mayor and pastry chef), Annie and Jordan (science professor and doctor)
Beckham boy joined us for the pic :) 

Kevin and Rachel (butcher and librarian), Maureah and Scott (hairdresser and golfer)

For Halloween this year we opted to go to a corn maze and do pumpkin carving.  Since, we had already done the trunk or treat we stayed in Halloween night.  Jack already had plenty of candy from the party.  The corn maze was a lot of fun and had way more things to do than we expected.  

They had huge slides!

Jack wasn't sure if it was fun or not when he'd get to the bottom but, he always went up again. haha

They had a little farm with a bunch of animals.  Jackson was in heaven!

These goats cracked me up.  They would just stand and pose on these boards.

"I'm not sure about this."

Baaaing at the sheep.

Serious face but loved every minute.


My little man in the pumpkin patch.  How cool is that background?! 


Family photo op with our perfect pumpkin :) 

We had to ride a tractor out to the pumpkin patch.  It was a fun little ride. 

We had such a great time.  Nothing like making family memories.

Multi-tasking Dad


Our last stop was the corn maze.  We decided to do the shorter maze because it was about the boys nap times and we had to eat lunch still.  I figured it would take us about 15 minutes.

Jack trying to cheat.  It ended up taking us like 30 minutes because we were so very lost! I was pushing Jack in an umbrella stroller and started to get a claustrophobic feeling.  I was itching to get out of there.  Not sure corn mazes are my thing, haha. So grateful we all made it out alive! haha

Lunch at Rudy's BBQ.  YUM!!

After the boys woke up from their naps we carved our pumpkin.  I've never picked out a pumpkin from a pumpkin patch before.  It was a lot of fun.  When you go on Halloween the pumpkins are super cheap too :).  

Pres was very excited!

Our little skeleton ready to carve.

Preston doesn't really enjoy carving the pumpkin so he took pics and I carved.  I actually like doing it.

Such concentration haha.

Our happy pumpkin. 


We had such a fun month and look forward to November and what lies ahead.  I am so grateful for my cute little family.  I love making memories and enjoying each day we have!