December 30, 2017

Quinn Marie Turns One!

Quinn is ONE!! I cannot get over how fast this year went by. I am writing this a year to the day of being induced with this little angel. I remember trying patiently to wait for her arrival. I had an epidural around 11pm on Dec. 29th, then slept through the night. I woke up that morning ready to have this baby. It was a perfect delivery. Since the moment she arrived she has been an incredible gift and blessing in our home.

Quinn has the sweetest personality and spirit about her. Everyone falls in love with her the moment she smiles at them. Her brothers are just as in love with her as Pres and I. I am so grateful she has those two protectors as she goes through life. She is such a joy and has been an amazing baby from the start.

She is learning how to walk but isn't there just yet. She eats just about anything you give her. Pres calls her a bottomless pit, haha. The girl just eats and eats :) This little one has a mouth almost full of teeth. Two more molars are coming in now. She LOVES to be wherever the boys are. She will sit and watch them wherever they go. She has now started to join in on all the crazy.

Quinn absolutely loves to be held and cuddled. She is very relaxed and goes with the flow. I didn't know what to expect after having two boys but I can tell you that Q is a breathe of fresh air, haha. She's no where near as busy as Jack and Beckham. She may get there some day ;)

Quinn through the eyes of a year. 


3 Months

6 Months

9 Months

One Year!

Such a sweetheart!

That smile

Such a big girl! So precious!!

Quinnie Bear, you have had an incredible year! You continue to amaze us with your growth and relaxed personality. You have adjusted so well to the family you were chosen to be with. We all love and adore you. Now just stay like this forever! Happy Birthday baby girl! We hope 2018 will bring lots of joy and happiness your way.  -Mom & Dad xoxo

December 28, 2017

Happy 4th Birthday Jackson Scott!

Happy Happy Birthday to our favorite 4 year old!! These last 4 years have been an absolute joy. We love our Jackson Scott and are so grateful that he is apart of our family. He loves his siblings and is the best big brother ever! He really looks out for Beckham and Quinn and enjoys playing with both of them. I can tell that the littles really look up to him.

He loves dinosaurs, trains, PJ Mask, puzzles, introducing himself as Jackson Scott and going to stores. He loves any outing we do. We could go to the store, the gas station, the zoo, the park, etc. it doesn't matter. Jack loves adventure and being outside. We are lucky to live in a place where we can be outside 24/7, 95% of the year. He is very creative and loves things to be in order and organized. He does everything to the best of his ability and will get frustrated if he doesn't feel it's his best and will ask for help. He builds everything he can and loves working with tools. Maybe we have an engineer, architect or contractor in our future.

Most importantly though, this little boy is LOVED by many. Anyone that meets Jack will love him right away. While opening gifts this year, everything was "cute", "amazing", "beautiful" and "fun". He is very appreciative of all he has and gets. All around he is an incredible boy and we are so lucky to call him ours.

We love you Jack! Happy Birthday Buddy Bear!

4 years of Jack...

                  Our newborn Jack                                                                          One year!

Two years and so happy!

3 years 

I personally think Jack has grown the most this year. He is no longer our toddler, he's a kid. 

Handsome boy.

 "Oh hey! What's up?"

Those dimples though...heart eyes!

He did this pose himself and I LOVED IT! My adorable little man.


"Mom, these are my silly faces."

It is safe to say that Jack has had a lot happen in this year. He was hospitalized for ITP in March and graduated Speech Therapy at the beginning of June. We went on a few adventures throughout the summer to Bear Lake, (the "big lake" as he calls it), Spanish Fork, Albuquerque and Carlsbad Caverns. He will start pre-k next fall and is very much looking forward to riding the bus and getting his book bag. Here's to an awesome 2018 for this guy!

December 25, 2017

December In A Flash

This month flew by for our crew. Sadly, we have been sick the majority of this month but are officially on the mend. Poor Beckham boy started it off and then it cycled through everyone for the last two weeks. I am the last to get it and hoping to be over this very soon! Quinnie bear got it twice, insert sad face emoji. I guess that's part of being the littlest and because you put everything in your mouth.

Here's a look at the fun we did have :)

It actually snowed here in El Paso for about an hour. It was fun for the boys to see but nothing stuck and it was small flurries. Nevertheless, they really enjoyed watching it come down and trying to catch the flakes on their tongues. 

Quinn's favorite seat in the house for preschool time. 


One week we learned about the letter "B" and had a lot of fun with stickers :) Jack was very careful to put the stickers on each circle just right :)

Beckham wanted a selfie and yes that is our two foot tree behind him ;) One day we may get a real tree, but until our kiddos are a little older, I think we'll stick with this one.

Our sick little girl. She barely made it through a bottle before she just had to give up. Sweet angel!

Gingerbread Houses!



We made gingerbread houses this year. It was a first for our family and to be honest we are NOT good at it, haha. We found out we don't like ginger bread cookies, or the candies that it comes with and to top it off we are not very good with frosting. I think if we keep this tradition we are switching to graham crackers and whipped cream cheese frosting with some of our own favorite candies ;) 

We made birds on one of our "B" days.  I couldn't hold back my laughter when I saw this sweet art work. This is true art from a 2 and 3 year old. I LOVE IT!!

Now that our "big boy" is almost 4 years old, he dresses himself everyday and looks forward to it. This day he felt that three shirts, his shorts and shark flip flops were the perfect combination. He is the cutest little man!


Christmas Eve selfie! We all made it in :) 

I heart him!!

The "big" gift this year was a kitchen for the kiddos. They LOVE it!! I have been asked all day to come and eat with them. They love making food for a picnic and having everyone sit together. 

Paw Patrol book for Beckham boy.                                          Dinosaurs for this guy. 

Quinn loved looking at and playing with everything. She got an activity table and new jammies, woohoo!

I caught "Catboy" from PJ Masks in the kitchen making dinner :)

Beckham loved all things chocolate he could find haha. Sweet photo bomb by the cat in the back.

Playing with Quinn and her activity table.

Beckham helping Quinn with a drink :)

We absolutely LOVED our Christmas morning. I am sure that Pres and I are like most parents in enjoying their kids smiles, yells and screams of true joy, and overall excitement for each gift. It's so fun to watch these kiddos each year in their growth and understanding of different events and holidays throughout the year. 

We pray that this Christmas brought you all great joy as you celebrated this holiday with family and friends. May we always remember the TRUE reason we celebrate this special and very important day. A day that only four words changed the entirety of the world, "A Child is born." 

December 18, 2017

Spung Thanksgiving 2017

What a fun Thanksgiving this year! We have had some sickness in the Clark home so I am just barely getting to our Thanksgiving post but, oh what fun we had! Mom and Dad came down about a week before everyone else so we could get some things done around the house. I had my "Pops Please" list ready to go for when they got here. Dad is great at fixing things and we are so grateful he was willing to help us out. Especially as first time home buyers. We didn't have a ton of big things that needed fixed but we did have several small things :) Thanks Dad for your hard work and all you did to help us out!

One day for school we did bird nests out of Rice Krispies and M&M's. The boys ate everything but the Krispies part, haha. Guess they don't care for Rice Krispie treats. 

Movie nights are always fun! Geno came down with Mom and Dad as well. The boys LOVED having Geno around :)

Jack reading to Pop while he works on the tub. Too cute!

A Moana Movie Night! 

Pop reading to Beckham

So grateful for these two! We had so much fun with Grandma and Pop while they were with us. We can't wait to get them back down here!

The Calderwood crew and Erin came down the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We were so happy to have cousins and time together as a family. We missed the Denver Spungs and the Freezes but maybe next year they can join us ;) Corey flew in to surprise the kids on Wednesday night! It was soooo great to have everyone with us. 

Our pre Thanksgiving dinner spread.

Little Miss Q enjoying some appetizers.

Pops and Er watching football and eating some snacks.

Love this pic of Jack and Kami. Laying out and soaking up those El Paso rays.

Playing trains outside.

This cute boy of mine.

The Thanksgiving Crew! So happy we could host this year.

Goof balls

A family shot

We found out one of our friends would be in town on Thanksgiving instead of with her family in AL so she spent this great holiday with us. Thanks Megan for coming and bringing that delicious cake :) So happy you could join our crazy family!

This little girl LOVES her Pop! I do believe the feeling is very mutual :) 

Trying on one of Mom's birthday gifts from Dad this year! I actually celebrated my bday on Thanksgiving and it was awesome! 
Best day of the year!

Uncle Corey and Quinnie Bear

Nothing like after nap time snuggles with this kid. You're lucky Aunt Erin!

We had so much fun playing with different apps on Er's phone. How cute are these two?! 
Aubrey Marie and Quinn Marie :)

A look at Thanksgiving!

 I love these pics of Aunt Erin with the kiddos. Soooo cute!

I'm liking this app :) 

      Cody man and Jack

      Jack and Aunt Erin

The many faces of Beckham James :)

School time! I actually didn't plan on doing school but everyone was so excited to do school with the boys we busted it out. They loved having their cousins help them.

Calderwoods went to a near by field and played some football while the rest of us relaxed. Beckham boy tagged along and LOVED it!

                               Haley Kay and Quinn                                              Beckham and Aunt Angie

Love these pics of everyone outside enjoying the sunshine. There is nothing like Texas weather :) 

What a fun group!

                                       Playing "Go Fish"                                                  Aunt Erin and Q

Instead of going around the table this year to say what we are thankful for we all made a turkey. Each feather had what we are thankful for on it. It was so fun to see how each person created their turkeys and what they were thankful for. Some turkeys looked more like ducks and there was one "special" turkey that looked like a peacock, hahaha. We had a blast making these!

Aubrey and Haley were so sweet to watch the kids while the adults went out to dinner. Texas Roadhouse did not disappoint! It was so good and what great company! Love these people!!!

Our family LOVES games so of course we had game nights.

We introduced Cor to the amazing game of Settlers of Catan and I believe we may have ended up introducing him to his new favorite game ;) 

Kam Jam and Quinn

I think it is safe to say that Quinn LOVED all of the attention she received over those few days :)

We had soooo much fun hosting Thanksgiving this year! I love making food and having company so this was a double win for me :) Plus it was my birthday...seriously could this have been any better?! Ummmmm nope it couldn't. We would be up to hosting every year if people are willing to put in the time and miles. I know the drive can be long and hard but we really appreciated everyone for making the trek down south. We hope they all had as much fun as we did!