A few days went by and our landlord thought that it would actually be best for us to move to the town home right next to ours - so we agreed. However, when I went to look at the town home, it was completely demolished by the last tenants. The carpet needed to be completely replaced and there were large holes in the walls. The landlord informed me that we would not be able to live there for at least another month so he could fix and change everything. Another month in a hotel...ummm no thank you. We were already very tired of sharing a bedroom with a one year old, not to mention the constant eating out and no laundry service. Sadly after being in the town home for those 2 days while we tried to figure out the next step, the plumbing problem came back. I couldn't believe it. The issue was that our shower in the master bath would flood if we used our laundry on the second floor. At that point, we knew we had to move. So, plan B, our landlord put us up in one of his apartments about a mile away. These apartments are brand new and luckily the square footage worked out and we could fit everything.
Our landlord was awesome during this whole process. He paid for the hotel stays, the move, a month's rent, and even gave us a deal on our monthly rent for the inconvenience as well as a reimbursement for some meals and gas. However, I do not wish upon anyone to have to live in a hotel that long and deal with all the crazy that came with it.
We are so happy to be in a home and are in the stages of unpacking and organizing. Since I am 7 months pregnant, I am a little slower because I can only do so much - but I am so grateful to have a husband that is willing to help after a long day of work.
Here's a few photos from our construction adventure.
When I drove up to the house to get some more clothes and food I thought, this isn't too bad. Then I went inside.
You can see that the hole goes all the way through to the outside.
This was right by our stairs to go upstairs and by the front door.
Not a great job in sectioning off where our furniture was. All of our couches are behind the draping back drop back there. Our landlord paid for an upholstery cleaning because it was that bad.
Another shot.

This is the dust from when we moved back in. Our cupboards were shut and it still was all over everything. We had to wash everything including dishes, pots, pans, any blankets, sheets, clothes, etc. that were all dusted.
Hotel Life
Jack actually did pretty well. He got used to sleeping in his pack n play and living in small quarters after a few days. But some of those nights "Oh my". Pres and I felt like we hadn't slept in weeks.
For fun we would walk all around the hotel and climb every stair he found. He loved being outside and so did I.
Making the best of it.
Our Valentine's Day lunch at Olive Garden. It was nice to be out and about.
Pregnancy hormones made me want to chop all of my hair off so I did :)
Taking a break from hotel life at a friends house. They have an awesome backyard and Jack loved every second of it.
We also had these two down for a visit during this crazy time. I felt bad they had to deal with our dusty place for those two days, but we loved every second they were able to be with us. We played games, ate great food, and just enjoyed a break from all the crazy that was surrounding us. Thank you Uncle Scott and Aunt Sandra for a great visit! Come again soon!!
Had so much fun!
Morning smiles!
While Uncle Scott and Aunt Sandra were there, we opted to sleep in our beds so we had Jack in the master bedroom with us because there was dust all over his stuff. He didn't seem to mind hanging out with Mom and Dad.
Here we go again...packed up and ready to go. We moved out on March 2nd and are happy to be in a home where we can breathe and just relax. Well...as much as we can until we are organized yet again.
Jack watching Baby Einsteins while the movers put all of the boxes in our new place.
In short, February was quite the trying month but we made it through and are grateful to be done. Now we can focus on our little guy coming in May!!
The growing bump.
At our last appointment we found out that our little man is growing healthy and strong at a whopping 3 lbs. so far! Can't wait to meet him!
Let's hope for a more relaxing March! :)