This year we just did a little birthday party with our family on his special day. We had balloons, pizza, cupcakes and presents. What more could a 2 year old ask for? :) He had so much fun on his special day.
Our very sweet 2 year old!
Beckham James
Some pics from Beckham's birthday fun...
Pizza, breadsticks and salad :) Truly a favorite in this house.
He loved the balloons!
Opening gifts. I love how excited he was to open each one.
A book for our little reader. He loves to read books with us. We have read this one every nap time and night since his birthday. Looks like we picked a good one :)
We were teaching Jack about birthdays and he turned to me and said, "Mom, can I have a birthday?" Haha. I said, "Why yes, yours is in December, so we will celebrate just you then." He seemed happy about that but it was still so hard standing by and watching Beckham open his gifts. He was so excited, so Beckham let him help :)
The big gift this year was a Maui doll. We were so excited to give it to him because he loves Maui from Disney's Moana but I think it shocked him a little too much. When Maui talked he got scared. We think he may have thought it was the real Maui for a minute.
Yea, it was a little frightening, haha. He now LOVES him and makes sure to feed him and carries him around. I am so glad he warmed up to Maui because now they play together often :)
Momma with her birthday boy!
Bubbles of course were a hit. He absolutely loves bubbles.
Jack and Dad opened all the boxes and got all of the toys ready to play with.
Bubbles galore!! I love his little belly shirt here. Might be time for some bigger pj's. Hehehe
So precious! Oh, how I love him!
Time to make a wish... Beckham chose his cake this year. He picked Funfetti cake mix and asked for cupcakes.

He loved every bite! Of course you have to eat the top with all of the frosting first then the cupcake :)
Beckham is such a great little boy. We all adore him and are so grateful to have him. Jackson loves having a buddy to play with and they get along really well. Right now he loves to climb on everything, eats anything, could spend most of his days outside, and there is nothing like a good show for him to watch during quiet time. He has a favorite blanket he sleeps with and loves bath time with bubbles. He stomps around like a dinosaur and will roar at you so you will run from him. Haha He loves to laugh and talks all the time.
We love you Beckham boy and are so happy you had such a great 2nd birthday! It was full of fun, laughter, some crying :), delicious food and new toys :)