Now that summer has really hit here, we are balancing our days outside in the sun and inside for some cool air and rest. We are buckling down for about 3 months of crazy high temps. The boys have already spent endless hours in their kiddy pool and love eating popsicles in the sunshine. Our summers tend to be more like other people's winters. We can only be outside for so long before we have to come inside from the heat and take a break. I am doing my best in balancing outside play with inside fun and activities.
At the top of the mountain! Love that smile Mr. Jack :) Such a cute kid!
My cuties :)
Such cool views! That's Juarez, Mexico and a part of El Paso.
Another view.
Quick family shot.
Jack watching our tram come back to pick us up.
Heading on down. He just loved everything about this little adventure.
Beckham chose to stand in the middle of the tram. He found that to be the most fun, haha. It was a really warm day with lots of sunshine.
Me and my man with our baby girl holding on :)
One nice thing about having 3 kids, 3 and under, is that many times all of the kids are free when we take on our adventures. Better get all that fun in now before we have to start paying for everyone, haha.
A day at the pool. Beckham, you go first :)
Such joy!
The palm trees actually spray water but we didn't have it hooked up. Beckham was trying to figure out why no water was coming out.
Jack's turn
Beckham just kept going back and back again. He absolutely loved sliding.
"Mom, I cold." Cuddles for me :)
Jack wanted to set up the sprinkler next.
Jump, jump, jump

The Hospitals of Providence had a mile walk with fun activities one morning. We went and had such a fun time running around and playing on this giant bounce house.
I couldn't get over how well Beckham did this. He was such a little man, jumping, climbing and running through the obstacles. He's getting soooo big!
Jack getting ready to head up the slide.

The boys helped Pres turn Beckham's crib into a toddler bed. Beckham was so excited. We soon found out that he was a little too excited to have this freedom :) We had to turn the opening to face the wall again so he could be back in his crib once more. I think it was just a little too soon for this 2 year old to enjoy his "big bed". I think he will be ready for it again soon though, just not yet :)
Quinn is such a chill baby. She loves to observe everything going on around her, because let's be honest, there aren't too many dull moments around here :) She's eating baby food and has been sleeping through the night since the end of May. Her bottom teeth have finally made their way through and I think we are working on a few more coming in soon. We just love this baby girl!

First attempt at the swing. I think she enjoyed it.
We had a lot of sickness hit our home. All 3 littles were down for the count for about 7-10 days. We had Beckham and Quinn with ear and eye infections and Jack had allergies. When I went in to see the doc, he asked who he was supposed to check out. I said all three and he looked at me and said, "Well, better to hit all of them at once then one at a time, right?" Haha. I think having three on meds and sick at the same time was definitely not as easy as one at a time, haha. So many boogers, haha.

I had a moment of dejavu the other day and then I found the pic to prove it. These two brothers are so much a like :) They just wanted to be close to their baby.
Speaking of babies...
This precious baby girl joined the Spung family on a very lucky day in May, Beckham's birthday :)
Jimmy & Hailey Spung welcomed baby #2
Ava Jean Spung
May 16th
6 lbs. 15.5 ounces and 19 1/4" long
Happy, Healthy and Absolutely Adorable!
Welcome to the family baby girl :)