The entire Clark crew met up in Logan, Utah for some shopping and then off to Bear Lake. Before we hit Logan though our little family had a few pit stops to make along the way.
Here's a look at one memorable trip...
Pres and I decided that this time we would drive straight through and stay at my parents place in Spanish Fork rather than stopping in Moab for the night along the way. This was a tricky decision as you never know how a 3, 2 and 7 month old will do that long in the car. We started our trek at 7:30am, said a prayer and hoped all would go well. About 40 minutes into the drive I saw cherries and berries flashing in my rearview mirror. I thought, "Dang, you have to be kidding?!" We hadn't been on the road long and their I was getting pulled over. I was kind to the police officer, answered his questions, explained that I didn't realize that I was going over the speed limit and he left us with a warning...WHEW! I did learn that if you get a warning from a police officer it stays on your record for 60 days so if you are pulled over again, you will likely get a ticket. Thank goodness for safe and not so speedy driving the rest of the way.
We made a pitstop in Truth or Consequences so Pres could visit a hospital and another stop in Albuquerque for lunch at Chik Fil A, a favorite in our house. The boys played and got some energy out and then we loaded back up and were on the road until dinner for another small break.

After lunch we busted out some shows. I try and wait as long as I can until I do shows so they feel entertained the rest of the way.
A smiley girl in the back seat :)

Woohoo!! Sleeping babes :)
Once we hit Moab all of our kiddos were fast asleep so we pushed on and made it to Spanish Fork at 10:30p. It felt great to sleep in a bed and not at a hotel. I loved waking up and realizing we didn't have another travel day ahead of us. That afternoon we went to the Calderwood home and spent time with Ang, Cor and the kids. Er also came up for the weekend. I think everyone was in their happy place being all together, I know I was :)
Uncle Corey took everyone to Ridley's for some ice cream :) The boys got to ride in this cool thing and loved every single second! Love these people!!
We had another special treat this trip! Tami invited all of us over for Sunday dinner :) I have not seen this Calderwood crew in about 3 years, maybe even longer. It was so great catching up with everyone. The best felt like home being back up there. Thanks Tami for an incredible dinner and the great company :)

We witnessed a little wedding on the basketball court after dinner. How cute is that?! All of sudden a bride came out and started walking down the isle, hahaha. I just love childhood!
Aunt Angie and her little namesake...Quinn Marie
Beckham loved Ruger. Yes, he is in the kennel with him :)
Every morning while at Ang and Cor's the boys woke up and wanted to see Ruger right away. Jack enjoyed him from afar, while Beckham wanted to help in any way he could. He was completely fearless and Ruger is a very sweet dog. I think Ruger loved having someone that was so interested in him haha. Beckham got to feed and water him and then would tell him to eat or drink when he felt it was necessary, hahaha.
On Monday morning we packed up again and headed north to Logan. We met up at a park and divided into two cars. Some went to Sam's Club while a few others went to Walmart to get all the groceries this crew could ever want or dream of for a week at Bear Lake. Most of the men stayed behind to watch the kiddos play at the park so we all didn't have to go.
Park fun! That's Grandpa out there with a couple grand babies. One on his back while two follow :)
Cuz shopping's got me like :| Haha. Love this pic of Bri. This was after a good hour and a half of shopping for food. I think it is safe to say we were ready to get to the cabin :)
Our foodie gang once we finished our shopping assignments at Walmart. How cute is that sweet baby girl?! Little Miss Grace did such a great job during our adventures :)
Once we had all the food, we had to figure out how to get it to the cabin, haha. We had so much there wasn't any room for people! We did a lot of shifting around in all the vehicles and started putting things where ever there was space. All of the food made it, don't you worry about that ;)
The drive to Bear Lake was gorgeous! You drive through this beautiful canyon. There's a stream that follows you most of the way and it was sooooo green! I absolutely LOVED this drive.
We made it! Our new digs for the next 6 days! Woohoo!!
Our view from the cabin. It was so peaceful and just breathtaking at times. Preston and I thoroughly enjoyed our time here.
A scene we saw often. That is pure joy on Jack's face :)
I loved catching the other cousins talking and playing with Quinn. She loves when people will just talk to her. She gets so smiley :) It melts my heart every time!
Teagan got her laughing pretty good. It was so stinkin cute.
The Koudelka clan and a bowl of popcorn = happy place :)
How cute are these people?! Aunt Staci with her two cuties, Alivia and Claire and Quinn.
Ammon, Mikale, Kai, Teagan, and baby Lincoln before heading into the cave.
Brian and Shelby
Grandpa and Grandma Clark with Jackson Scott :) (another little name sake pic)
The gang all heading to the mouth of the cave. Jack stayed with Grandpa most of the time and then with Aunt Staci for the majority of the way back. I think everyone got a really good workout through having to carry kids along the entire tour. The cave was a guided tour and you couldn't just go on your own which made it very hard for our little people. A lot of stopping and talking and wet stairs.
Koudelka's at the mouth of the cave.
Getting ready to head in :)
A shot of the cave and the stairs to the right. Here we go!
On our way back to the car. I think this was the only time the boys walked. Like I said, quite a workout. Pres was caring both boys at one point, yeesh. Thanks to all Aunts, Uncles and Grandpa for taking turns caring the boys for us ;) We sure LOVE you guys!
Group One: Ammon, Judd, Sadie Belle, Staci, Me and Pres
Mikale booked us all an escape room. It was soooo fun! We split into two groups and the fun began. Ammon and Mikale were the only ones who had ever done this before. It was such an exciting adventure. You kind of feel like Sherlock Holmes going through the clues and trying to figure out what to do next or where to look. We had a blast! Our group may have beaten the other group in time escaped ;)
They had this little gem outside of the escape room so we had to grab a pic :)
Group Two: Brian, Dad, Mikale, Isaac, Shelby and Mom
Mikale booked it so that one group went while the others watched all the kids and then switched. Our group was first and when we went home to switch we were like a vault of information...locked down. We didn't say anything or give any clues since both groups did the same room. It was fun to talk about each others experience afterwards.
That night all of the Clarks enjoyed Pickleville's very own Juanito Bandito. A small town comedy. I opted to stay home but these five had a good time I think.
Everyone has their mustaches on :)
Day 3... raspberry picking and watching the deer. We had deer in our front yard almost everyday. One morning we had a moose and her baby in the yard across from ours. Everyone was soooo excited. It was so cool to see.
More riding and driving. It really just didn't get old :)
Love these 3!
Pres and I took the four wheelers for a cruise down some trails. It was so fun to get a little crazy winding around and through trees and crossing a stream. Nothing like the great outdoors.
I just love this pic of Mikale and Linc. We did our best as a family to exercise everyday. We did a 7 minute workout one morning, Mikale and I did tabatas another morning and we walked almost everyday. It was so fun having people to work out with. Nothing like a good sweat to start your day!
Making some awesome monster puppets!
We had all the youngins make these little puppets. I think they were a hit! They really enjoyed it :) I loved seeing everyone's creativity.
Kai guy with his green monster and Miss Alivia with her pink one ;)
Jack went rogue and decided to make his very own monster. Hahah, too cute ;)
Teagan with her umbrella monster and Claire with her pink monster.
While we made monsters Sadie Belle made us cookies :) YUM!!
Day 4 was a relaxing day. Some of our group went and toured an old tabernacle in a little town called Paris but our little family opted to stay behind and rest. The boys and Preston took a ride in the Ranger and Quinn and I rested for a minute. We sat out on the balcony and just enjoyed the view. That night we took family pictures. We had every one dolled up and ready to go for a 4pm shoot. Our family was in charge of dinner that night so as soon as we were finished we darted back to get the meal going. For some reason Jack had a hard time with pics. When I asked him why he was sad after we left he said, "Mom, I just didn't want to take a picture." Well, I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. Crossed fingers for one good one of the whole group at least.
Grandma got all of the kiddos these little masks from the Philippines. The people that drive the trikes wear these to keep from breathing in exhaust fumes from other vehicles. Very cute Jackson Scott!

We also celebrated these two cute princesses! Happy Happy Birthday Grace (1) and Claire (3)!
Day 5...
Boat Day!!
The amazing couple that owned the cabin we were staying in came up on Thursday night to take us all boating on Friday. They are a sweet couple that served in the Philippines with Mom and Dad. They were such a fun couple to get to know. The night they got in they took a couple of us out on the boat for some skiing and wake boarding. I had not wake boarded in 6 years so I was a little nervous to try again. I actually got up the first time I tried but fell shortly after, haha. It actually scared me that I could get up so fast, haha. I wasn't ready to succeed right away...not a way to look at life PS, haha. I fell the next few times but then was up and stayed up for a good amount of time. It felt good to be back on a wake board and it is definitely a full body work out. Pres got up on his first try and stayed up. He did such an awesome job. My phone died on the boat so I don't have any pics of our awesomeness on the water.
That following morning we all got up and ready to head to the beach.

My little floaty boys! Jack is showing me a cool rock he found :) Beckham is just flaunting those baby blues.
Nothing like a little beach time.
We took a boat full of kiddos to do some tubing. In all honesty I was a little nervous how Jack and Beckham would do but they LOVED it! Pres, Jack, Beckham and I all got on and went for a ride. Jack made sure everyone was holding handles and they both just loved the ride. They even went a second and third time. It was a lot of fun. I forgot a phone to take pictures so I had to get one of them on the raft when we got back :)
Little Miss Claire building a sand castle.
Beckham boy soaking up the sun ;) He actually fell asleep on the boat when we were driving other people around on the raft. He fell asleep on me, that never happens. I enjoyed those sweet cuddles while I could.
All clean after the beach. When you have two older brothers, sometimes you find stickers on your head :)
Day 6 we packed up and said our goodbyes. I find with most vacations that when you are packing up to leave you feel like in so many ways you just got there. We had so much fun spending time with the Clark side of our family and loved the quality time we had with everyone. One thing that I have learned over these last 6 years of being a Clark is that I REALLY lucked out with having incredible in-laws all around. I could not have asked or even hand picked a better family to be apart of! How grateful we are for each and every member of the Clark crew!
Clarks take on Bear Lake 2017
After we finished packing we headed back down to Spanish Fork to spend time with Er for her birthday. Woot Woot! We took her to one of her favorite restaurants for dinner...Pizza Factory (mmmm) and it did not disappoint. It was delicious! Nothing like pizza, salad and breadsticks.
The birthday girl with this cutie putootie :)
The 3 Musketeers ready for bed :)
We had such a fun night catching up with Er and spending time with her before we headed back down to El Paso. Another nice and sweet tender mercy is that one of my best friends is renting out my parents house while they are in Philippines serving their mission. I got to catch up with Wyn and her little family. I loved watching our kids play together. There is nothing like hanging with your besties from childhood. Love you Wyn!
The next morning we took off at 7a and headed south to Texas. About 30 minutes into the trip and you wouldn't believe...flashing lights in the rearview mirror, hahaha. Couldn't believe it! Luckily Pres was driving :) We talked with the state trooper and got the sweetest tender mercy called a warning. Now we both have warnings, haha. That means no more speeding from us...well for 60 days :) hahah.
Home Sweet Home!
We did the entire drive in one day again but ended up pushing it a little more than the last time. We got home about 830p and I think we were all ready to be out of the car. We only took 20-30 minute breaks for lunch and dinner so it was much longer car time. Everyone did awesome until the last 30 minutes. We started to hear a little more crying and complaining from Q. I think she was ready to be out of that car seat. I think the next time we'll take longer breaks for the kids like we did the first time but it's great to know we can do the trip in a day if needed :)