We first celebrated Jackson turning 4 with one of his favorite breakfasts...cinnamon rolls. YUM! I had the house decorated so that when he woke up he would see balloons and signs for his day. He was so happy when he saw it was all for him. "Mom, this is for me? It's my birthday today!" He was absolutely adorable.
We played games, made crafts, played and had a pretty easy morning. Dinosaur nuggets for lunch and a nap before we took a trip to the zoo. He was so excited to go and see all of the animals. We waited to ask him if he wanted to go until the morning of his birthday. He lit up and was so excited to go.
Jack and Dad having fun with the meerkats :)
They have a really cool playground in the middle of the zoo. The boys LOVE playing and climbing all over. Jack is hedaing to the top to slide down.
Smile Beckham boy!
Looking at the monkeys.
Happy Birthday Buddy Bear! He loved that he had a sign with his name on it.
Pizza time :)
When we got back from the zoo we celebrated with pizza and breadsticks. He could eat pizza everyday if we let him. He LOVES pizza. We decorated with PJ Mask balloons and had a PJ Mask birthday cake. Jack made sure to tell me several times that week that he wanted a chocolate and chocolate cake :) I ordered a cake from a local bakery who customized it perfectly for Jack's special day. He LOVED it!
I have never ordered a cake before and was a little nervous but it turned out so good. It was absolutely delicious. Someone had recommended it to me and it did not disappoint. We will forever get our cakes from there now. Reasonably priced and delicious, can't go wrong there.
PJ Masks! "Into the night we save the day!"
Such a cool cake. He loved it.
"Can I blow candles now please?"
We barely made it through the birthday song before he started blowing out the candles. He was overwhelmed with joy that this was his day.
My cute cute boy.

He loved having another opportunity to open presents. He got the Goofy Movie, magnets to build with and books. He loved every single thing.
Quinn's first birthday was a little more low key. She didn't ask to go anywhere or want anything specific :) I ordered a cake from the same bakery as Jack's cake. For Q we did a vanilla with buttercream to try it out. It was delicious as well and decorated so cute.
Quinn's special cake :)
Happy 1st sweet girl!
Opening gifts before cake time.
We had to sing "Happy Birthday" a little faster because she kept wanting to touch the flame, haha. No one got burned but there were a few close calls.

She had no trouble diving in right away. She LOVED her cake.

Our very cute one year old baby girl!! Oh how we love her so.
It seemed as though we had cake for days, haha. I ordered the smallest cakes I could and it still lasted about a week in our house. I may have to do cupcakes next time :) We finished Quinn's off and I had to take another pic. She absolutely LOVED it.
Quinn has been sick the last few days. I snuck in to her room to check on her during her nap and couldn't help but snap a few pics of this sweet angel sleeping. So sweet and peaceful.
Birthdays were a success all around. It's so fun watching your children grow with each passing year. You get to know them a little more as time goes by. They develop these cute and fun personalities. I love seeing what each child loves through activities and adventures we take. It seems like your "every day" goes by so fast when you look back on a year. Love my sweet kiddos. Cherish the moments you have and make memories to last a lifetime.