A look into our Easter activities...
We started our Easter weekend off with an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday with friends. We got together at a park for some barbecue and fun. Once the eggs were hidden, the kids were off. They had so much fun on their hunt.
Quinn waiting patiently for food.

We went a little early and brought the boys bikes so they could ride around the park. They were going everywhere and having so much fun. Beckham tried to put his bike on the slide, thinking it would be fun to slide down with it....yea, we have to keep an eye on this kid. Haha
And they are off....
Hunting for Easter eggs.
Beckham stopped after every egg he'd find to open it. I think he ended up with three or four eggs, haha.
Jack did the same as Beckham boy. He had to see what was in his eggs before he could move on. There may be several jelly beans on the park grounds still :) They'd pop open the eggs and the candies would fly out like a firecracker. Haha.
All of the kiddos and their egg collections.
Jack was so busy trying to open his eggs he about missed this picture. Everyone was waiting on him. He was in the back trying to open his last few eggs. He was not to happy with me when I came up and told him to wait and open his eggs after the picture was taken. He started to cry and said, "Ok, Mom." I felt so bad, but we did get all of the kids in one pic :) Luckily he got over it pretty quick...whew! After this he ran to show his Dad all of his goodies he got and went right back to happy Jack.
This is how Pres does laundry :) She was so content just hanging out in there, haha.
Decorating Eggs...
Love this girl!

Waiting for eggs to color is hard on a 4 and 2 year old. They did such a great job though! They really enjoyed this part of our Easter festivities.

Took a couple pics in the waiting moments :) These boys and their eyes blow me away. GORGEOUS!! Jacks juice mustache ;)
End result
We made bunny pizzas and breadsticks for dinner. The boys each got to decorate their own. This was very exciting! They loved their individual bunny pizzas.
Easter morning! This year we only let the Easter bunny bring things that could fit in the baskets. If it didn't fit we didn't get it. The boys absolutely LOVED coming out to see their baskets in the morning. Gosh, I love being a parent. It's moments like this that it just makes parenting fun.
Everyone got flip flops, chocolate bunnies and granola bars. Q got a bunny, pajamas and necklaces. The boys each got a new book and PJ Mask bubbles. Beckham's basket had PJ Mask pajamas and Jack's had a t-shirt and shorts.
Jack scoping out the goods. I was holding Q so the pics came out a little fuzzy. She kept trying to grab my camera, hehe.
Beckham went straight to the bubbles.
PJ Mask bubbles were a big hit this year! Jack is Catboy and Beckham is Gekko.

Beckham proudly showing his Gekko bubbles. Quinn rocking her necklaces. She loves these necklaces! Thank you Aunt Shelby for the awesome idea :)
The Egg Hunt
There were eggs inside and outside of the house this time. Since we live in such great weather, most of the eggs were outside this year.
No one could find this egg for a solid 2-3 minutes. Haha. It's the golden egg on top of the race track. They are both looking for it in this pic. It looks like Beckham is looking right at it but he still didn't see it. Haha. We would try to help in explaining where to look but they would look right passed it or around it. Hahaha. Pres and I were dying in laughter. It was so funny.
Bunny pancakes and bacon for breakfast!
Enjoying our Easter breakfast as a family :)
Easter Morning Pics! One of my favorite traditions :)
Jackson Scott
"Mom take a picture of my Catboy and flip flops."
My little man!
Beckham James
I LOVE this kid. He is too fun!
My sweet sweet boy ;)
Quinn Marie
Pondering :)
All smiles for Mom.
The shirt that Quinn is wearing is actually a shirt that my sisters and I wore when we were babies. I am so happy my Mom kept this little treasure all these years. Seeing Quinn in it makes me happy :)
My babies...My heart...My joy
So precious
Candid moments
The boys love making Quinn laugh.
So Happy
What an incredible Easter weekend. The kids absolutely loved all of our crafts and Easter fun that surrounded this special holiday. The days were filled with fun, laughter, joy and love. We would talk often about what Easter really means and the reason we celebrate this amazing day. How grateful we are for our Savior and the sacrifices He made so that we too can live again.
"He is not here: for He is Risen." (Matthew 28:6)