We were Utah bound for a Spung Vacation at my parents house. Our entire family has not been together for three years! It was awesome spending time together. We love visiting family and spending a few weeks in Utah each year. We head north during the hottest parts of the summer hoping to get a break from the heat. The kids LOVE playing on Grandma and Pop's mountain, exploring, digging in dirt and enjoying family all around them. I personally love seeing the green, feeling the cold mountain air in the morning and having time with family.
Our first big adventure was to Grotto Falls. It was the perfect hike for littles. All of the kids were able to do it and they really enjoyed being outside in nature. There is nothing like being outdoors. There's a certain spirit that exists as you explore and take in the areas around you. We are surrounded by incredible creations.

Quinn and Jack at the falls.
Quinn loved splashing in the water and walking everywhere. Jack and Beckham really enjoyed finding different kinds of rocks. They also found several "dinosaur bones and eggs" ;)
Gangs all here.
We were missing a few husbands and Jim and Hailey's crew but we had so much fun.
There is nothing like sisters!

Fearless Beckham!
The older boys were running through the fall so Beckham decided that he should too, haha. He loves trying new things and exploring. Love this boy and his constent curiosity.
The group hiking back.
Love the trees!

Quinn and Beckham hitched a ride back. I'm pretty sure Ang and Haley did not mind one bit :)
Lunch time with cousins!
This baby girl wants to be older. Anything the big kids do she will try and do. Love this girl of ours!
Beckham drying his hair and shoes under the dryer vent after the falls, haha ;)
Playing Bocci Ball.
Mom and Dad got several games for us to play while we were hanging out at the house. We loved playing Bocci Ball. Such a fun game!
We had a couple four wheelers and a buggy we could take through the mountains. Jack is ready to go!
I took Jack for a fun ride up the canyon. This kid has my heart.
Playing Horse Shoes.
Fan club at the horse shoe pit :)
Some of the kids had a brilliant idea to use the trucks to hold there Bocci Balls so they wouldn't roll down the hill while playing. I thought this was so stinkin cute!
Bridal Shower!
The next night we celebrated Er! We had a bridal shower for her at one of her favorite restaurants, The Pizza Factory. It was so fun catching up with old friends, new friends and family. This was such a fun night! I know Erin had a blast!
So many smiling faces :)
Aunt Nathalie, Uncle Brian and Hannah came out to visit the week we were all there. It was so fun seeing them and catching up. Since they live in Pennsylvania we don't get to see them as often as we'd like to. Aunt Nad and Hannah joined us for the Bridal Shower along with Debbie, Mom and Hailey.
Calderwood Clan!
This family has been like a second family of mine for the past 18 years. They took such great care of us all through college and beyond. They are an extension of our family. Love these people!
Three cuties on a chair!
Sweet Becca surprised Er with a little Bachelorette Party. Love these girls!
Sisters for life!
Beckham and Cor watching Bocci Ball from a dirt bike.
Capture the flag.
Pres and I were in charge of a game for the 4th of July. Capture the flag-water balloon style ;) It was a blast! We split into two teams and ran like crazy around Mom and Dad's yard trying to capture the other teams flag while trying not to get hit with a water balloon. It was so much fun! Highly recommend this game! I think everyone had a BLAST playing.
Crazy faces from Jack and Lydia.
Pres and I took these two kiddos on a little buggy ride up the mountain.
View of the house from the top of the trail.
4th of July at the Calderwood house!
Every year Ang and Cor do a BBQ and bike parade for the kids on 4th of July. We have missed it for the past five years. It was so good to be home for this special holiday and celebrate it with family.
Playing with rocks and trucks.
Lydia in thought ;) Love this girl!
Calderwood Clan and Jack ;) He wanted to be in there picture as well, haha. This kid.
Spung side ;) Everyone is here!
Ummm...Hello beautiful girls. Aubrey and Haley were such a help throughout the vacation with all of the littles. All of the bigger kids really took to helping out with the kiddos and making them feel special. I love all of these nieces and nephews! I think they all had so much fun just being together.
Bike parade!
Sparks are in the air! A few shots from watching the fireworks.
Cor and Ang
Er and Craig
Aunt Nad and Hannah
Britt, Lydia and Aubrey
Sonora and Hartney
Baby Blues Ava ... insert heart eyes!
Jim, James, Hailey and Ava girl
Steve, Michelle and Parks
John, Tami and baby Nayvie
Britt and Luke
Me and my man ;)

Midway knows whats up when it comes to a great fireworks display! Excellent show!
Beckham hanging with Cody-Man. Love these two boys!
Boat Day!!
After the 4th of July we all stayed up at the Calderwood house so we could do a boat day the following day. All of the boys took off early in the morning to go fishing. The rest of us met up with them around lunch time and brought a picnic to share. A few minutes after we got there it started to rain a bit and it became super windy. We waited out the storm and then had a blast on the lake.
A boy with his bucket ;)
These two ... love!
James and Beckham playing in the water.
Britt and Jim chaperoning the kids in the water.
Last Day of Spung Vacay
Sweet little Ava!
Back at the house and exploring. The younger kids played on this mountain daily!
So many little hands eager to help Pop!
Playing in the sprinklers.
The bath time we had every night was incredible. The water would literally turn brown and you'd have to wash out the tub afterwards. Now that is a good day!
James waiting for his turn on the slide! Boys being funny ;)
One drenched Lydi bug.
And they are off! Dad and I would just laugh and laugh watching these kids slide down the slide in the sprinklers. They would go flying. They had such a blast!
Beckham boy
Setting up for the big day!
Dad, Ang, Hails, Britt and I went before hand to decorate and get everything ready to go for the bride and groom.
The HAPPY couple!
LOVE THEM! Welcome to the family Craig! We sure do love you brother :)
Er and the girls right before a walk down the aisle.
The original five :)
I absolutely adore this baby girl and I am so grateful she is ours. Thanks Jim for capturing this for me!
Best family pic we could get haha. Love these people of mine and yes, my husband is that sexy ;) One lucky girl ;)
These two have a special little bond. She legit prefers Pop over me.
This man is the best! I love him more than words could say. He is my rock and support. Love my Preston Scott!
Girls Lunch
We planned to have all of us girls go to lunch and do some shopping after the wedding and Er's honeymoon but unfortunately Ang was unable to join us. We missed her dearly! Love you Ang!
Me and Britt...love this girl seriously don't know what I'd do with out her.
It's the newlywed ;) Sisters are the BEST!
After the wedding everyone went home except for Britt and I. We stayed a little longer in Utah. We planned some time together and the kids had a BLAST!
Quinnie Bear
Dad was setting up the sprinklers for the kids and set one up that would spray the slide. The kids LOVED it! Quinn decided to take a turn on the slide. When she got to the top of the slide Dad went running over to catch her. When she saw him at the bottom waiting she froze, haha. Dad stood there trying to coach her to come on down, meanwhile getting soaked by the sprinklers. HAHA I was literally dying of laughter. It was hilarious. She finally came down but Dad was pretty dang wet at that point.
Taking turns on the "water slide".
This kid! I heart him!
Put Quinn in a swing and you will be her favorite person. She absolutely LOVES swinging.
Slip and Slide time :)
Luke would run over and put his hand on the sprinkler and just laugh and laugh. He was highly entertained by this. I would laugh so hard watching him. His laugh was so fun to hear. He was genuinely so happy!

Playing in the rain.
Quinn would walk back and forth on the deck putting her hand up trying to keep the rain away. It was so funny to watch her do this. Mom and I would crack up every time she'd walk to one of the sides of the house. She'd raise her hand up and run. Haha
"Mom, take a picture of me and Pop. He is my best friend!" Done Jack, done. My heart! Love these people!
While we were in Utah we had several extended family members visit that we do not get to see often. We clearly picked a good time to come and stay. It was so great catching up and seeing everybody. There really is nothing like family! My Uncle Steve, Aunt Sue and cousins Jenna and Megan came for a couple days while we were there.
Uncle Steve taking the boys to see the horses.
Quinn and Jenna
We took a walk to see the horses down the road.
Jenna and Megan in the mountains :)
Our little walking crew

Megan decided to attempt climbing Spung mountain. It is much more steep than it appears and quite a climb. She'd did an awesome job!
Uncle Craig quickly became a favorite with the Clark kids :)
Uncle Steve was a popular visitor as well. These two LOVED spending time with their great Uncle :)
Jenna made sure to teach Quinnie girl knuckles before she left. It was the cutest. She can still do it too :)
Quinn and Luke
Britt and Drew took a much deserved couple nights off and we had the kids at Mom and Dad's house. They looked forward to movie night every night.
Poor Geno...he's had a lot of visitors over the past few weeks. Jack made sure to give him a gorilla to keep him company while he slept ;)
A trip to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. I literally look forward to this trip every year. The boys are in heaven at this place.
They run from exhibit to exhibit so excited to see what is next. It's like an overload for their minds.

The great big white shark! Aunt Erin is affraid of sharks so we felt it appropriate that she be involved in this epic pic :)
Clark Crew
Digging for Fossils
The boys LOVED this part of the museum. I thought it was going to be really hard to get Jack away because he was having so much fun but he did great.
Snack time on the deck. We spent 90% of the trip on this deck and outside. I LOVE the mountains!
Every single day ended with these four looking like this! Cousins for life!!
At the end of our stay we said goodbye to an incredible man! Grandpa Curtis passed away surrounded by his family. He truly is a great man and loved by so many. It was such a pleasure to get to know him and visit with him each time we came through.
Jay Kent Curtis
I took these in 2012 and I still cherish and love them!
Until we meet again
We had the opportunity to see Grandpa Curtis a few days before he passed away. He was in good spirits during our short visit. How grateful we are that we got to see and hug him one last time :) Love you Grandpa!
A quick pic with Great Grandma Curtis before we had to go.
Visiting Great Grandpa Clark and Aunt Beth. He's 97 and still going strong :) We sure do love this man. It's always a treat when visiting Grandpa Clark.
We spent three weeks in Utah and it was the fastest three weeks so far this year. It never slowed down. It was go, go, go from the beginning. We truly loved our time with family and friends. We even had some incredible moments with the Clark side. I have no pictures to show for it though :( After the funeral services we were able to spend time together and enjoy one another's company while watching the cousins play and have fun.
Speaking of the Clarks, we are so excited to announce another little angel to join the Clark Family...
Brian and Shelby welcomed baby girl #2
Ella Anne Clark
July 24th
8 lbs. 6 oz. 21 in. long
Happy, Healthy, and Absolutely Adorable
Welcome to the family sweet baby girl! I cannot wait to squeeze and kiss on you!
Welcome to the family sweet baby girl! I cannot wait to squeeze and kiss on you!
Happy Birthday Preston!