In my heart I knew this day would be hard for me. He was really looking forward to a "big" kid school, so I did my best to stay strong. I mean it is my first baby heading off to school, so there is going to be some emotion there, right?! It's new, different and exciting for him and me. I made a conscious effort to be excited along side him rather than be sad. I didn't want him to be scared or nervous about entering this new chapter in his life. I encouraged him to make new friends and hoped he'd continue to love learning. I decided I should be supportive and not think about the sad part...letting go ;)
Jack's count down to Pre-K
Jack's teacher had a baby in the beginning of August so we started a little later than usual. His teacher also happens to be a dear friend of mine. About a week before school started Miss Maggie had a back to school open house. Jack got to see his new classroom, meet his teacher and play a game. Maggie had the cutest little treasure hunt for the kiddos to do. They had to find specific items on a list and then mark it off when they found them. At the end he got to pick a treasure from a treasure box. The kids loved this. It made us more comfortable in taking that "first day" step. He now knew his surroundings. I will admit having your friends teach your kids makes it much easier as well :)
"It's the last one MOM!"
My sweet sweet boy!
I LOVE this kid.
Funny faces ;)
I decided to start a tradition each year for school. Every year I am hoping to take a pic with each of my kids on their first days so we can see the growth that comes along the way. We'll see if I can remember and actually do it every year :) If I do, I think it could be a fun thing to see in the end.
Here we go!
He had such an awesome first day and first week for that matter. Jack has LOVED school! He really looks forward to everyday he gets to see his friends and Miss Maggie. When I pick him up from school he tells me all about his day, who he played with and the papers he's done. I hope this never changes ;) It's the first thing he does when we get in the car. "Mom, look at what's in my bag." I LOVE it! This kid is a natural at school. He actually is sad when he doesn't get to go. His school days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30-11:30.
This is how we roll at the doctor's office :)
On Jack's first day of school we had a Dr. appointment for Q. She ended up having a small ear infection :( It made that first day for me that much easier though. It felt like I dropped Jack off with a friend and took the other two to the doctor, haha. Beckham cried when we left Jack at Maggie's which broke my heart, but I realized that I now had to be strong for the both of us. He really wanted to go with Jack. He will still ask me when we are done with our preschool if it is time to get Jack. I love the relationship those two have. You will be going soon enough my Beckham boy...soon enough :)
"Quinn where are your clothes?" haha Fast asleep in Momma's arms.
I found Quinn like this one morning, haha! I have no idea how that happened but I laughed when I walked in the room.
When she was sick, I had to rock her until she was completely asleep before I could lay her down. She was just miserable those few days. I really wanted to capture this moment because I have had it with each of my children several times, but never take a picture. I don't want to risk waking them up, haha. I LOVE this part of being a Mom. The snuggles and then the sounds of heavy heart melts.

HEROES for the day :)
I had a bunch of games lined up one Friday for "Hero Day". We went to each station to learn a little more about being a hero. This one was the "Animal Rescue" station. We went through each area and then watched Hercules for lunch. We learned about the letter H this week. The kids had a blast with this day.
Monkey is saved.
We had so much fun saving each of the animals and using fine motor skills. I put a few rubber bands around the animals and they had to figure out how to free the animal safely.
How strong are you? Lift the weights up high! Jack is so strong! What a hero ;)
Blow the cups across the table. Quinn didn't get it exactly, haha. This girl makes me so happy :)
Toss the ball in the bowl.
Count the cups and knock down the tower.
Feed the those hungry Hippos :)

Beckham with his fish and frog during letter F week. I love that he was trying to make the same face as his frog, haha! These kids LOVE to paint and do crafts. Craft time is so much fun with these little monkeys.
Jack and his frog.
Right after my vacation and before Jack started school, we had a little renovation done in the house. GRANITE COUNTERTOPS and a new SINK!! Hallelujah! I am so over the moon about this. We had tile countertops before and I absolutely hated them. They were hard to clean and prep any kind of cooking or baking on. When we first bought the house we knew we had a few things we wanted to change. It has been a gradual process, but I love the changes we have done so far.
I had a before picture of the kitchen but couldn't find it...sadness. It must have gotten deleted from my phone, so I used the picture of our kitchen from right before we bought the house...
This is how the previous owners had the kitchen...yep it's green.
And here it is AFTER!
Here's a "side by side" view.
I can't wait to buy stools for the island :)
Installing the granite...YES! Woohoo! Thank you! Thank you!
I am seriously in LOVE with this kitchen! Cooking is even more enjoyable than it was before and I absolutely love to cook. Making sugar cookies or dough from scratch is so much easier with a flat surface. The sink is a giant under mount sink which makes doing dishes way easier and bonus...we installed a sweet faucet. I am so so so HAPPY with the end result! It feels so warm and inviting now. YAY! It may have taken a while to save up for but it was well worth it in the end!
Once we finish some decorating I will have to do a before and after of all that we have done. Now we just need a new refrigerator to complete the kitchen, but that will come eventually. The one we have works, so we will hold tight for now. The next "big" project will be the master bathroom. I already know what I want to do... I just need to get started!