Lots of time was spent outside while the weather was perfect. Taking fun adventures on the weekends are always something we look forward to. Here's a look at MAY!!
Happy Birthday BECKHAM BOY!!
This kid brings us so much joy! He is a good little man. He always knows what he wants and is learning that the world may not revolve around Beckham, haha. He always has a show he'd love to watch and he is persistent when it comes to things he wants. Beckham loves learning about the solar system with his big brother, playing outside any chance he can and really enjoys watching "Super Monsters" on Netflix. Beckham is kind, cuddly, happy and strong. Life wouldn't be the same with out our rambunctious always moving little man. We love our Beckham boy!
We celebrated Beckham in style! He got a few fun gifts and a funfetti cake to celebrate his big day. He loved everything! We also went to an indoor playground that was a huge hit with the kids. They LOVED it! They slid, jumped, rock climbed and ran through mazes. We even spent several minutes building train tracks, legos and some fun spinners you can put on the wall and spin around. I think this 4 year old had a pretty spectacular day by the end of it.
A tee pee, books, bowling set, bouncy ball, monster truck, tball set and new movies to watch!

Opening and playing with his gifts.
Good job Beckham!
After presents that morning we headed to an indoor playground. It was such a cool place.
Here's another look at what 's inside.
It was big enough that parents could go up and play with the kids. I loved watching these guys discover new areas while trying to figure out how to play in each section.
There weren't a lot of people when we first got there which made it even more fun. No crowds :)
Quinn's turn :)
Go Quinne Go!
Snack break.
Intermission :)
When we got home this kid passed out, haha. So far I would say this day was a success.
After naps we played with Beckham's new tball set. The kids had so much fun. Pres and I may have taken a turn too ;)
After dinner I caught these three playing ring a round the rosie in the kitchen.
They were laughing so hard. Quinn LOVED this! Hahaha.
Time for Cake!!

This birthday boy got the biggest piece of cake ever! He was so happy when we brought it out. There is nothing like a birthday. A special day just for you! You get to choose the fun, the cake, the food, everything. Plus there's presents! There's nothing more special than that ;) I think this little boy had the best day celebrating 4 years of pure awesomeness. We sure do love our Beckham!
My "Mom's Night Out"! A true night to remember!
I am a HUGE Carrie Underwood fan. When I heard she was coming to Sacramento and Oakland I had to grab a ticket. I chose Oakland because they had more seats available down front. Sacramento ended up selling out! I got a fifth row ticket and thanked my lucky stars for such an incredible night!
Carrie was joined by Maddie and Tae and Runaway June. They are the opening acts on her tour. Everyone did an incredible job and it was such a fun concert. I had incredible seats!! This was by far her best concert yet! Such an awesome experience! I may or may not have seen her 4 times before this :) This one takes the cake!
This was the best I could get as far as a "selfie" haha. I didn't want to look away for to long, haha. I sat with some really fun fans. We had so much fun singing and dancing together. Pres stayed with the kiddos while I took a night off and sang along to every song and made some new friends :) There was even a band manager that bought me a Diet Pepsi, haha. He thought I was the photographer for the show, haha. Great night!
Some other fun moments throughout the month...
Wearing Dad's shoes with socks on his arms.
"I'm a bird Mom!" Haha. He'd run around flapping his "wings" ;)

Momma's little helper! Heart eyes!!
We made a solar system to the best of our ability, with what we had :)
These kiddos LOVE watching shows about planets, the solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, anything dealing with space. They LOVE all things space! I think a visit to a planetarium is in our near future. I didn't help them at all with this project either. The boys did this one all on their own. Painting the planets and the sun as well as putting every planet where they belong. Love these little astronauts. They even did Pluto!
Came into the living room to this. Haha.
I love this little girl! She makes me laugh on the regular!! Haha
My boys!
Dinner at a favorite place of mine with a favorite boy of mine.
A Visit from Grandma and Poppa!
A trip to the Children's Museum in San Jose was a huge success!
When Grandma and Pop got here we decided a trip to San Jose would be a fun experience. Pres and Jack in a real stage coach. It was so much taller and bigger than I had expected.
Smile Quinn!

Making images. We spent quite a bit of time here. The kids loved this!
Driving the fire truck...beep beep.

Digging and playing in the rocks outside. They had a really cool area that was all outdoor play. They had a rock pit, tree house, slides, a garden and building blocks.

Digging for fossils ;)
Quinn in a boat!
We love building things!
Jack in the fire truck.

We spent A LOT of time outside while Grandma and Pop were here. The weather could not have been better. The kids loved playing "volleyball". They would throw the big green ball to one of us and we would have to throw it back to them in the trampoline. In the eyes of a child this was a blast.
We took a trip to Bass Pro Shop one night. The kids love going to this store. They enjoy looking at all of the animals and fish. There is a cool game where you can try to shoot green targets as well. If you get one it turns red. The kids enjoy watching people shoot.
The kids and adults ;) liked checking out the toys on the showroom floor. We sat on four wheelers, boats and dune buggies.
Oakland Temple Open House
We were so happy to have the opportunity to take Mom and Dad to the temple open house here in Oakland. They recently did a few renovations and opened it up to the public to come through and see. Pres and I even had the opportunity to serve a day. We helped people park in the parking lots. It was more physical than I had anticipated haha. We had a great time serving and helping those that came to see.
Our little eternal family :)
We had such a great time in Oakland!

We have an ice cream truck that comes down our street every night. While Pres and I were serving at the temple, Mom and Dad watched the kiddos for us. The kids were so happy to have ice cream and play Uno with Grandma and Pop! They couldn't wait for us to leave so they could have Grandma and Pop all to themselves. Haha. I'm not sure they wanted us to come back haha.
These guys love Geno! We were so happy that he came along this trip. He received A LOT of love!
Mom and Dad were with us for a little over a week. It went by super fast but it seems to be that way every time we're with family. We were so happy to have them here. I would say it was the perfect amount of rest, relaxation and fun. We got to see some of California, spend time at home relaxing and enjoying the weather outside while the kids played. Many nights were spent playing games and listening to awesome music, while treating ourselves to some delicious treats and sweets.
Our Garden!
I have been wanting to start a garden for several weeks now. I have never done a garden before so I waited until my parents came so I could have a little help. We took a trip to Home Depot and bought these planters boxes and few plants. It was so fun customizing my garden to what we would eat. I cannot believe how fast it has taken off!
Quinn was outside helping me water one night :)
Our first strawberry!
Jack's first day of Summer Pre-K
This cute boy started a summer Pre-K program that is centered around reading. It's an eight week program that focuses on letters and the sounds they make. He attends twice a week for three hour blocks. He was so excited to have school again. He has really missed having his own thing. He loves making new friends and learning. Love this cute boy! Watch out world, this kid is going to make some incredible changes and differences!
Pres and his team in the spotlight. Receiving an award for being one of the best!
Pres has worked hard and done some pretty awesome things here in Manteca. I'm so proud of him. He's doing such an incredible job! Keep it up babe! We're so proud of you and are grateful for everything you do for this family! :)
This is Pres with his former CEO Brandon May.
Pres gets to go golfing on occasion for fundraisers or to support different causes in the community. I don't think he minds when he's asked to go golfing instead of heading into the office for the day ;)
Thanks for all of the fun and memories May. Summer here we come!! Excited to see what June, July and August hold for this family of five!