Starting the summer months off right, we bought a pool for the kiddos. They LOVE to jump, play and swim. I love spending as much time outside as we can. The sunshine, popsicles and a pool just scream summer to me :)
Fun with the kids.

Those goggles just killed me! Hahaha! These three LOVE the water!
This June, Pres and I decided to have a little family get away. What was supposed to be a one night escape turned into a weekend. Preston and I have faced many trials, obstacles and hardships over the past several months. We continue to knock them down one at a time but it has not been easy by any means. We have questioned several decisions that have been made and have found answers to those questions in the most peculiar ways. We are so grateful for our Savior and the opportunity we have to pray daily and ask for guidance, help and support. We know that only good can come after the trials we've faced. We have great hope that the rest of this year will bring joy, happiness and blessings.
We needed to be surrounded by nature. There is something about hiking in the trees that rejuvenates the soul. Staring at lakes, mountains and sunsets are just what this crew needed. I had never been to Lake Tahoe so that's where we decided to spend our time. It was the perfect setting for what our minds and bodies needed.
Ready, Set, Let's GOOOOOOO!

Quick pit stop for dinner!
I couldn't get over the views on our drive.
We followed this river the majority of the drive through the mountains. It was really intense. The water was rushing and cutting through the mountain like I have never seen.
Trees, trees and more trees. My happy place!
We made it to the hotel!!
Family swim time!

We stayed at the coolest hotel. They had a pool, hot tub, free movie rentals, free popcorn, basketball, playground, horseshoes and kid crafts in the afternoons. We had soooo much fun!!
Quinn was the bravest of them all in the water. She LOVED to float with her floaties all around the pool. It was so funny. She would kick and try to swim. I think we may need to do swim lessons for this little fish.
A hike through the trees.
We found the biggest pinecones I have ever seen. We also collected several rocks and treasures the boys found.
Selfie with my!

These huge boulders were unbelievable. They were massive! The kids enjoyed climbing on the rocks.
Love these three!

Some fun finds. The views were incredible! I never feel like pictures can do complete justice.
Beckham leading the way.
"Lake Taco" as the kids called it....hehehe.
Watching the ducks on the water.

There was a cool mall we stopped at. We couldn't resist capturing this moment. We ended up eating pizza at Base Camp Pizza and it was absolutely DELICIOUS! They had live music and the food was incredible. It was a super cool, fun vibe.
Quinnie didn't last long on our drive North ;)
Beckham fell asleep shortly after this picture was taken. A fun filled day!
A few shots from our drive heading to North Tahoe.
It was a very peaceful drive. We loved being surrounded by these majestic views. It was perfect!
Lake Tahoe was exactly what we needed. We loved every minute of our weekend. Every night was spent in the pool, hot tub, watching videos while eating bottomless popcorn with M&M's. The kids loved it just as much as Pres and I did. I don't think "Lake Taco" has seen the last of this Clark crew.
Once we were home, we were back to real life. We enjoyed our pool days, picnics on the grass and helping mom around the house.
I love everything about this picture!
I was literally laughing out loud while watching the boys play. Jack would chase Beckham while wearing this tunnel over his head. It was hilarious. They'd take turns and I'd just sit back and laugh and laugh.
Picnic fun!
After naps I usually let the kids watch a show while they "wake up". They tend to gravitate towards one another and watch each others shows ;) LOVE this!
This guy loves his cucumbers.
I am so happy I caught this sweet moment of Beckham boy. He grabbed his camping chair and set up right next to his cucumbers. He said he was going to watch them grow. Every morning we go outside to check and water them. Beckham is always right beside me as we look through the leaves and see how each one is doing. He has really enjoyed gardening with me and I have loved every minute.

Momma's little helper!
Quinn loves to help me vacuum and wipe down the windows. She is the perfect side kick. She thinks it's so much fun. Love this sweet girl of mine ;)
Celebrating DAD!!
The kids were so excited to share their cards and gifts.
We are so grateful, thankful and blessed to have Preston Scott in our lives. He is an incredible husband and father. We were thrilled to make his Father's Day a special day. Filled with hugs, cards, laughter and gifts. We made a special dinner and of course chocolate chip cookies galore!
We were invited to a pool birthday party for some friends at church. We had a blast!
Fun in the sun!
All smiles!
Preston's Ground Breaking
Preston's hospital is building a new medical office building on the hospital campus. There is a major need for more medical offices in the area. This is a project that has been in the works for years but has now finally been approved.
Once we heard that he would be speaking at the ground breaking, of course we wanted to go and be supportive :) Pres was showing the boys where the building would be. They loved seeing Dad at work.
A shining moment.
There were several more people that showed up than they had expected. Preston did an excellent job in speaking on behalf of the hospital.
Smile for the camera!
The kids and I were thrilled to be a part of this event. It was so nice seeing Preston in his role as a Chief Strategy Officer for the hospital. He is doing such a great job in this position and learning A LOT along the way. He never ceases to amaze me with what he can do when faced with new challenges and opposition. I had several people come up to me and express how much they loved and appreciated Pres. They are so happy to have him as part of their hospital system. I look forward to watching the growth, confidence and hard work that will continue to come from this incredible man. Great job babe! We are so proud of you!
Thank you June, for a month to remember. Lake Tahoe was for sure a highlight as well as Preston's accomplishments with the hospital. How grateful we are to move onward and upward. Here's to an amazing July!