Day 1... Chill Day

The first day when the crew got to our house we just relaxed. After all, they made quite the drive to see us :) Aunt Angie brought gifts for everyone! She's way to kind and sweet. Everyone LOVED their gifts and continue to enjoy them. We caught up with each other and made some plans for the remainder of the week. This trip was destined to be EPIC!
Day 2... Pool Day

One of my girlfriends from church let us use her pool. It was the perfect day for swimming. We packed a lunch and snacks and headed to Ripon. We of course stopped for some super delicious Sonic drinks and then we were off to the pool. We LOVED our time swimming, talking and laying out. The pool was exactly what we needed for our people. We had so much fun soaking up the rays and enjoying each others company.
Sonic drinks and a pool equal bliss :)
Such happy faces! Day 2 was a success!
Day 3... Six Flags!
Gangs all here!
We were more than ready to dominate this place! Everyone was counting down to our Six Flags day!
Cute little family of mine!
Cute Calderwood Crew!

Our Six Flags has a zoo as well. Yea, crazy, yet awesome! We went to the dolphin show first. This took me back to when I was a kid, visiting the Brookfield Zoo and watching the dolphins show there. It was so much fun to see. The kids loved this.

Watching intently. Waiting to see what would come next :)
Smiles all around :)
The boys!
So stinkin cute!

The kids loved the "Kiddie" section. It was so fun to watch them ride the different rides.
Choo Choo!
Jack and Beckham were the engineers :)
Our little Pilot!
One more ride on the train :) The kids LOVED this train.

The carousel was also a major hit for these three kiddos. We are so grateful for my nieces and nephew for being there to help us out. LOVE you guys!
Jackson's first "big" roller coaster. He had so much fun! He LOVED this coaster. He rode it like 5 or 6 times. Twice with me, then with Kami and Cody, haha. Jack reminded me a lot of Jimmy when we were kids at Six Flags. If he was tall enough, he wanted to try it out. Fearless!

Cody and Jack riding Jack's favorite ride on the left. Cody and Hay Kay riding anything that moves, haha. We love COASTERS!
How cute is this?! Seriously though, heart eyes!
Watching the penguins play.
We met Bugs Bunny!
The waiting crew, haha.
Pres had the day off so he rode all of the roller coasters with the big kids. I rode the one's that didn't go all crazy. Roller coasters can be harder to handle the older you get, haha. We had SOOOO much fun at Six Flags. We were literally there from when the gates opened until closing time. It was a long exciting day. I think Aubrey, Haley and Cody loved it the most, haha. They legit road everything!
Day 4 ... Chill Day and Sisters Lunch

We filled up our little pool for some fun in the sun. The kids really enjoyed having cousins to play with. Jack loved showing off his skills in the water that he had been working on ;)
I about died when I saw this out the window! Haha!
Kam Jam had a towel on her head, drink in her hand while driving around the yard...LOL! Life could not be any better than this!
That afternoon Ang, Er and I headed to Panera for a little sisters lunch. There is NOTHING in the world like having sisters! They're the best! Well, mine are the BEST :) I forgot to take a picture at our lunch at Panera but had this gem from our day in San Fransisco. Love these sisters of mine!
That night I took a few photos of the Calderwood kids. We had a lot of fun shooting at different locations. Here's a few of my favorites...
Day 5 ... Beach Day
I reached out to a friend of mine for a recommendation on a good beach. She told me that we should hit up Capitola Beach near Santa Cruz. It did not disappoint. We loved our time there.
Capitola Beach
Er isn't the biggest beach fan so she asked if she could stay home with Beckham and Quinn while I took Jack. I said, "Umm yes :)" I wanted to take Beckham boy as well but if he stayed home then we'd have enough seats in Angie's car for us to all go in one car. That way we both didn't have to drive. I'm so grateful to Er for letting us do that. It made the trip way easier and I didn't have to worry about more littles.
The water was absolutely FREEZING but these guys didn't seem to mind.
Running around on the sand and playing in the waves.
Me and my Jack!
This sweet kid came over to Jack and asked if he would play with him. He said, "Hey, can you play with me? I could use a friend. I'm digging a hole, wanna help?" Jack jumped up and asked if he could and off they went to dig a hole. They literally played together the entire time we were there. When it was time to go we found out his name was Abram. Cute kid.
Looking for seashells.
A happy place for these four souls! They love the ocean! Kudos to these guys for playing in the water. I legit think that penguins could have lived here, haha. It was so cold. I had on a light hoodie and towel over my legs. The girls were teasing me while they soaked up the sun. Ang got a nice little nap in too!
We all had such a blast at this beach! Looking forward coming back again.
We really enjoyed the sea breeze on our face and the sun rays on our skin. It was a super fun day. We hit up Dairy Queen on our way home for dinner and got back pretty late. Totally worth the hour and a half drive. The scenery on the drive was even breath taking. California is a pretty special place when it comes to the views. It's beautiful. Our family will have to come back another time.
Day 6... San Fransisco!!
A trip to see the Clarks would not be complete with out a day in San Fransisco! We love the city and are so happy to take others to see it as well. It could not have been a more beautiful day for us to go. It was an absolute BLAST!! Lots of walking, really good food and loads of fun!
Whatever happened to predictability?
The milk man, the paper boy, evening TV.
First stop was the Full House house and fun at the park!
View from the park.

Jumping, swinging, running and lots of fun with cousins and Aunts!
Clark Family photo op.
Kisses for Quinnie

Love these three of mine! They are seriously the world to me. They couldn't be any cuter or fun!

Checking out the ocean from Lands End. We loved the drive to this sweet spot and the views were awesome.
This is legit one of my favorite places! I love Lands End.

Lots of love for my littles. They never had to worry about being alone. Someone always had Jack, Beckham or Quinn :) They are so very loved by many!
Love these people!
Sister love!
Love this!
Conquering the rock at the top of the stairs.
Everyone was all smiles after lunch!

Ghirardelli Square was a massive hit! Everyone got a special treat and every bite was worth the stop!
Yum, yum, yum!

From Ghirardelli Square we walked out along the bay. We went out onto a pier to get a better shot of Alcatraz and the ocean. It was stunning.
The fog made Alcatraz even more creepy, prison like, haha.
A look at the city from the pier.
So beautiful.
Everyone on the pier.
Another view of Alcatraz.
Me and my love!
Aunt Erin and Quinnie!
It was a windy, beautiful day. This family of five had a BLAST!
Me and my cutie! Love this little girl more than she will ever comprehend.
Walking the beam with Aunt Erin and Aunt Angie :)
So much love for these three cuties!
We ended our day with dinner and a very long walk back to the cars. Unfortunately the buses were far and in between. We had to hike back to the parking garage at the end of the day. I was super impressed that no one complaine. They just took in the sites and walked along.
Day 7... The End :(
That following day everyone was up and left early that morning. We were so happy to host the Calderwood clan and Erin. We LOVED having family for a few days. So much fun was had!! It was such a blast!! It was the perfect mix between going and relaxing. The kids loved spending time with their cousins and Aunts. I LOVED having my sisters, nieces and nephew all to myself for a while. We hope they come back again...soon ;)
After the everyone left, Preston's birthday was that Wednesday. We had so much fun spoiling and celebrating this special guy in our lives!
Happy Birthday Preston!!
Time for gifts!
The kids each got to pick out a pair of socks that represented them. Now when Pres wears them he can think of them :) Jack's were planets, Beckham's were spider man, and Q chose Mickey Mouse :) We also got him a Utah Jazz t-shirt. We sure do love this man!
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Preston!"
Pres had some helpers to make sure he didn't miss one :)