Mom and Dad take on Hawaii! This is them touring a WWII submarine at Pearl Harbor.
We had such a great time with them here. Playing games, reading books to littles, watching Beckham and Jack play soccer for what seemed like hours, and a very fun trip to the bowling alley. We always enjoy a trip with Grandma and Pop!
Reading Jack's new creations.
Jackson LOVES to write his own books. He comes up with his very own stories and draws his illustrations. We may have an author in the making ;)
Another Jackson original. He gets so excited when someone reads his books.
A trip to the Dentist...

Jack made a hat that was going to make him brave during the dentist visit. However, it did not help much, haha. Poor guy really struggled. I think everyone in the office thought he was dying. He had to have one of his teeth pulled due to an infection underneath. Jack was not thrilled with the process. He did great up until the dentist came in.

One more trip to the dentist for Jackson Scott. They had to size a spacer for Jack since his tooth was pulled. A few weeks after having his tooth pulled he was back in the chair and not thrilled to be there. Jack was pretty anxious so they offered him a blanket.
I had Mom come with me and she opted to stay in the waiting room. When Jack started screaming and crying I understood why. I kind of wished I could have been in the waiting room myself, haha. Poor Jack. The procedure was very simple but he was so worked up that something more was going to happen. He may have a little PTSD from the dentist now.
A trip to the duck pond...
We have a little pond down the street. When we first moved here there weren't to many ducks. Now we have several. There were even lots of eggs to spot this time.
Can you spot the egg?
We took down some oats for the kids to toss for the ducks.
Finding more eggs.
Mom, Dad and I walked while the kids road their bikes. It was such a gorgeous day!
Every day we were all invited to watch a soccer match outside after quiet time. The boys loved showing off their skills. They had so much fun and we loved watching them.
I asked Quinn to help me with the laundry. I guess this is her helping...haha.
Movie Night with popcorn!
Quinn painting her little train.
Every week we do a star chart for the kids. We have a few things we are working on for this little crew of ours :) If they get all of their stars they get to pick a prize from the prize box. Quinnie chose this little train she could paint. She LOVED this!
She made sure her bear was there to watch her create her masterpiece.
We had so much fun taking Grandma and Pop bowling one night. We split up into teams so we could have two lanes. It was so much fun. I think this may need to be repeated when they come back.
Grandma and Beckham boy!
Team number 1
Team number 2
Mom rocked it for the first team!! Way to go Mom!
Quinnie and Pop dominated on the second team. Who knew Q had such game in bowling?! Haha.
Grandma and Pop treated us all to ice cream after bowling. I think it's safe to say that everyone LOVED this part of the night.
All smiles here ;)
One more shot with Dad!
I have glasses again!
I recently went to the eye doctor and found out I have astigmatism in my left eye. I wasn't too surprised since that's where my pseudo orbital tumor was about two years ago. I have a hard time seeing at night so he prescribed me some sweet glasses. I now can see at night!! I only need to wear them then but, they're pretty cute, huh?
After having a super fun time with the parentals we dropped them off at the airport before heading to the beach. We ended up heading to Santa Cruz. We hadn't ventured there yet and wanted to check it out. It was a lot of fun and a perfect day away.
I think lighthouses are so cool. We stopped at this one to check it and the view out.

Watching the birds dive for food.
The Santa Cruz beach boardwalk. Tons of rides and food around. We enjoyed hanging here for quite some time. The kids rode some rides and we took in the view of the ocean while we played.

Cute little whales :)
Photo op on the boardwalk.
Jack and Pres taking a little ride.

While Pres and Jack rode the boardwalk cruiser I took the kids to another ride. I had to ride with Q because she was too little. It was quite the bouncy ride, haha. Beckham and Quinn LOVED it.

Our little pilots enjoying their flight!
Beckham and Quinn wanted to show Jack the monster truck ride.
We grabbed lunch at a Hawaiian place. It was really good.
The girls.
Before heading home we hit up a bookstore and a cookie shop for a treat.
Santa Cruz was a lot of fun. We really enjoyed our time there. We'll have to go back in the summer to enjoy the ocean and sand. It was the perfect day trip. It doesn't take crazy long to get there and the drive is beautiful. I'm so grateful to be living where we live right now. It's been so much fun exploring California.
One more trip for February...
The kids have been working really hard on their star chart for the past 8 weeks. They received a prize every single week except for the first one. Beckham was the only one that got a prize. It didn't take long for the other two to try harder. After that they received a prize each week for earning all of their stars. They work hard to make good choices and listen so, Pres and I decided to do something a little special for them on week 8. I booked an Airbnb in Fresno, CA and we took the kids to the zoo. They were so excited to not only be going to a zoo but also getting to stay in a new place. We had heard wonderful things about the Fresno zoo so we figured we'd give it a shot. It did not disappoint. It has been one of our favorite zoo's to date and one of the cheapest. Go figure!
The girlies at dinner.
The boys ;)
After we grabbed some dinner we headed to the Airbnb. It was a wonderful house in a super quiet neighborhood. I LOVED the house. It's one I could see us living in. We played games, watched a show and then off to bed for an early start the following day.
Once we were all dressed we headed to a place called the Train Depot for breakfast. It was FANTASTIC! Absolutely delicious. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the cinnamon roll we ordered to share. It was MASSIVE. The size of a large plate easily. We filled our bellies and then headed to the zoo.

While Pres and I were buying tickets the kids jumped up next to this little rock and asked to get their individual picture taken. Too cute. Love these three kiddos of mine.

Checking out the animals. Quinn looks nervous in the picture but she actually loved being up on Preston's shoulders so she could see.
How big are you compared to a tiger?? Yikes!

The sheep hung out in the "quiet zone". This is where the kids weren't allowed to bother them, haha.
We thought he looked like he was praying :)
Mama rhino and her baby. The baby weighs 1500 lbs and is 1 year old...YEESH!
This was such a super cool exhibit. It was very safari like. They had elephants, zebra, wildebeest, giraffes and birds all in the same exhibit. It was so fun to see.
Checking out the lion and lionesses. We could see them pretty good from here but the picture didn't show up as well. The male lion was absolutely majestic. Such a stunning creature. His mane was gorgeous.
Oh hey cutie Q!
Beckham boy did his best to hold up Quinnie Bear, haha. Love these three littles!
Another shot of the safari exhibit.
One more with an elephant :)

This was an absolute favorite stop on the zoo tour. These three were doing their best to uncover a triceratops :) They really enjoyed digging in the sand looking for fossils.
Quinn doing a little excavating herself :)
Making friends.
We got home that evening and everyone passed out. I found the boys in Beckham's bed fast asleep before heading to bed myself. I couldn't pass up this picture. They really are the best of friends. I pray it always stays that way.
Fresno was a lot of fun. We had such a ball driving around the city, staying a night, eating out and checking out the zoo. I think it's safe to say that we will head back that way again.
Playing outside. I LOVE this picture so much!
We play outside every single day. It's a must in our house. Our kids have been fortunate enough that they have lived in areas that are warm weather all year round. We LOVE being outdoors. It's so good for the body, soul and mind.
These two.
These people can be the best of friends as well as each others hardest person to get along with. They can play so stinking well together and then after a while you will hear one arguing with the other because so and so isn't playing the right way, haha. Hopefully this is a phase and they'll learn how awesome they are for each other. Nothing like a little brother sister bonding.
Beckham came in all smiles one day with Dad's hat on, haha. He looks so much like Preston to me in this picture. Love this little man of mine. He makes me smile everyday and gives the best cuddles.
When the boys both have school, it's me and Quinnie at home. She LOVES playing games just like her Momma. We usually play a game after dropping the boys off. I look forward to our one on one time together. I'm so happy I'll get another year before she heads to school.
One more note about Quinn Marie...
She graduated from nursery at church this year and is now in the big kid Sunday school. She loves primary and her class so much. I can't believe I don't have any kids in nursery?! We've had someone in nursery for the last 5 years. It's crazy to think we are done with this phase of life.
She wanted to do a special pose all by herself ;) Love my Quinnie!
February was such a fun month! We had a lot of fun as well as down time. The last week of February we were all quarantined due to allergies. The almond blossoms are in full bloom and allergies are coming at the Clark family crazy style. We all have runny noses and coughs. Praying this will all end soon enough.
Last but most certainly not least, we added one more little soul to the Spung family!!
Cameron Craig Marx
Born February 4, 2020
7lbs. 12oz. 20in.
Healthy, absolutely adorable and happy to be here.
Erin and Cameron are both doing great. He was born a couple of weeks early, but you'd never know it with his weight and height, haha. Both Er and Craig are so happy and grateful to have this little man join the Marx crew. I think it's safe to say that Cameron is a favorite in the home right now ;) So blessed to have another little one join the family. I can't wait to meet him!
Looking forward to March and the adventures ahead!