California was one of the first states to "shut down". All of the parks were closed and schools desolate. COVID-19 hit right when our kiddos were taking off for spring break. Jackson's last day of school was on March 13th. He nor Beckham have been back since. We are now in our 4th week of this 2020 quarantine and surprisingly still doing ok.
Having small children in our home hasn't really changed our lives all that much. Jack is in half day Kindergarten so it hasn't been crazy different for us in our day to day. The thing we are missing the most is exploring. As a family we have gotten used to our weekend adventures and exploring the world around us. We had planned to go to Utah for Jack's spring break but found that we were quickly make an adjustment to that plan. We canceled our flights and stayed home as our local leaders had encouraged us to do.
People here went crazy once word got out to stay home! Taking to the stores by the dozens and grabbing everything they could possibly think of leaving stores with bare minimums. Not the best way to keep ourselves in safe distances from others either. This one act, actually broke my heart. I didn't go out for almost two weeks because I couldn't deal with the fact that this is how people would deal with such a crisis. Taking for themselves and forgetting that there are so many others in greater need. Once I finally got out of the house to grab the few things our family needed, I was stunned at the sights before me. Empty shelves, people grabbing several of one item and running through the store as if the world was ending. No thought for the elderly, pregnant women, or families that rely on food stamps or WIC to just make it through month by month. I even thought of those working in hospitals and in industries that we as a people relied on during this pandemic. I had the thought of them getting off of a 24 hour shift and making a quick run to the store to grab something for themselves and/or their family. Only to find empty shelves and nothing for them to take home to their families broke my heart. No thought of others, only of oneself.

Shelves completely empty. I should have taken a picture of the bread isle. There was absolutely nothing on the shelf.
Now, I understand that it is very natural to grab for your families and to protect and provide for your own. However, I believe there is a difference in getting the things you need compared to storing up on what seems like a 6 months food storage in a time of crisis. There was no word that stores were shutting down or that we wouldn't be able to get the necessities we needed, yet people responded in such panic mode. I hope that those that panicked can look back and see where they could have made better choices. Might also be a good time to follow the prophets advice of having a food storage on hand in case a situation like this ever arose.
Luckily for our family I had the feeling to grab certain items that were on sale at the end of February- beginning of March. We didn't need to go out to grab anything during the mass chaos. I am so grateful for that sweet thought that came to mind while I was shopping for my family a few weeks prior. I didn't get anything out of the ordinary but I made sure our family had our normal allotment we purchase on a monthly basis from our local Costco.
I have talked to my kids about this pandemic at hand. Making sure they are practicing good hygiene and they are truly quarantined. They only go out to our back yard. Pres and I are the only ones that leave the house right now. I asked the kids what they think about this entire situation and the only thing they miss is going to the park :) I love the innocence of children. The kids look to Pres and I to make the right decisions and keep them safe. They have no idea how badly parts of the world are suffering right now.
I pray this pandemic ends quickly. Especially since Preston is working around the hospital still. We were very fortunate during all of this. Preston has been able to keep his job and continues to work. However, having him in some what of the front line helping prepare the hospital for the worse and keeping people calm while giving new direction from our local leaders has had me worry at times. We as a family can be safe all we want, quarantined in the house, but if someone else brings the virus to him there's not much we can do. He of course takes safety precautions and instruction from those he works with and we have been blessed so far.
Grateful for farms!
One of the things that we couldn't seem to find were eggs when we needed them. Luckily we have a chicken farm five minutes from us that sold eggs to those that couldn't find any. We have continued to buy our eggs from our local farm instead of the grocery store to help support them as well. They have been great! I wouldn't mind having a few hens myself one day :) I dream to have a farm one ... one day!
Here's a look at what I like to call our "Coronacation" this past month...
This was taken before the quarantine period. Pres got home from work and the kids went running to greet him. They all piled into his car to say hello :)
Right before our spring break we went to Jack's school to watch him receive this award. We are so proud of our writing wizard. Jackson loves to write and illustrate books. He's done a fantastic job!
Beckham wanted a picture with Jack's award as well. Too cute!

Trains, trains and more trains!
During our quarantine we have gotten creative. These three LOVE building and constructing train tracks. They each had a home for their cars and played so well together. Quinn lived in the giant train station, Jack lived on the farm with his farm animals and Beckham had a car wash :) Haha. I loved this.
We introduced old school Mario Brothers to the boys! :) They have legit been in heaven, haha. This is a picture of Preston playing with Beckham and teaching him what the buttons do. This is something I am now wondering if we will regret later on, haha. So far so good. The boys LOVE it and have gotten quite good.
Momma's little helper.
Helping me restock the much needed Diet Coke ;) You can't put me in quarantine without my Diet Coke to keep me sane, haha. The kids have a better chance of survival, haha.
I started doing our school time again after Jackson's spring break was over. I had them each make a potato head at the end of our one hour school session. They were quite creative in their endeavors. HAHA! Loved these. Beckham especially got a huge kick out of his and Jack's looks a little like President Trump, haha.
Exercise time!
I have all the time in the world so I may as well do something productive. Plus, it feels great to move around and have a little mom time. I have been using Carrie Underwood's app Fit52. It's phenomenal and such a great workout.
Introducing Yoga to the kiddos. Getting the entire family moving :)
School time with Mom.
The kids LOVE doing these little worksheets and ideas I find.
Every day they ask when school starts. I think its so cute.
Picnic and a show in the play room. Thank you Curious George for entertaining these three for a little bit :) Momma needs her breaks sometimes.
Making rainbows for our "Spring" wall.
Quinnie's rainbow ;)

The kids have helped me do some chores around the house. It's been nice having everyone around to help :) I do not miss the constant dropping off and picking up kids. It's been a little more relaxing around here.

Sitting in the sun to get some much needed Vitamin D. Beckham and Quinnie cuddling heart!
Another school day. Making umbrella's with raindrops.
Supporting our local restaurants.
This was a Hawaiian place. Super tasty! Pres and I try to support a local restaurant each week to help in these times. We also support a local bakery on Saturday's for an easy delicious Sunday breakfast.
Wherever I go, these three follow.
It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing. They will be there. In this particular picture I am just reading a book in my comfy chair. Preston is all alone in the living room where you would find ample seating, haha. I know one day I will miss this, so I do my best to be patient and enjoy the moment.
I go into the living room to lay down on the couch and three littles follow.
Surrounded by my tribe once again.
I think it is safe to say that after this quarantine Momma Bear will be heading out to enjoy her much needed Momcation. A moment to breathe and be alone sounds incredible :)
An impromptu water balloon fight. We had so much fun doing this. It ended with Mom and a hose ;)
We took turns with the hose. Beckham was in his own little happy place :)
We had such a blast! It was exactly what we needed. A little sunshine and water. We laughed and laughed and laughed. It was so funny to watch them run, squeal and play.
Quinn's little caterpillar
Quinnie wrote her name for the very first time during one of our school activities. I asked her if she wanted me to write it and she said, "No Mom. I can do it." The boys and I told her the letters and she wrote it. Her "u" is upside down which makes it that much cuter :) She also did her first color by number which is the bird on the right. She was so proud of her accomplishments (and so was her Momma) that she wanted to hang them up in her room. Great job Q! So proud of you sis!
Playing Bananagrams
Game Nights! Pres and I have played several games while quarantined as well. We enjoy our date nights and haven't had one in ages...obviously. There is no where for us to go right now, haha. We have gotten creative and throw some music on while playing a game at the table together. Love these nights.
We've also played a lot of games as a family. Bingo is a fave in our house.
Sunday at home!
We worshipped our Lord Savior from our living room on Sunday. We had the approval from our leaders to partake of the sacrament and enjoy a lesson from home. Having Come Follow Me come out has been such a blessing. The Spirit was strong as we said our prayers, sang songs, partook of the sacrament (blessed by Preston) and talked about the Savior. We have enjoyed these past few Sundays at home as a family worshipping our Savior and Father in Heaven.
Creative Painting
I bought these supplies randomly a few weeks ago. They have come in handy during our stay at home time. We have quite the artists in the family too. Quinn in particular has done really well with painting and mixing colors :)
Educational shows help the day go a little smoother :)
We read books every night before our kiddos go to sleep. Everyone gets to pick a book for Mom or Dad to read. This is a time I have enjoyed with these littles. We read, say prayers and get our hugs and kisses before they close their eyes for the night. Then Mom and Dad celebrate another day down in peace and quiet. Haha.
Another beautiful day called for another impromptu water day. When the kids ran in asking if they could turn the hose on I said yes. Their faces lit up like a christmas tree, haha. They were over joyed.
Then it was Gracie's turn to choose. Grace chose the new movie, Onward, so we decided to make it a dinner and a movie night. We all LOVED it! Such a fun movie. Everyone has asked to watch it again and again every day since then. Haha.
This past week we were asked to go grocery shopping while wearing a mask. I of course obeyed. I ran out to grab a few things we needed feeling a little like someone from a horror movie, haha. The shelves have finally been stocked back up. After the initial panic and once CA shut everyone down, it seemed to calm people down. No more running to grab everything. People have started to come around to a more relaxed state of mind. I was able to get everything I needed. There were very few people in the store when I went and everyone but a few rebels had masks on.
We have done quite a bit of baking during our quarantine as well. I have done breads, cookies, cakes and cobblers. I may come out of this entire situation a few lbs up but it was worth it. I think the baking comes more from watching the The Great British Baking Show and not necessarily the quarantine, haha. Let's be honest it's not a good combination. Quarantine plus baking shows equals increase in weight, haha.
No truer words could be spoken then right now. Haha!
Overall, this pandemic has been insane to watch and keep track of. It saddens my heart and soul for those that have lost loved ones during this virus crisis. I have lost an old roommate and my neighbor directly to the left of us. I am grateful that our family has been watched over and protected but my heart goes out to those suffering with loss.
President Nelson recently asked for all of those that can to fast for this pandemic to end. For the safety of the workers in hospitals and for our economy worldwide to get back to normal. I pray we will see the Lord's hand in this plea for help. He is very much aware of the situation and just waiting for us to turn to Him, humble ourselves and ask for help.
This Clark crew is hoping April will shape up to look a little different from our March. Only time will tell :)