February brought quite a few changes for the Clark crew. We endured some massive wind storms, hail, and rainy days. The rain is always welcomed! We only get about 15 inches of rain per year. That is actually one of the things Pres and I miss most...rain and thunderstorms! This year the winds came in ready to take down all in its path. Our poor fence came toppling down after we received 35+ mph winds two days in a row.
Luckily, we had someone out in no time to help us build it back up. Apparently there were a lot of fences that went down. Our local Home Depot was running out of wood.
Quinn starts horseback riding lessons!
Quinn and Ellie
Pres and I were SO excited to surprise Quinnie with horseback riding lessons this month. We were on a waiting list since November. It finally worked out for her to begin! We started riding at Barnwood Stables in Escalon. Quinn was over joyed by this opportunity. We quickly found out that Quinn is completely in charge of all things horse. From brushing, picking the horseshoes clean, to saddling the horse. She did all of this for the first time with zero fear and so much excitement. She loved learning all about Ellie the horse.
Cleaning the hooves out.
Miss Ellie is 34 years old. She's quite old for a horse. Lucky for us though, she knows what to do before we do. She will flip her feet for Quinn to clean them as she makes her way around, haha.
The tack room.
Listening closely to Miss Cherie as she learns how to tie the cowboy knot.
She's so little that she has a stool to climb on and off of :)
Learning final touches before she can jump on.
She had to saddle and unsaddle twice before she could ride. I couldn't believe how much she remembered from the first time Miss Cherie showed her how to do it.
Quinnie is also in charge of leading Ellie out to the ramp so she can get on. Again, since Q is so small she needs help learning how to get on the horse :)
Quinn at the wall and ready to mount Ellie!
Here we go! Look at that smile!
Quinn will have three private lessons with Miss Cherie before moving on to her group lessons. On her first day she saddled Ellie twice and then got to walk around the grounds while her teacher held onto the rope. She was in her own little heaven.
Grandma & Grandpa Clark flew in for a long weekend. We were all SO happy that they could join us. Preston had recently been called as the Second Counselor in our Bishopric at church. I was released as the Young Women's President on that same Sunday. It was a huge adjustment for me to say the least. Grandma & Grandpa flew into CA to be a part of Preston's ordination as High Priest. Dad was able to do that for him.
I was told that Grandpa and Quinn went for a walk to the park not far from home. This was the scene I saw as they were walking back. Love this!
And Q was treated with a little ice cream cone by Grandpa. Maybe an award for going with him? :)
Movie night at the Clark home.
Dad, Pres, and President Brown
The following evening Pres was set a part as Second Counselor after receiving his ordination as High Priest. We are excited for his new calling serving the people in our ward.
It was a family affair and we were so excited to all be a part of it.
Grandma & Grandpa came out to see Q with her horse :)
Getting the horse all cleaned up and feeding her a little cookie.
Ready for Sunday!
Mom and Dad had to leave shortly after church to catch their flight home. It was a quick trip to CA. We were so excited that they made the time to come and be with us. Especially on Preston's big day! We enjoyed every second we had together.

Because these are some of my favorite pics! Quinn falling asleep with a book wide open.
Pres and I started "Book Club" with our kiddos on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Our "Book Club" consists of the kiddos picking out a book they want us to read with them. They read a page and then we read a page. The boys tend to pick Big Nate ones. Quinn chooses chapter books. I read with Q on Tuesdays, Pres reads with the boys. I read with Beckham on Wednesday, while Pres is helping at the church. On Thursday I read with Jack, while Pres reads with Quinn. The boys tend to want to read together so Pres does two nights (for his work schedule), and I do three. We also do a family reading night on Sundays and Mondays. Right now our family book night is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Once we finish the book we will have a family movie night. Can't wait!
Pres whitening his teeth while Quinn reads.
Some nights we do family foot massages. The kids LOVE this! They soak their little toes in warm water with epsom salts and then I rub a little lotion on them. They think this is the greatest thing ever!
Pres making dinner and rockin my onion goggles ;)

Valentine's Day!
This year for Valentine's Day I got the kids a few of their favorite books, a favorite chocolate treat, balloons, and a personal note from yours truly. They were so happy to see their fun little gifts when they walked through the door from school.
Jack & Beckham
Someone stole my Valentine ;)
Q did such a great job! She is officially graduated onto group lessons. She's nervous and excited to meet the other riders. Quinn will rock it though, I just know it.

Almond blossoms were out in full bloom behind the farm.
It's always such a magical time of year.
The barn.
They are in the process of building beautiful pine stables for the horses. Love the twinkly lights too.
Some of the boarding horses.
You can only board a horse here if it is a "class" horse. You have to be taking classes in order to rent space. Miss Cherie shared with me that many people tend to leave their horses if it's just a boarding barn. If they have to be a "class" horse than they are more likely to see their owner at least once a week.
Final riding challenges before she enters her group ...
Hands on the head for a strong core.
Full concentration ;)
Last time of training in the round.
February was more relaxed. It was exactly what we needed. We had a lot of fun getting Quinn set up with all things horse related. Loved our Valentine's Day gifts and enjoyed every minute we had with Grandma and Grandpa Clark. We are excited for Preston's new calling and we know he will be amazing at it. The Lord will help him balance family, work, and church. He's going to do great things for the people of Manteca. I am going to miss my calling as YW President in a big way! I will cherish and hold those friendships I made close to my heart. However, I will cheer on my girls all through life. They can't get rid of me :)