The kids and I were ecstatic about our Bentonville trip. We couldn't wait to spend two full weeks with family. This trip was everything we needed and more. It was a trip of healing, grief, love, support and big next steps. We have been so blessed to be a part of such an incredible family. I lucked out in the in law department in a big way! Here's a look at our Bentonville journey through our eyes.
Cutie pie Audrey soaking up the rays.
Lots and lots of pool time. If we spent every single day at the pool, our kiddos would not have complained at all :) Each morning they woke up they asked if it was time to go to the pool yet.
So much priceless cousin time!
Playing categories.
A game where you say a certain topic, like ice cream. Then the person out of the pool starts naming flavors. If they say your favorite flavor, you have to swim as quietly as you can to the other side of the pool before being tagged by the one jumping in after you. The kids LOVED this game!
These three loved their screen time. Ella bean was such a fun addition to have around the boys. They loved spending time with her.
Checking out the temple grounds where Grandma and Grandpa are serving.
Bentonville has such a gorgeous temple inside and out.
This cute girl and I snuck away one evening to attend the temple. One of my favorite moments from the entire trip!
Audrey teaching Jack a thing or two ;)
These two were pretty inseparable the entire trip. Equal love from both sides :)
Clark puzzle time.
I had brought a few puzzles for us to try out during our stay. This is one of my favorite past times, plus it always reminds me of Bri. We would be the ones staying up a little later to get a few more pieces in while catching up on life.
More Pool Time!
1, 2, 3
Quinnie's pool twist :)
After all that swimming we needed some tasty food! Dinner is always sweeter when you can have everyone around. Isaac was receiving last minute missionary council from this previous mission president too ;) I loved listening to all of Scott's ideas and thoughts. I think Isaac will be well prepared for a sweet two years.
We finished the puzzle!
Scott and Sandy sold Brian and Shelby's first house they owned. We all wanted to take a trip down memory lane before the keys were handed over to the new buyers.
These three were content hanging outside. So we did a little photoshoot :)
I love the dynamic of these two. Audrey was pretty concerned about the grass she picked, but she had to show Declan.

Mr. Declan
Declan's face, haha. Loved having Bree and Tari for a few days!
Such a cute boy!

Shelb says goodbye to 1150.

As we were leaving I noticed this cloud. I call them Second Coming clouds. It was gorgeous! The way the sun hit and filled the space behind and all around was incredible.
To besties just hanging out. This trip they decided they were more like sisters than cousins though :)
Liv being all cute.
Don't forget cutie pie Claire too!
Loved the way Audrey was looking up at Claire. My heart.
We took a family trip to the Farmer's Market in downtown Bentonville. One of my favorite things to do!

It was crazy hot outside but we got through it :)
Sadie checking out the t-shirts.
These three had some money burning in their pockets :) They were excited to look at all of the fun things each booth had to offer.

Audrey had the best seat in the house!

It was so hot that Jack had to take a little break under some shade.
Cousins on a giant chair!

Declan's time to shine :)

Loved listening to Ella Bean read to Dec.
One of the things that we all really wanted to do for Father's Day, was spend some time as a family with Bri. The entire crew stopped at one of Brian's favorite ice cream places called Andy's Frozen Custard. Everyone picked their favorite flavor and we headed to Hunt's Memorial.
I have found, as I am sure many others have found, grief comes and goes. It can come in waves and it can feel more subtle. Trusting in the Lord's plan for everyone involved can be hard. There tends to be more questions than answers. Honestly, I am not sure that even if we knew the answers it would sit well with us. That's why trust is so important. However, it doesn't make the process of grief any easier. You will still hurt at times, you will still miss your person, and you will think of them often as you move through life. Even if you found yourself rarely thinking about them before. You will pull the people you love closer. You will find that you notice the small tender mercies in life. You will lean on family and friends for support. You will pray more sincerely for those affected by the loss. You will look for the miracles as you begin heal.
Our family Father's Day with Bri.
Once we finished our goodbyes and celebrated Bri for Father's Day, we headed to the temple for some family photos. We may not have thought through how that would effect us all but everyone was a trooper.
A few people had gotten together to make Sandy this incredible quilt in memory of Brian. The detail and meaning behind each part of the quilt is absolutely beautiful.
The grands :)
Happy Father's Day Pres!
The following day we celebrated our favorite guy! We loved spoiling Pres this year! The kids and I got him a Dave Matthew's t-shirt to honor Bri and a brand new Apple watch. We sure love this guy and all he does for our family of five!
We feasted on all things BBQ while celebrating the men in our lives.
Dec was all smiles with Uncle Preston :)
We were able to be a part of Isaac Judd's farewell talk in church and his setting a part as a missionary. It was such a special day. This kiddo had a lot going on. He fell asleep peacefully in the chair for a while.
Where there is a screen, there is a gathering of children, haha.

Saying good-bye to Isaac.
The following day Pres, Tari, Bree, and Dec were leaving. We decided we should hit up the Waffle House for a tasty breakfast before everyone headed out. I had a date with these three girls :) We had a TON of fun in our booth ;) Loved my time with each of them!
Jack teaching me all that he is learning about dinosaurs. This kid will do something in science for sure in his life. He is so fascinated by ALL things science.
These four had such a fun time hanging out.
Quinn and Gracie teaching Declan a song about "If you're happy and you know it". This kid had an abundance of love over the weekend that the Machanzi's were with us. I don't think he minded one bit of all the attention ;)
Getting ready to dive into another episode of Granite Falls. A show that Poppa Clark introduced us to.
Another puzzle finished! Woohoo! This one was Lake Tahoe. Memories of a family trip last July.
I got a text from Preston with this sweet pic. I have found that everyone is processing the passing of Bri in their own way. No one way is right. For Quinn, she needs to write him letters. My heart about explodes every time I find a new letter to Uncle Brian.
In our final week we had the Williamson's with us, so we wanted to make it EPIC for the few days we had together...and we did!
Splash pad craziness!
Beckham boy got a slide burn...eesh. Safe to say he wore his shirt the rest of the time.
Jack slipped and hit his head pretty dang hard. Luckily, he's a tough kiddo. He went home with a giant goose egg on his forehead though.
They had a ropes course that I ended up hanging out at. I had kiddos coming and going. Everyone wanted to try to be the new ninja warrior :)
Overall the splash pad was a huge success but I think everyone walked away with some bump, bruise, or cut. Luckily we have a tough crew.
Aunt Shelby has the coolest swing EVER!
Twister anyone?
Before we left Bentonville we had one last picnic with Uncle Brian.

We thought it would be nice to write a little note to leave for him in his vase.
We love you Uncle Brian! Thank you for being the best guardian angel our family could ask for.
That evening we were off to the theatre to hit up the brand new Inside Out 2 movie. Everyone LOVED it!
Shelb hooked us up the following day with some tickets to the bug exhibit at the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
The exhibit was of dead, but real bugs. It was absolutely incredible to see how they were made into art!
Everyone that rocked their time at the museum earned a slushie! YUM!
Two peas in a pod.
Bentonville Airport tradition! Jammies and pretzels. Here we go!
Until next time Arkansas!
Quinnie did not make it long before she passed out on our second flight. The boys held strong for a little while and then they were out. Pres picked us up from the airport at 11:45p. We were home and in our beds by 1am. We had 24 hours at home to wash our clothes, repack, and get ready for Hawaii!
We had an absolute blast with the Clark side of the family. Our two weeks went by so quickly. We made note that we may have to do that again next year. We flew in not long after the seven tornadoes had hit all around the area. We learned a lot about the previous storms and saw lots of damage. We were grateful that our people were safe and secure.
Our time was filled with love, patience, grief, sadness, hope, trust, happiness, new beginnings, and support. I am so grateful to be a part of such an incredible crew of people. I tend to learn and grow every single time I surround myself with these amazing people. Preston, Jack, Beckham, and Quinn will be back again in September to celebrate Grace's baptism! I however will be in Utah with the Spung side of the family cheering Gracie on from there.