March went by extremely fast. We are officially unpacked and organized in our new home and it feels great. We are really enjoying our apartment and are grateful to finally feel "moved in". Preston's job is continuing to get busier each month. He is starting to receive more projects from the administration team and is really enjoying it.
Jack and I are starting to take it a little easier since we have another little one joining our family in a month. Yep ... 1 month!! This pregnancy flew by and we are very anxious to meet our little man. It feels so weird when people ask when I am due and I can say next month. As for me, I am feeling great and have no real complaints. I am sure I will be feeling much more uncomfortable in the next few weeks - but for now I sleep with 6 pillows :) Because you can never have to many haha, and take it a day at a time.
Me and this cutie right before the ward Easter hunt.
A proud papa! I think Jack just wants to go and get more eggs :)
I still can't believe he carried his own basket and put every egg he found in there. I thought for sure he would get distracted (like the above shot) and move on. So so proud!!
Look at all those eggs!
It didn't take long to realize that each egg had candy in them. To the victor goes the spoils!
Learning to eat with a spoon. Doing a good job huh? Haha. This reminds me of when Beast is learning to eat with a spoon on Beauty and the Beast. Haha.
He is talking quite a bit now. He says a few words and can do some animal noises but nothing beats his gibberish that only he can understand.
Day 2 of eating with a spoon ... not so well. He loved it though!
Easter Sunday! Jack received his basket and found an egg right when he woke up hence the chocolate face :) He loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and loves these books!

He loved looking for eggs again!
A very happy boy! 15 months and growing!
Snuggle time
Ready for an Easter bike ride with Dad. Small break in between sessions of conference.
Very focused and holding on tight.
This handsome guy and I got a date night thanks to some friends from church :) It was so fun!! I loved eating without a child nearby wanting my attention. It was glorious!
Hope everyone had an amazing Easter week! I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. Because He lives, our family can be together forever! Oh what joy fills my heart!
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