The boys did an awesome job on the flight. Jack barely got through a show before we heard the flight attendant say that we were landing. We had such a great time in Utah and are so grateful that we were able to see so many friends and family. One of my favorite parts of this visit was the weather and relaxation :) It was great taking a break from the El Paso heat but dang did I miss my hubby :)
Here's a few pics before the trip...
Here's a few pics before the trip...

We celebrated this amazing guy right before we left. Pres had a birthday right when we were leaving. We celebrated it a few days early. He loves grasshopper pie so that was the choice of "cake" this year. We also may have spoiled him with a gift or two :) Love this man of mine and I am so grateful for him each day!
The Friday before we left we found out that we were having a baby girl join our crew. We are so excited to have this little one joining us at the end of the year. She is already such a blessing to our family. We can't wait to meet her!
Now onto Utah and the great time we had!
Someone fell asleep on our way out to Phoenix :)
Mom and Er decorated the house to celebrate us having a baby girl. It was so much fun to see everyone the day we got in. Everyone came down for a bbq at mom and dad's. I couldn't get over how grown up my nieces and nephews were. Yes, I forgot to get a pic when we were all together :(
Swinging with Pop up at the cabin.

Time for a little relaxation on the deck. These two absolutely loved being outside on the deck. Unfortunately the railing wasn't up for a couple weeks so we had to keep a close eye on Beckham. He hung out in a pack n play most of the time when we were out there.
We met up with Aunt Mikale, Kai and Teagan at a splash pad/playground. The kids loved it! I loved catching up with Mikale and spending time with all of these cuties.
Kai and Jack running around. Not sure when Jack thought it was a good idea to take his shoes off but luckily we found them at the top of a slide.
It took Jackson a minute to get used to the splash pad but once he did he loved it. He ran all around. I loved watching him! One of his favorite things to do was to put his foot on one of the spouts and when he'd feel the water on his foot he'd look down and move his foot away. He was sprayed in the face every single time. It was hilarious! He loved it!! Beckham however would not get near the water. He was perfectly content hanging out with mom on the bench watching Jack run around.
This is how we hang out on the deck and enjoy the great weather :) Love this son of mine.
I am not sure Eugene was able to use his doggy bed the entire time we were there. Beckham had commandeered it for book reading time. Poor Geno was terrified of Beckham boy. He'd go to the opposite side of the room or couch when Beckham came into the room. I'm guessing Beckham taking his bed didn't help the situation. Haha
Jackson playing and wearing butterfly wings while doing so. Haha. What a cute kid!
The 3 James'. I was so happy that Jim was able to come down several times to spend time with us. The boys LOVED playing together and I loved catching up with my bro!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this woman! I was so happy to meet up with Rhiannon for dinner and some much needed catch up time and girl talk. There is nothing like catching up with old friends. We took a girls trip at the end of September with Wynnie and Katie. Let's just say it was everything I had hoped for and expected from this amazing and crazy group of women :) More on that to come!
We had a few spills while playing outside and with cousins. This guy took some really good bonks to the head. Luckily he's tough and quite the trooper.
Jack and Beckham helped Aunt Erin unload the last of what was left in storage from the trailer. They enjoyed running back and forth and I enjoyed them being contained :)

Riding on the lawn mower with Pop. The boys LOVED this!! Every time we visit the boys get a ride and they look forward to it each time. I'm pretty sure Pop enjoys it just as much as they do :)
Dad and I took the boys for a stroll down to see the horses at a neighboring house. Every single time we came into the canyon or passed these horses you would get a big "neigh" from two very excited boys in the back seat of the car. They LOVED the horses until the horses would get to close :)
We gave Mom and Dad a break and heading up to the Calderwood home for several days. The boys absolutely enjoyed time with their cousins. They spent everyday outside on the trampoline or on the playground. They loved it! I really enjoyed my time catching up with Angie as well. It was a win-win in my book.
All smiles on the playground.
Jumping Jack :)
Watching closely while Jack jumps.
Oh my heart!!
One morning we went on a fun hike. The boys loved it because it wasn't far from the Heber train that runs along the mountain side. They enjoyed watching the train go by.
A little down time.
These two! Beckham loved rocking away in the rocker. This was one of his favorite spots on the deck. Jack loved playing in the dirt and collecting different rocks. He came in for a quick Diet Coke break, but oh the dirt that was everywhere haha.
Love this girl! I was so happy that I could see Betsy while I was in Utah. I couldn't believe that our paths crossed. We served in the amazing NY NY North Mission together and have been great friends since. She's currently in North Dakota and I am in Texas so it's hard for us to see each other. We just both happened to be in the right place at the right time :) How cute are our boys?!
I love this pic!! I think Aunt Erin really enjoyed having these 2 boys around and I know they loved having her too!
Jackson, Beckham and James. The 3 amigos! :)
Dad's back!! YAY!!!!

Grandma and Grandpa Curtis!
As soon as Preston got off the plane we headed to visit the Grandparents. We actually visited Grandpa Clark first and were thrilled to find him in such great spirits. We also had the pleasure of catching up with Aunt Beth. The boys enjoyed playing outside while we chatted and enjoyed one another's company. We then headed to the Curtis home where we were greeted by a very smiley Great-Grandma Curtis. We were thrilled to spend time with Grandpa and Grandma Curtis. We also were able to catch up with Uncle Sherm. It was a very fun visit. There's nothing like Grandma's house.
The gang's all here with Grandpa Clark! Love this pic of Grandpa and Preston :)
The boys thought it was the greatest thing ever, to push each other in the stroller. They could do it forever.
Cousin love! Mikale and Ammon came down to visit for awhile before we left. It was so fun having time with everyone.
Nothing like brother and sister :)
Mikale and I are only a month apart on our due dates. I can't wait to welcome her little man to the family and for everyone to meet our little lady.
Beckham is my very busy busy boy. You have to keep an eye on this one or you never know what you may find :)
James giving Jack a ride :)
My amazing parents have been called to serve in the Philippines Angeles Mission. We are so proud of this incredible journey they are about to embark on. They will be serving and administering to the great Filipino people for a year. We are so excited for them to experience a mission and I think they are going to thoroughly enjoy this time as they serve the Lord. The only downside is that Preston and I are officially orphans :) As my parents head to the other side of the world to help Preston's parents in the same mission we have gratitude in our hearts for the incredible parents we have. They have both set such a great example! We are also grateful to have the amazing family we have because we know we are not alone :) Best of luck Mom and Dad!
Awwww I cannot believe what good luck I had to see you. Loved seeing your beautiful face and squeezing your babies ❤️❤️