One day for school we did bird nests out of Rice Krispies and M&M's. The boys ate everything but the Krispies part, haha. Guess they don't care for Rice Krispie treats.
Movie nights are always fun! Geno came down with Mom and Dad as well. The boys LOVED having Geno around :)
Jack reading to Pop while he works on the tub. Too cute!

Pop reading to Beckham
So grateful for these two! We had so much fun with Grandma and Pop while they were with us. We can't wait to get them back down here!
The Calderwood crew and Erin came down the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. We were so happy to have cousins and time together as a family. We missed the Denver Spungs and the Freezes but maybe next year they can join us ;) Corey flew in to surprise the kids on Wednesday night! It was soooo great to have everyone with us.
Our pre Thanksgiving dinner spread.
Pops and Er watching football and eating some snacks.
Love this pic of Jack and Kami. Laying out and soaking up those El Paso rays.
Playing trains outside.
This cute boy of mine.
The Thanksgiving Crew! So happy we could host this year.
Goof balls
A family shot
This little girl LOVES her Pop! I do believe the feeling is very mutual :)

Trying on one of Mom's birthday gifts from Dad this year! I actually celebrated my bday on Thanksgiving and it was awesome!
Best day of the year!
Uncle Corey and Quinnie Bear
We had so much fun playing with different apps on Er's phone. How cute are these two?!
Aubrey Marie and Quinn Marie :)
A look at Thanksgiving!
I love these pics of Aunt Erin with the kiddos. Soooo cute!
I'm liking this app :)
Cody man and Jack
Jack and Aunt Erin

Calderwoods went to a near by field and played some football while the rest of us relaxed. Beckham boy tagged along and LOVED it!

Haley Kay and Quinn Beckham and Aunt Angie
Love these pics of everyone outside enjoying the sunshine. There is nothing like Texas weather :)
What a fun group!
Playing "Go Fish" Aunt Erin and Q
Instead of going around the table this year to say what we are thankful for we all made a turkey. Each feather had what we are thankful for on it. It was so fun to see how each person created their turkeys and what they were thankful for. Some turkeys looked more like ducks and there was one "special" turkey that looked like a peacock, hahaha. We had a blast making these!
Aubrey and Haley were so sweet to watch the kids while the adults went out to dinner. Texas Roadhouse did not disappoint! It was so good and what great company! Love these people!!!
Our family LOVES games so of course we had game nights.
We introduced Cor to the amazing game of Settlers of Catan and I believe we may have ended up introducing him to his new favorite game ;)
Kam Jam and Quinn
I think it is safe to say that Quinn LOVED all of the attention she received over those few days :)
We had soooo much fun hosting Thanksgiving this year! I love making food and having company so this was a double win for me :) Plus it was my birthday...seriously could this have been any better?! Ummmmm nope it couldn't. We would be up to hosting every year if people are willing to put in the time and miles. I know the drive can be long and hard but we really appreciated everyone for making the trek down south. We hope they all had as much fun as we did!
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