Quinn Marie Clark
December 30, 2016
7.3 lbs
20 1/2 in. long
Born at 9:16am
We have been so very blessed! Quinn has been an absolute joy to have in our house. The boys are completely in love with her and ask to hold her several times a day. Pres and I couldn't have asked for a more special spirit to join our family. We all adore her and are so grateful she is ours.
Labor and delivery went extremely well. Our doctor and nurses were very attentive and helped in anyway they could to make everything pain free and worry free. Thank goodness for epidurals :) I was induced on the 29th at 11pm and she made her way that following morning. I was able to sleep through the night and woke up ready to go. It was a perfect scenario for Pres and I.
We haven't had to adjust too much to having three little ones which is a major blessing. Quinn sleeps so much it still feels like we only have two. I am sure it will get much harder as everyone continues to grow and get older but for right now we are very blessed and grateful for our sweet baby girl.
Quinn Marie

I loved the boys meeting her for the first time. They were so happy to see her. It just made my heart melt.
Big brothers!
"Hold her."
Such a precious shot. LOVE this!
I wish this one didn't turn out so blurry but I love this moment.
Clark... party of five!
Our baby girl!
Sound asleep.
Bows, lace and glitter here we come!

Enjoying their time with baby Quinn.
All of our babies have been born with a little jaundice so we were sunbathing :) Yes, sunbathing in January. It was 75* this day in El Paso.
Aunt Angie and Beckham boy.
Aunt Angie and my boys!
I absolutely loved having my sisters with me during this time. I of course missed my Mom and Dad but I know that they are doing a very important work in the Philippines right now. I am so grateful to my older sisters for flying out and taking the time to spend with my little family. I owe them so much for all they did for me. What seemed like would be a stressful time for us turned out to be an incredible time for our family; all because of my sisters and their service, support and love for us. Love you Ang and Er, thanks for coming down to Texas!
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