October has been such a fun filled month. We did so many family oriented things and enjoyed each day. Here's a look at what our fall looked like :)
The boys love this jumping area. They would jump forever if we'd let them.
Tractor Ride!!
We all jumped on the tractor and headed out to the pumpkins. Quinn stayed close to Dad :)
Family Photo op.
We usually go on the last Saturday before Halloween, but this year we switched it up and went on the first Friday night. It was really sunny with tons of mosquitos. We hadn't had mosquitos in the past so we were not as prepared haha. However, it didn't hold us back from having a blast. We went with our some good friends of ours, the Tingey family. Luckily Jess had bug spray :)

Quinn was making us laugh so hard. She LOVED the animals. She would laugh out loud and jump up and down while watching them eat and move around. It was the cutest thing. The bunnies hopping around was the most fascinating thing in the world to this 21 month old, haha.
Watching the bunnies hop ;)

This was the first year we could all ride the rides! It was so much fun watching everyone be able to participate and have a blast! We really do love the Pumpkin Patch! I think Preston's pic says it all :)

The boys found their favorite area pretty fast. They would move these huge blocks to create a play area. They would climb, jump, and crawl from block to block. The other kids were right beside them planning and moving blocks. They were in heaven!

Carving pumpkins this year was a lot of fun. They asked us almost every day if they could carve pumpkins. It was so hard for them to watch them just sit on the porch. Pres had to work late this year so I helped the kiddos decorate and cut pumpkins. Everyone got to draw a face on the pumpkin and then we'd do our best to make it look like the drawing. We carved them very early in October ;)

For preschool time I tried to think of fun crafts we could do for Halloween. We do a lot of our crafting on Mondays and Fridays when Jack is home from Pre-K. He loves to do them with us. The kids really look forward to crafting and I absolutely LOVE seeing their creations. I find myself giggling often ;)
The kids LOVE the new Charlie Brown movie...well new to us. It's been out since 2015 ;) We have watched a lot of Charlie Brown shows and movies over the past several weeks. When I told the kids we could be them for Halloween they were ecstatic!
They call each other "Charlie Brown, Linus and Snoopy" on a daily basis. We have even heard the boys refer to Pres and I as "Schroeder and Lucy." Haha!! One morning, I went in to get the boys for breakfast. Jack looked up and said, "Oh. Haha. Sorry Mom, I thought you were Schroeder. Haha. That's silly." I literally laughed out loud.

There are a lot of decisions and pure concentration that goes into each creation made. From deciding between colors to use to the faces they'll paint. It's so cute watching their little brains work and figure things out along the way.

These two wore their costumes every day after Halloween. They asked if they could wear their "Linus and Charlie Brown" shirts. They wanted to sleep in them and wear them throughout the day, haha. Since I had made these from a $2 shirt and Sharpie from Hobby Lobby I wasn't sure they'd hold up in the wash. It could actually ruin them...eek. Pres and I jumped on our trusty old Amazon site and found some look a likes...whew! They will be getting their new "Linus and Charlie Brown shirts" shortly :) I loved that they loved them as much as they did.

Quinn Marie is officially potty trained! Woot Woot! I never planned to have this girl out of diapers by 22 months old. It just happened. She did it all on her own for the most part. We still do a pull up for night time (just in case) and on long drives or outings, but she's doing awesome! Very rarely she has an accident. She is really enjoying this "big girl" thing...me too!
This little one seriously has my heart, just like her brothers do. She makes me so happy! We were playing peek-a-boo with the door here ;) She was laughing so hard! It made my day! A perfect way to wrap up October 2018!! Great job Quinnie Bear! Daddy and I are so very proud of you sweet girl...xoxo!
Watching the bunnies hop ;)

This was the first year we could all ride the rides! It was so much fun watching everyone be able to participate and have a blast! We really do love the Pumpkin Patch! I think Preston's pic says it all :)
The gang's all here!
Jess, Taylor, Pres, kiddos and Me.
Sam (Jess' sis) and Haddie Mae
Thanks for letting us tag along Tingey Family!! We loved it!
And just like that...Pumpkin Patch comes to a close :)
Elite Gymnastics
Quinn Marie Haddie Mae
Jess invited us to go with her and Haddie to Elite Gymnastics gym one Friday afternoon. We had an absolute blast!! The gym opens up for a few hours every Friday so kids can come tumble and play. You can jump on all of the trampolines, play in a bounce house, use all of the big blocks and run, run, run. We had been wanting to do this for a long time but something seemed to always get in the way. It ended up being the perfect Friday afternoon. The kids LOVED every minute.
Sliding down the bounce house slide :)
Quinn spent a lot of time going through the obstacles and sliding.

The boys found their favorite area pretty fast. They would move these huge blocks to create a play area. They would climb, jump, and crawl from block to block. The other kids were right beside them planning and moving blocks. They were in heaven!
Smile Haddie! Love this girl.

Go Quinn Go
We ended up staying a couple hours. Time just flew by. It was so fun watching the kids run and play. I packed a simple lunch and we ate on the way home. By the time we got back they were all ready to crash for naps :) Win-Win in my book! They still talk about the "gym" all the time. I think we will have to make this a monthly thing.
One morning while I was getting everyone dressed for our "errand day", Jack asked if he could pick a hat. I said, "Of course, Bud. Go grab whichever one you'd like." He came back bouncing around the corner. I could barely see his face, haha, but my eyes lit up instantly. I cracked the biggest smile and a lump swelled up in my throat as I asked, "Did you know that hat is your Great-Grandpa's hat?" He said, "Yea Mom, I want to wear Great-Grandpa's hat today. It's awesome!" I love so many things about this picture. My heart is so full.
Pumpkins and Craft Corner

Carving pumpkins this year was a lot of fun. They asked us almost every day if they could carve pumpkins. It was so hard for them to watch them just sit on the porch. Pres had to work late this year so I helped the kiddos decorate and cut pumpkins. Everyone got to draw a face on the pumpkin and then we'd do our best to make it look like the drawing. We carved them very early in October ;)

Concentrating on his face. I LOVE that he drew what he wanted on a piece of paper first, then used his sketch to make sure he had it right :)
Even Princess have to take a time out if they aren't behaving well. This sweet girl ;)
The finished product. That is one happy little man.
Pres brought home little battery candles that night to make them official jack-o-lanterns. The kids LOVED watching the pumpkins faces light up. They checked on their pumpkins everyday and made sure the light was on every night. These kids seriously have my heart.

Great skeletons Beckham Boy!!
For preschool time I tried to think of fun crafts we could do for Halloween. We do a lot of our crafting on Mondays and Fridays when Jack is home from Pre-K. He loves to do them with us. The kids really look forward to crafting and I absolutely LOVE seeing their creations. I find myself giggling often ;)
Skeletons and Ghosts for a win!
Good Job Q!
Date Night!!
A much needed and fun night! We do our best to go out twice a month but sometimes it just doesn't happen. It was so fun to get away for dinner and a little shopping. I love this man of mine!
Church Fall Party!
Meet the Peanuts gang!
Linus, Charlie Brown and Snoopy :)
They call each other "Charlie Brown, Linus and Snoopy" on a daily basis. We have even heard the boys refer to Pres and I as "Schroeder and Lucy." Haha!! One morning, I went in to get the boys for breakfast. Jack looked up and said, "Oh. Haha. Sorry Mom, I thought you were Schroeder. Haha. That's silly." I literally laughed out loud.
Snoopy - complete with her very own ears :)
Our sweet little Linus.
Beckham may end up being an actor some day :) He loved being in character. Love this boy!!
"Good grief, Charlie Brown."
Jack soaked it up! He loved playing and being Charlie Brown. He even says "good grief" now. Haha.
Pres was Schroeder and I was Lucy.
I thought it'd be perfect since Lucy's in love with Schroeder :) Preston's shirt says "Beethoven Rocks" and mine says "Psychiatric Help 5 cents".
The church party was a huge success. They had a couple bounce houses and a trunk or treat. I think we will opt out of Halloween night until the kids are older. They just get too much candy with both. The trunk or treat was perfect!
Painting Pumpkins
Since we had carved pumpkins in the beginning of October, they didn't last very long...oops. They ended up molding after about 10 days, so we had to throw them out. We went to Walmart real quick one night and grabbed a few pumpkins for painting. I love this tradition! I let the kids do what ever they would like and they really enjoy it. Quinn decided to put on "lipstick" first, haha ;)

There are a lot of decisions and pure concentration that goes into each creation made. From deciding between colors to use to the faces they'll paint. It's so cute watching their little brains work and figure things out along the way.
Blending colors :)
"Mom, take my picture. I'm all done!"
My sweet babies!
One night everyone had this burst of energy right before bed. I had a moment of panic, haha. I was trying to think of ways I could start to wind everyone down. I asked the kids to head to the living room. I followed shortly after trying to think of something quick while enroute. When I came in to the room they were all sitting in a line waiting for me, haha. I had to grab my camera! I thought I was going to have to round them up like cattle, haha. I loved seeing them sit so quietly and patiently for me.
I started racking my brain while these sweet little faces just stared up at me. While they were waiting for me to reveal this "really cool thing" we'd do, I stretched my arms and they mirrored me. So I thought ... huh... "Let's do some stretches and breathing exercises."
"What's that Mom?"
I said, "Do what I do."
They followed every stretch and every breathe :) We did a few things that I knew off the top of my head that they could do and they loved it! We had never done anything like it before but it worked! Once we finished everyone headed to their rooms to pick their books and start our normal bedtime routine. Hahaha! MOM WIN!

These two wore their costumes every day after Halloween. They asked if they could wear their "Linus and Charlie Brown" shirts. They wanted to sleep in them and wear them throughout the day, haha. Since I had made these from a $2 shirt and Sharpie from Hobby Lobby I wasn't sure they'd hold up in the wash. It could actually ruin them...eek. Pres and I jumped on our trusty old Amazon site and found some look a likes...whew! They will be getting their new "Linus and Charlie Brown shirts" shortly :) I loved that they loved them as much as they did.
Quinnie loved wearing hers for a few days too. She wasn't as consistent as the boys were. She likes her other shirts too...haha.
GIRLS NIGHT! Birthday Celebrations!
Me and my girl Toni!
We had a sweet birthday party for three of my dear friends at L&J's. I consider this restaurant to be the most authentic Mexican style you can find without crossing the boarder. We had so much fun celebrating Toni, Sarah and Maggie. Lots of food, laughter, fun and cupcakes!
Toni, Shanell, Dani, Kaylee, Sarah and Anna! Love you girls!
Chelsea, Allie, Kylea, Maggie, Jenna and me :)
There is nothing like the gift of friendship! Especially when you find yourself far from family!!
The last Sunday of the month the primary held their annual Primary Program. I LOVE the Primary Program. It is something I look forward to every year. Watching these sweet little angels sing, speak and testify of our Savior Jesus Christ is the sweetest thing you will ever hear or see. Beckham had the opportunity to go up for the first song with his nursery class. Quinn opted to stay in the comfort of her fathers arms ;) I had to capture this moment. Jack and Beckham sang along proudly to "I Am A Child of God" with classmates and friends. It was so sweet. Never forget that message my dear boys! You truly are a Child of God, He loves You and He knows who You are!

Quinn Marie is officially potty trained! Woot Woot! I never planned to have this girl out of diapers by 22 months old. It just happened. She did it all on her own for the most part. We still do a pull up for night time (just in case) and on long drives or outings, but she's doing awesome! Very rarely she has an accident. She is really enjoying this "big girl" thing...me too!
This little one seriously has my heart, just like her brothers do. She makes me so happy! We were playing peek-a-boo with the door here ;) She was laughing so hard! It made my day! A perfect way to wrap up October 2018!! Great job Quinnie Bear! Daddy and I are so very proud of you sweet girl...xoxo!
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