Every one of us knew this day was coming, but dang it came so fast. We had an incredible summer despite the pandemic and all. Spending time with family, enjoying the outdoors and exploring CA. We loved every minute of our summer vacation, however, we knew school was just on the other side of it. In California we started school August 6th and went right into online schooling. I was nervous yet optimistic about the impact this would have on our family and our new day to day dynamic. I am grateful that it turned out better than I had anticipated. I will admit we had to do some restructuring along the way. Flexibility was key throughout the month of August. We were all in it together though. The teachers, parents and students took each day as it came and did the best we could do.
Jack was ecstatic to make it to world 8 on Super Mario Bros. 3. He asked Beckham to take a picture :)
Jack set up a table and chairs for drawing school. It was the cutest thing. He taught each of us how to draw a scene from a game he loves. He was an excellent teacher and he's an even better artist.
Showing off our skills from art class ;)
My Beckham boy is in Kindergarten!!
I love this sweet boy more than he'll ever know. I was so excited for him.
Ready or not here we go ;) Online/Virtual school begins for our crew during COVID 19 August 6th.
The cutest 1st Grader out there ;)
Jack was so excited to be one of the older kids ;) Here we come 1st grade!
Words do not express the love I have for these two. They are truly best friends and quite the pair.
Fun faces for the win ;)
Meeting Mrs. Meadows, getting books and a computer for the first day of school.
We were so thrilled to have Mrs. Meadows again. She's a wonderful teacher. I knew she would make Beckham feel welcomed and comfortable for his first year. I also liked that he already knew who she was so it made it even easier.
Meeting Mrs. Adkins and getting books!
One more time playing outside for a full day before schedules and routines begin again.
Jack's first day!
We found a little desk area in our laundry room that he studies and learns from each day ;) Doing our best to make things work around here, haha.
Beckham's turn!
We set him up originally in this area but soon moved him to have more space for his papers, writing and coloring that he does each day.
Rocked the First Day of Kindergarten!! Way to go Beckham boy!
Even though he was home with me for his first day of school, I still cried and got emotional. I did not expect that at all! Seeing him ready to go, waiting for his teacher and getting everything just right on his desk made me tear up more than I had anticipated. I thought the transition would be easier since he was at home but there's something about knowing that he's old enough for school that still made me shed a few tears. He's getting so big too fast! My sweet Beckham James.
When we received the call from Leah in August about our book bag we decided to make a day of it in SF. We spent the day eating delicious food and touring areas we hadn't seen or been to before.
This is City Hall downtown. Stunning building.
Golden Gate Park
We walked out over the pier and it was absolutely beautiful. It was a crazy windy day but a gorgeous skyline.
Another shot of the bridge.
Pres and the kids with the Golden Gate Bridge
We tried for a selfie but it was much harder to do with the wind and kids at our feet ;)
Driving down the famous Lombard street.
There are 8 sharp switchbacks going down. Beautiful but crazy, haha.
China Town
One more look at San Francisco before heading out.
We got our book bag!
Our family really enjoyed this trip to the city. It was super laid back with no agenda other than retrieving our book bag. We looked up little bakeries and places to grab a quick bite and then drive on for more site seeing.
Quinn starts preschool with Mom!
Quinnie was SO excited to start preschool this year. She loves having her brothers home with her. She feels like she is one of the big kids now ;) I just love this little girl. The Lord was looking out for me when He sent me this angel.
I was in the middle of doing online school and preschool with Quinn when I received this text from my Aunt Nad. Aunt Steph had everyone put on their TalkinTees23 shirts to take a pic for me. So much love for these people in these pictures! I am overwhelmed by the support I have received from so many family members and friends. I am SO blessed and SO grateful to have these people in my life.
Lookin' good crew! ;)
One thing I found tricky during online school is break times. I wasn't sure what to have the kids do. I started doing arts, sciences, puzzles, exercising and reading in hopes it would keep them in school mode. Going from playing games on kindles or watching TV and then right back to school was hard. There seemed to be a disconnect when we did that. They wouldn't want to go back because they'd want to finish a game or show. Making the transition from a screen to something productive has saved us. I switch it up day to day but it's nice having something hands on in the 20 minute break slots rather than more screens.
Beckham hard at work ;)
I had to take a picture of this dragon. Jack drew this during his art break one day. I was so impressed. I mean he's 6! I am often amazed by the talent that pores out of these three. They are so gifted in so many ways.
With school starting this month we slowed down on our traveling. It's felt nice having some weekends where we just stay home. No where to go, nothing to do, just relaxation and chill mode. However, after saying that, we had to take one more trip before August ended. We got an incredible deal on some tickets to Alcatraz on the last weekend of the month. Tickets are normally booked out months in advance but due to the pandemic they were just reopening tours when I happened to look. I purchased tickets only two weeks away from the purchase date. Once again we were not disappointed.
They had a replica of Alcatraz that we could look at while waiting to board the ferry.
Here comes our ride :)
Ready to go!
Keeping our distances. This boat was much bigger than we thought.
Family selfie ;)
Shot of the skyline from the boat.
The other side of San Francisco.
It was a super windy and grey day. There were loads of sailboats out on the bay. It was fun to watch them in the water.
Coming up on Alcatraz.
Watching our Captain dock the boat.
A view of the city from Alcatraz.
Golden Gate Bridge from Alcatraz.
One more view of the city.
I was amazed at how big the Alcatraz grounds really are. For some reason I always pictured it to be small and condensed but it's quite large.
This is the warden's house. Absolutely gorgeous and massive. It's more like a mansion.
It was originally the home of the military prison commandment. When Alcatraz became a federal penitentiary the wardens that took charge of the prison lived here. There are 17 large rooms with windows surrounding the home offering the best views of San Francisco. A trusted inmate was in charge of the gardens and was a "houseboy" helping the warden's family. There was a nasty fire that hit the island in 1970 that burnt several of the buildings on the island which is why this is a shell of a house now.
This is where they had staff quarters. There are rocks and all kinds of debris from where they once stood.
Rubble from previous living quarters.
After this area was used for military purposes it was changed into military detention barracks. Plans were made to house up to 600 prisoners. The renovation was completed in 1912. At the time it was the largest steel-reinforced concrete building in the world. Labor was largely provided by unskilled inmates who later became the first prisoners to live in it.
Recreation Yard
The rec yard was HUGE! This is one side.
This is the other side. You can see Preston just barely on home plate.
Jack is up to bat :)
They still had most of the bases out there. I could only imagine the games played when they could.
Cellhouse from the other side of the island.
I loved this brick. The wear and tear on these structures was absolutely beautiful.
The smoke stack is for the power plant. They had their own power plant on the island. |
The gardens.
They planted these gardens in the 1950's to help keep the children busy. Since families lived on the island the Captain of the Guards felt they needed more to do with their time. You could see some of the children's names etched in the stone. Each child had an area of garden to tend.
Guardhouse & Sally Port
This is the oldest building on the island. It was the first defense against enemy landing parties, it could only be reached by an oak drawbridge that spanned a 15-foot-deep dry moat. There were also two gun points for Howitzers at the entrance. This place was legit loaded with gun power. Luckily, it was never tested during battle. They ended up converting it into a holding place later on and added a few cells.
Stairs leading to the Cellhouse
Post Exchange & Officers' Club
This building was used as the local general store, a place for soldiers and their families to buy food and personal goods. When Alcatraz became a prison in 1934, the Post Exchange was converted to a recreation hall and officers' club, complete with dance hall, gym, two-lane bowling alley and a soda fountain.
Military Chapel
Electric Repair Shop
Soldiers once lived in this area as well.
I loved the brick and stone throughout the island. It was so pretty and super cool.
Bridge leading form the dock into the soldiers living quarters.
Guard house and Sally Port
The kids and I climbing the stairs in the rec yard.
Once we ferried back from Alcatraz Pres and I decided to explore a few more areas we hadn't seen yet. We loved driving around in the upper class neighborhoods and soaking in all the sights.
Once we finished roaming the hills of SF we headed home. We had a great time exploring this awesome city for yet another weekend. San Francisco definitely has a lot to offer. It's a fun place to go for a day and get away.
Looking forward to what September will bring.
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