April 18, 2021

March Madness

March madness is normally reserved for the college basketball tournament, but this month was truly crazy for us Clarks. It all began on March 1st when I received a call that my Gram's health was declining rapidly. The nurses gave us all a heads up that it would likely be within days that she would pass. On March 4th when my parents, Britt, and Er went to say their goodbyes to our Gram, Britt received a phone call no one would want to receive. 

Drew had gone into cardiac arrest and was being rushed to the ER in Provo, UT.  He had undergone a dental procedure that morning and was recovering at his parents house while Britt stepped away to say her goodbyes to Gram. My parents rushed Britt to the hospital to await any news. Once Drew was stable, the doctors started running tests trying to figure out what had happened. The doctors assume that he had aspirated at some point but they were not completely clear. He stayed in the hospital for one week and met with several specialists and doctors. After his week long stay the doctors decided to do a PICC line into his arm so he could receive special antibiotics for six weeks hoping to flush out any infection in his body. We are now still waiting for more test results and where to go from here. As of now, Drew is doing better but would love to have more answers as to why this happened and how to fix whatever is causing pain and discomfort. We are all praying that we will have more answers in the upcoming weeks. On the night of March 4th, we received news that my Gram had passed away peacefully to the other side. She is now rejoined with our Gramps and our Uncle Rich. We know that she is in a better place. She is free from any pains she had endured and is more than ready to meet her Savior.

Yes, we had some very real things happen in this crazy month of March, but we also had so many blessings and so many great things happen to our family. We are so grateful for prayer, family, and our faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ. We have truly been blessed beyond measure and not a day goes by that I do not express gratitude in my heart and through my prayers of all the Lord has given us and blessed us with.

Clarks have a piano!!

SO EXCITED! I have been wanting a piano for years! A couple in the ward was moving and getting rid of their piano for FREE! We just had to rent a truck and get it back to our place. I was ecstatic. I reached out to the sweet sister and was so happy to hear that we could take it off of their hands. The kiddos have already been "practicing" and love having it around. I started practicing myself and have really enjoyed learning piano. It's the consistency of practicing that tends to be hardest.

The Original Clark Crew! 

Pres was thrilled to hear of a ski trip that the Clark side was planning for the original 6. He headed out to Utah for a long weekend with his people.  They had such a fun time catching up, skiing, hanging with Tari and his soon to be new bride Brianne, eating delicious food, and laughing with family.

Getting set to head to the lift at Sundance.

Not a bad view from the lifts. 

Gorgeous mountain views!

Bri and Mikale are ready to ski!

The Crew!

Brian, Staci, Mikale, Dad and Pres hit the slopes for the morning. After a few runs I think body and mind were ready to call it quits for the day :) Everyone really enjoyed their time and loved being back on the mountain.

Nothing like Utah mountains!

Oh how we love these people! 

Updating the backyard furniture.

While Pres was in Utah with his fam, I put together the new chairs and umbrella for our backyard. Our sweet neighbor Lisa gave us the green table last year. I spray painted it blue for an updated look. The kids and I had a lot of fun with this little project. Now it's a cozy and comfy place to sit while hanging out in the sunshine.

St. Patrick's Day Shenanigans! 

Jack, Beckham and Quinn were so excited to trap a leprechaun this year. Jack spent quite a bit of time coming up with the best trap possible. They just knew that they'd catch that leprechaun. The kids set it up the day before St. Patty's Day and anxiously awaited. 

I love his pot of "gold" and his "Free Gold" sign. Haha. 

Here's to hoping!

The following morning the kids woke to a note, sidewalk chalk and green and white cookies left by the mysterious leprechaun. He congratulated them on a job well done because he actually did get stuck. He said he had to use a lot of magic to get out of the trap Jack built. He was so pleased with the job well done that he left a few goodies for them all to enjoy :) The kids were THRILLED! They had so much fun playing with the chalk and eating the delicious cookies. 

Special leprechaun cookies :)

The broken trap, haha. Maybe next year leprechaun.

Clarks head to NAPA!

I had a free hotel stay, so we decided to branch out a little further in California by heading to Napa. I was excited to show the kids some of things I discovered on my "Mom-cation" last year. The food, scenery, and feel of Napa is just awesome!


Nowadays when I ask for a picture I will get asked if we can also do a silly one. Haha. Love these three little souls!

First stop was a delicious BBQ joint called Bounty Hunter. 

A view of the river and mountains from the restaurant.

Selfie with the hubby ;) Love this man!

View from the hotel.

We found a really cool courtyard in Yountville. I ordered lots of delicious goodies from Bouchon Bakery and we headed over here to enjoy a treat and the day. Bouchon is by far the best bakery I have ever been to thus far in my life. Worth the visit itself. There is a reason there is always a line.

My little angels and I. 

Oh how I love these people!

After treating ourselves to Bouchon we headed into town. I took everyone to see the Culinary Institute of America, a farmer's market where we picked up some flowers, and shops around the main drag.

The next morning we ate that the cutest little diner/bakery in Napa called Buttercream Bakery & Diner. They had incredible food and we grabbed some cupcakes to go for later that day. 

For lunch we stopped at Filippi's Pizza Grotto for a couple delicious pies. 

It was a cold yet beautiful day!

After lunch, we dove into those tasty cupcakes from the Buttercream Bakery & Diner. I think the kids enjoyed them very much, haha.

On our way out of Napa. Such a beautiful area in California.

Once we were home we cuddled up on the couch for a little down time before heading off to bed.

Enjoying some incredible macaroons from Bouchon Bakery while I build Quinn's new dresser. By far the BEST macaroons I have ever eaten. My mouth waters when I think about them.

On March 4th, we received news that my Gram was slipping to the other side of the veil. It was her time to join her Savior. This was not unexpected by any means, but you're never fully ready for it. Gram had lived a long life and was starting to feel those end of life feels. She was ill several times in the past few months and her body just started to break down. How grateful I am for the time I was able to spend with this incredible woman. She was always so witty and could make you laugh without even realizing she was funny. She was an exceptional baker and we all enjoyed those little treats when we came around. Plus she always had a fridge stocked full of pop for us grandkids. That was a favorite growing up :) She always carried mint green gum with her.  We called it "Grandma gum" when we were little. To be honest, I still do ;) I enjoyed our conversations and the time I was blessed to have with her. 

Till We Meet Again My Gram! 

I left for Chicago on March 25th. I met up with the original Spung crew at the Midway airport. We all landed around the same time. Once I landed I made sure Pres remembered to grab Beckham from school. He sent this picture :) Pres did such an awesome job juggling kids and work for the few days I was away. I am very grateful and blessed to have this man by my side. I can always count on him.

On our way to baggage claim we spotted this gentleman in a hazmat suit. I think he is ready for surgery, haha. I guess you can never be too careful ;)

Cousin reunion!
Jenna, Megan, Kevin, Me, Jim, Angie, Kyle, Erin, and Britt

Uncle Steve and Aunt Sue picked us up from the airport and we all headed to their place. We ate delicious Portillo's with all the works. We even had Portillo's chocolate cake for dessert. I think it's safe to say that I gained a good five pounds while in Chicago, haha. Every pound was worth it ;) 

We played a super funny game called Relative Insanity. I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time. 
Literal tears at times. 

Kev and Britt

Me and Jim

Just like old times!

The boys bunked upstairs on air mattresses. Mom, Dad, Britt, Er and Cam all stayed with Aunt Steph and Gram while Jim, Ang and I stayed with Uncle Steve and Aunt Sue.

A Celebration of Life

One more cousin pic all dolled up :) 

How cute is Camo?! What a little stud!

My people!

It's the originals all together :)

Mom with Uncle Mike and Uncle Steve

Uncle Steve, Aunt Sue, Uncle Mike, Mom, and Dad

Megs, Uncle Steve, Aunt Sue, Jenna
What a cute crew!

Kev, Uncle Mike and Ky
Good lookin group.


Our cousin Vince (back left) came up from Cape Girardeau, MO. Gram and Gramps were both originally from there. We have some awesome family members that live down in Missouri. It has been years since I have seen Vince. It was so fun to have him there. Grateful he could come and bring a little report on the rest of the fam from down south.

Meet KJ!

Kyle and Lauren's little guy. He is the cutest, happiest little thing. We all were able to get our squeezes and kisses in on this guy. 

Me and my cousin Kyle. We were born on the same cold day in November of 1983. He is 10 hours older than I am, but regardless, it was a day for the books. Grateful to have this birthday buddy by my side. 

Grandma's service was exactly what I think she would have wanted. Friends and family were able to come through the line to pay their respects. We had pictures of Grandma all throughout the room. It was so fun looking at her life through the lens of a camera. The older pics were my favorite. So many memories, such a fun life lived. Megan also played a video of pictures from Gram's life before the service began. Uncle Mike started off the service and then Mom gave a really cool history of Grandma's life. I learned a few things from that. Uncle Mike then opened it to the room to share some stories from Grandma's life. Each one was like a time stamp on her life. I loved hearing people's stories and thoughts about Gram. I closed the service with a prayer and then we headed to the graveyard. 
Gram wanted to be cremated so we brought her ashes with us making the burial a little easier. Mom, Angie, Erin and Britt sang a beautiful rendition of Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. A favorite of Grandma's. Angie shared a scripture and closed with a prayer by Erin. It was a beautiful day and service for a lady loved by many. 

Gram will be buried with Grandpa and Uncle Rich. 

At the grave site.

The kids with Grandma Spung "Grand-Mere".

Spung side with Grand-Mere and Aunt Steph.

White Fence Farm!

After the burial we headed to the farm for some delicious chicken and sides. This screams childhood to me. I remember eating here a few times. With both sides of the family. When I was walking through the restaurant I literally felt like I was 6 again. So many memories came flashing back to me. From asking my parents for a quarter to get an egg from the chicken that spun around and popped one out for you with a toy inside, to the vintage hallway filled with classic cars, toys, and gadgets. It's like a mini museum that takes you back in time.

Angie and I in front of the clown mirror, haha.

My table.
Lauren, Vince, Uncle Steve, Kyle, Aunt Sue, KJ & Angie, Megan, Jenna and Kev.

The other gang.
Cameron, Er, Britt, Jim, Grand-Mere, Aunt Steph, Dad, Mom, Kathy, Uncle Mike

We gathered for a celebration of life for my Gram and we all left a little more grateful for each other. There is nothing like family to me. They are the people that get you, love you, defend you, support you and will always be there for you. How grateful I am that we all were able to gather together and spend the time we got to spend with one another. I think Gram would have been thrilled with how everything turned out and the love shared between us all. 

Pres and the kids go hiking!

While I was having the service for Gram, Pres took the kids out for lunch and a hike at Brushy Peak Regional Preserve. They had a great time exploring the outdoors with Dad.

A beautiful hike tucked away in the mountains not far from home.

Quick break.

Snack time.

Ahh! Snake!

Beckham journeyed ahead a bit on the way down the hill.  Then he suddenly crouched down and stared intently at ground.  The rest of them bounded down the hill and Beckham warned the rest of a little critter on the path.  Jack and Preston nearly stepped on him, but instead they were able to let him slither off into the hillside.  Wildlife!

Fun times at Gram and Aunt Stephie Lou Who's
Mom, Angie, Aunt Patty, Aunt Gail, Aunt Sue, Kelly, Stacey

We had one more family gathering with the Spung side before we left for the airport that night. It was so wonderful having time with the people we love dearly but see rarely. It's a little hard to get together when everyone lives in different states and far away.

The other half of the room :) 
Uncle Philippe, Kelly, Stacey, Erin, Dad, Aunt Steph, Val, Brian, Jim, Me, Britt, Gram

The cousins that could come :)

Us five kids with our cute little Gram.

A view from Aunt Steph and Gram's backyard. 

So many memories in this backyard. Looking over the lake we took countless walks around. We would watch people fish and swim here. I remember going to the park on the other side of the lake when I was a little girl. It's a very nostalgic feeling coming home.

Grandpa's bench. 

After Grandpa passed in 2012 my dad along with his siblings all pitched in to have a bench put on the path right behind the house. There's a plaque with his name as well. It's a very peaceful and perfect place to sit and watch the sunset or just take in the day around you.

Me and my Gram ;)

Hotel and Chipotle for Les

After our wonderful weekend spent with family, we headed to the airport. Everyone was able to fly out Sunday night except for me. The earliest flight I could get was on Monday morning. I got a hotel right across the street from Midway Airport and just shuttled my way over the next morning.

March was filled with ups and downs. It seemed like an emotional roller coaster at times. Even though there was many unknowns and lots of patience, I had the BEST time with my family in Chicago. Those days spent with the people I grew up and those that helped raise me were absolutely priceless. So much time can go by and at the same time it's as if no time has gone by at all. I wish we could have had longer with everyone. I think we all came out of this trip with the thought that we need to get together WAY more often!

Looking forward to some very special occasions and events to celebrate in April!

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