Thankfully January and February were much more chill than October through December. The Clark family tends to go nonstop for about three months and then we nest and relax for two :) I look forward to this break every year. I love that it hits at the beginning of the year. We take time to plan out our year as well as think about the intention we want to set for the year. Every year I think of a phrase as part of my goal setting. This year I landed on "all in". I incorporated this scripture to go along with my phrase... "I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me." - Philippians 4:13.
With that said, I had decided to relaunch my photography business. I started doing photography right after my mission in 2006. I had met a famous national geographic photographer, by the name of Steve McCurry, at NYU while street contacting. He sat and talked with me about his experiences and his views on photography. I really enjoyed hearing his stories and something resonated with me. I not only loved the idea of photography, but I love stories! I went back to Utah for school and was introduced to a photographer through a friend. She took me on as an assistant and taught me all she knew. I loved it! As I was finishing my bachelors degree in journalism, I would assist her on all of her bridals and weddings. I then started tackling it on my own on the side. I really enjoyed the creativity and flexibility of this new adventure. I stayed the course for several years doing photography while holding other jobs. Once Preston and I started a family I backed away to focus on the littles in our lives. After Quinn went into first grade this year I decided it was time to bring back this passion of mine. I never fully let it go over those years but never took it completely on either. I am so excited to be "All In" on this little photography business of mine. I'll do my best to take this journal through the years to come on this super fun endeavor.
This was the photo I chose to launch my business.
Now moving on to the rest of what January and February were all about ...
Poor Beckham boy had a crazy tooth that was just hanging around. It was still pretty lodged in there even though it was sideways. Finally he let us pull it out. Everyone was happy for the tooth fairy to come for this guy, haha. Quinn just wanted a pic of herself as well to celebrate this sweet moment :)
Sometimes the kids come out to the garage while I am working out. I never know what Quinn will create, haha. She had everyone lined up for a picture, so she asked to use my phone to take one. Love this girl!
A first lost tooth for this girl!
We are dropping teeth like crazy over here. Within a few weeks time we had five teeth fall out between Beckham and Quinn. The tooth fairy was very busy at the Clark house.
Celebrating 100 days of school with Marge :)
Quinn played the role of Granny Marge so well. She was 100% committed to this role and was so funny. She called everyone "sweety" and waddled around holding her lower back, haha. We were dying!
I had the opportunity to help at a food drive in Modesto. It was so great getting out and helping these great people. We served tons of people on a Saturday morning. I was so happy to help.
These three incredible kiddos all received awards from their classes. They excelled in reading, writing, and maths. They were at 60% or higher for the national and state average. Pres and I are super proud of these guys for all of their hard work. They did awesome.
As a side note... Before this reward ceremony Beckham had told me he was sad that he hadn't received an award yet from school. He would miss just by a few points in previous years. He decided to make it a goal this trimester to get an award and he ended up getting two! We were so proud of him. He set his mind to do it and achieved it! He asked us a few times if we would be there for his ceremony. "Of course!" we would say. "We wouldn't miss it!" I loved how excited he was. We were SO proud of our Beckham boy!
I secretly snapped this picture of Jack writing one of his books. I just thought it was the cutest thing and wanted it documented for years to come. Ever since Jack was in Kindergarten he would write books. He wrote things about what he was interested in or curious about. He wrote about space, how water moves in pipes, how the grass grows, what the purpose of worms are, and lots on games he has come to love. I love this kids brain. I have kept all of the books he's written since Kindergarten so he can look back on them in years to come.
Speaking of books. This NEVER gets old. Quinn reading until she falls asleep. I cannot get over how she will be mid page turn and boom, she's out. We love our little reader.
We have had the opportunity to dog sit a few times while some friends of ours finalize plans to move. The kids have loved having Cozette around. They frequently ask when she can come back :) Quinn made sure she was taken care of every day.
Aunt Nathalie made this incredible picture for Jack. He was so excited to get mail and see this gorgeous display of the solar system inside. We can't wait to get it framed and hung in his room!

Preston hits the slopes!
Pres had the opportunity to go to Salt Lake City for a few days to hang out with Nathan, Tripp, and Chris. They had such a fun time skiing, going to a basketball game, eating great food, and enjoying each others company. I think it's safe to say it was a really fun break from work and normal life for all four of these guys.
He also made time for a stop at the Williamson home. Little Miss Piper took care of him :)
Nothing like a little time with family. So happy these two got some time together.
Quinn in meditation.
I have started making meditation a daily practice and I love seeing the kids do it too. They will just sit somewhere for a minute and say, "Mom, I'm going to do some meditation." Love moments like this!
January and February were the perfect break. We loved taking in these winter months. Enjoying fires and movies at night while reading and relaxing in the day. I love these colder months. They are very welcoming in California. I am still not ready for summer just yet.
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