Beckham boy celebrated his 9th birthday!! I cannot believe how fast the time goes by. It doesn't seem long ago that I turned to Pres and said, "my water just broke." Beckham was the only one that that happened with. He was eager and ready to come to this world. He's been nonstop ever since, haha.
Beckham is our very active kiddo. He loves moving his body. Football comes natural to him and continues to be a major passion of his as well as... Fort Nite, Madden, and Zelda. He loves his game systems and screen time. When motivated :) he can play outside forever. He loves playing catch, building forts, and drawing dinosaurs with his siblings. He's an easy going kid that is always looking for the laugh. We're doing our best to teach comedic timing and "appropriate" funny. It doesn't always have to be potty talk, but explaining that to a nine year old boy is wishful thinking. It also doesn't help that he makes his dad and me laugh too, haha. We love our Beckham James!
The theme this year was Avatar The Last Airbender and Fort Nite. He couldn't decide, so we went with both ideas and put them together :) After all it's a party!
He enjoyed getting Chicago Bear socks, Appa (from Airbender), and Big Nate Books. He loved his birthday. We celebrated his special day as a family and then opted to do a "bring a friend" birthday party that weekend.
Beckham chose Boomers as his party destination with his friend Clyde from school. We had such a blast!
We spent several hours at Boomers playing mini golf, eating tasty chicken tenders, riding on the bumper boats, and riding the go karts. The kids had a such a fun time. By the time the sun was going down we were all ready to be done for the day. I think it's safe to say that Beckham had a pretty awesome birthday for his last year in the single digits.
Academic Awards all around!
Everyone scored in the 80% or higher in Math, Reading, and Language! We are so proud of our trio!
A day for Mom!
We all headed to the IMAX theatre to enjoy the Blue Angels documentary. It was very fascinating to see the process that these Angels go through to become a part of such an elite team. There was much discussion around G-Forces at lunch afterward, and why people pass out. Haha.
Cold Stone with Dad!
I volunteered to help out Jack's 4th grade class at the science museum close to us. We had a lot of fun exploring and learning about science.
Meanwhile back at campus, this little girl took over her teacher's desk, haha. I received this pic from Mrs. Inderbitzen stating that Quinn was now teacher for the day ;)
In her happy place!

After all of my leg issues I decided to take some advice from a doctor I chatted with. She mentioned acupuncture to help alleviate some of the stiffness and pain I was still feeling. I talked with Dr. Quan my now acupuncture doctor, and she diagnosed me within minutes. I have piriformis syndrome. Which basically means my piriformis muscle spasmed out and is pushing on my sciatic nerve causing pain. The muscle is having a hard time relaxing, so acupuncture can help relieve some of the pain and move the muscle away from my nerve. The doc always has me do oxygen before my session. I do oxygen through my ears to clear my head first, I have my treatment, then end the session with fire cupping and a massage. The fire cupping has been amazing! It's what pulls my muscle up and away from the nerve. Plus, a massage always feels good :) I was very surprised that after around five treatments I started to be able to stand straight and my pain started to go away. Praying this all ends soon!

I caught Quinnie watching some of the Book of Mormon videos online :)
More acupuncture! This is when it started to show more results.
Temple day for Momma!
I have found over the past few months that everyone deals with grief differently. Quinnie tends to write her feelings out. I find letters to Uncle Brian in random places around the house. They touch my heart every time I find one. She has such a big heart and she misses her sweet Uncle dearly. Love this girl of mine.
May turned out to be an incredible month! Lots of endings, new beginnings, and adventure. We took off for Alaska on May 26th! That journal is coming next! I felt that it deserved it's own entry :)
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