October 19, 2015

Cloud Croft, NM and a Zoo Day!

The boys and I took an incredible trip with some friends to Cloudcroft, NM.  It is such a beautiful place.  I was so surprised that we'd be in the mountains and enjoying the crisp fall air only two hours from home.  Either we were all crazy to take 8 kids on a 2 hour trip or it was pure genius because it was worth it!

We went up with some of my dear friends from church and their kids.  We had such a great time.  It was amazing company, fun, food and a breath of fresh air ... literally :)

Can you believe we survived?  We each had a baby in a bjorn and several to keep an eye as we hiked. The weather was absolutely perfect.  It was in the 60's which makes for great hiking weather. The leaves were gorgeous and the sunshine felt great!

All the kiddos.  The best we could do haha.  I didn't trust Jack to hold Beckham so he stayed out of this one.

Our first stop was an old apple barn.  In all honesty we thought there would be more to it then just a barn with little gifts and knick knacks.  They did have some of the best fudge I have ever eaten! Worth the trip in itself, trust me.  I want to go back and get more :) 

Jack is excited to be out of the car :) 

Drooling boy. 5 months old and growing!

TREES!!! I miss trees in El Paso so this was a great treat for me.

Once we realized there wasn't much to do at the old barn we asked about hiking trails.  They sent us to this great trail not far from the barn.  Jack was running all over the place and trying to gather as many sticks as he could carry.  He was in heaven!

We had a little picnic and then hiked.

This was at the entrance of the hike. So beautiful!

Jack took off to look for sticks.

Hiking on up.  Love this crew!

Great view from the trail.

Another fun view.  I was in heaven too.  Loved this!

Jack took a little break.

Such pretty leaves.  I had to take a pic with Beckham boy!  We had so much fun!  I want Pres to come with us the next time.  I think he'd really love it.

A Trip to the Zoo

Ready to have some fun!  We were looking at the giraffes here.  Jack was a little distracted by them.  

Pres trying to show Jack how it's done.  Love my boys!!

I have definitely never been this close to a lion before.  There were three females and they were all right up against the window.  This one found some card board.

Just staring at Jack.

At first Jackon was a little scared when he saw these awesome creatures but soon got over it.  He started to roar at them.  Not sure what he would have done if they roared back haha.

Beckham liked looking at the animals too.

Orangutan with a baby.  It's hard to see the baby but it's the lighter orange color on the belly.

They have a really fun tree house park inside.  Jack loved it!

Jack and Daddy made it to the top.

Can you find Jack?  He kept climbing and climbing.

Family photo op. :) 

I had to take a pic. This took us back to Africa on our safari's.  So much fun!!

We had a great day at the zoo.  There is nothing like a little family time and making memories!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lesley for a great blog. It is fun to see your family growing, and all of the fun things you do. It is a great way to keep in touch. From Grandma Bonnie Curtis
