Life in El Paso is continuing to move forward. Preston loves his job and the boys and I are enjoying the great weather. We don't have many cold days so we spend a lot of time outside and with friends.
My family also visited recently and it was a blast! My oldest sister Angie surprised me and came with my parents and my sister Erin. I was shocked! It had been a long time since I have seen her so it was a great treat!

Pres built the boys a sandbox in our yard and they LOVE it! You will find Jackson out there often building, digging, burying, etc. How cute is that hat?! He loves wearing hats :)
A day at the park. We love going for walks and playing at the park by our house. It belongs to an apartment complex but they don't seem to mind that we use it on occasion. The weather here has been great for park days!
This guy was sick a couple weeks ago. We took some pictures while waiting for the doc and his diagnosis. Turns out he had a fever which you can tell by the pics. He is really red in the face :( poor guy. He had the beginnings of an ear infection. He's doing great now, thank goodness.
Love this babe of mine.
Jackson is such a smart boy. He builds his own train sets and puts anything he can in a line. He loves lining up his toys and playing trains. He also can't get enough of dinosaurs. Land Before Time is played often in our home :)
Jack is usually around when I work out. He hands me weights after my run and then grabs his. He'll say, "one." Then put his weight down. Haha.
Sooooo this happened! My sisters came with my parents for a week. I was so happy to be around family once again. I am so grateful for my sisters! My baby sister couldn't make it but it was great to be with my older sisters. We missed you Britt! I also missed my brother but hope to see him soon! I couldn't believe that people would spend money to see me and then I realized that they spent money to see my boys haha. Just kidding ... kind of :) It was so great to have family in town. It's always refreshing and an energy booster when you get time together.
Us girls took a day and went to the outlets. The boys joined us and did a great job. How can you not just love those baby blues?! Love my boys!
Beckham boy playing outside in the sunshine.
Pop sneaking a little Diet Coke to my little man. He only chews on the straw since he doesn't know how a straw works haha.
Guess where we went to dinner? Jack loved the "birthday" saddle. It was fun doing a dinner out before Angie took back off to SLC. She left a few days before the others.
Aunt Erin and Jack at the zoo. Jack LOVES the zoo. I was glad that my parents and Er could see how fun he is there. He literally runs from exhibit to exhibit.
The day Mom, Dad, and Er went home we stopped at Costco for dinner and I grabbed some groceries. It was so much fun having these guys in El Paso for the week. As always the time went by fast but it was a lot of fun while it lasted. Lots of games, Dr. Mario on the NES, food and relaxation. The perfect break/vacation!
Enjoying a little snack in the sunshine.
Bath time for these cuties.
Beckham learned to crawl while my family was here. He's been able to get around by army crawling or scooting but he has decided that wasn't enough. He is now very mobile and I can't keep up with him haha. He is everywhere! He tends to follow Jack where ever he goes.
I look forward to celebrating Beckham's 1st Birthday next month! Stay tuned for some fun in the sun!
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