This Easter we took a few updated pics of our sweet little angels. How very grateful and blessed we are to have Jackson, Beckham and Quinn in our lives. They bring such joy and love to our home each and every day.
Jackson Scott

Beckham did not want to participate in a picture of all three of them so, we have Jack and Quinn :)
Beckham James
Brothers for Life!
Quinn Marie
Love this little chunker of mine :)
Clark Family - Easter Sunday
We kept trying to get Quinn to look up but it's hard to do when you're only 3 months old :)
Easter Festivities
Checking the progress.
Beckham playing and laughing with Dad.
This is our first year coloring eggs. Jack LOVED this. He wanted to keep moving the eggs to different colors. We had many multi-colored eggs by the end of the night. Haha. Beckham wasn't very interested in dying eggs at all, he just wanted to eat the treats :)

We have a mirror hanging on our dining room wall and Jack always looks at himself in the mirror before taking his picture. Haha. Easter Fun! Love these two!!
Beckham helped me make the nests for our little eggs. He mostly ate them :)
Finally he got to eat his very own nest!
Here's what they looked like once we were done. Thanks Mikale for the recipe and the great idea to include these in our family night :)
Easter Fun Continues...
On Saturday morning we went around hunting for eggs and enjoyed it each step of the way. Jack found the majority of the eggs. Beckham would get distracted by each egg he found and had to eat what was inside right away.
Jack got his very first tool box. I'm sure you can tell by this smile how excited and happy he was. He and Preston had to start building something right away :) He LOVES to build!
Every year the holidays just get more fun with the kids. As they get older and start to participate more, it makes each one that much better. This year we did an Easter egg hunt and baskets on Saturday. We wanted Sunday to be more focused on Christ and the sacrifice He made for each of us as well as His Resurrection. How grateful we are for our Savior!
Luke 24:6
"He is not here, but is risen"
"Today we celebrate the victory over every fall we have ever had."
Jeffery R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Happy Easter Everyone! May we all remember the true meaning of this incredible day!
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