Painting pumpkins!

Jack wanted to paint his pumpkin orange because that is the color of the pumpkin:)

Quinn in all her glory :) She loves cookies, but who doesn't?! :)
Pumpkin Carving
Pres has missed the last few years of pumpkin carving due to work so the boys were thrilled to have Dad helping them carve.
The creation
We also made caramel apples....YUM!!!
Brotherly LOVE
Halloween Party!!
Snow White and two of the dwarfs :) I let the boys choose which dwarf they wanted to be this year. Jack chose Bashful right away and Beckham actually chose Grumpy, haha. I didn't want him walking around with a "Grumpy" on his shirt so we settled for Dopey. Every time I showed him his shirt though he would say Grumpy?...I think I should have just let him be Grumpy haha.
Our gorgeous Snow White
Those cute tights with the red shoes :)
Jack wanted a picture with his pumpkin on the pumpkins, haha. Love this kid!
What do you do at a church Halloween party? You role down the hill of course. Haha. All of the toddlers were found on this hill just rolling and laughing.
Snow White getting sleepy.
Sometimes I can be a rebel and let my kiddos stay up past their bedtimes. Poor Beckham boy though is about to break toothpicks about an hour past his bedtime, haha. The boys had fun though and once again, a memory was made :) Everyone fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.
On the actual Halloween day we took the boys to a neighborhood close by. Our little subdivision actually doesn't hand out candy...wierd, I know. I think the majority of the kids in our neighborhood must be older, not sure. We had a great time in the neighboring area though. The houses were all decked out and there was a ton of trick or treaters out.
Beckham was a little unsure at first but once he realized he would get candy by saying the words "trick or treat", he was first to the door saying "trick or treat" and "thank you", haha. Both of the boys loved seeing everyone dressed up. They pointed out each character they knew. We went to about 15 houses and then headed home. We all had a blast that night!
More fun news...
This cutie is officially potty trained!! Woohoo!! Two out of diapers and one more to go. Hallelujah. I honestly didn't know how well he would do. He is not even 2 1/2 years old yet but he seemed very interested and ready. I figured, let's give it a shot and see what happens. I think having an older brother helps a lot in this case :) He rocked it and continues to do a great job. So proud of my Beckham boy! Way to go Beckham James!!
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