I first went room by room decluttering, organizing and cleaning. Angie would be so proud :) It felt so good to finally get rid of things we have not used in years nor would use in the for seeable future. We made a couple trips to good will, shelters and even had some things for friends I knew they could use more than us. I deep cleaned every nook and cranny and it felt great to have our house sparkle. It may only last a short time with these three little people running around but it felt good to know that our place was really clean :)

Cleaned and organized the garage. It didn't take as long as I thought it would but I am so glad it is done!
I painted the outside of our house. I painted the accent color that used to be a bright white to a creamy white. It looks soooo much better. That bright white seemed to make the yellow color of our house more yellow than it was. Now it comes off as a soft yellow and not as mustardy looking. We painted our red door to a creamy white as well. The red made the yellow come off even more mustard colored when you were closer. It reminded me of ketchup and mustard haha. I didn't care for that so we painted it compliment the house instead.

After the stain After the stain (L) and Before the stain (R)
Our floors were disgusting. I would mop and mop but it never seemed to be clean enough for me. I may be a little OCD ;) The grout was killing me. I did a ton of research and even got a quote from a professional company. The quote was way to high for me so I decided to take action into my own hands. I bought a scrub brush for the floor and a deep grout/tile cleaner from Home Depot and went to town. The results blew my mind. I was sooo happy with the outcome.
Here's a few before and afters. The before on the left with the after on the right. It seriously looks like brand new tile! Who knew the grout was supposed to be gray?! Haha.

We spent a lot of time at the doc for about 3 weeks. Everyone seemed to domino off of each other with the flu or an ear infection. This time it was all three. Quinn and Jack received there annual check up shots and Beckham ended up going home with two shots as well. They were all troopers!
Leave a crawling baby alone for a few minutes and you never know what you will find :) Little Miss Q got into our Kleenex box. It has since been moved, haha.
Jack built a contraption with our vacuum one day. He was explaining to Quinn what it was and how it worked. I love catching moments like this! It melts my heart that Jack loves playing with his little sister.
This week in school was letter "Gg". I LOVE watching the boys use their creative minds. The stickers are always a hit. They both enjoy trying to get them on just right.

These giraffes are by far some of the cutest giraffes I have ever seen!
Letter "Pp" week. We painted peacocks and then were able to paint whatever our hearts desired. Quinn joined us for snack time. I really enjoy watching the boys grow with each week in our preschool. They learn so quickly and really enjoy each activity we have in store. They now have gotten down the routine and ask each other where certain colors or shapes are for the other to slap with their slapper (fly swatter). I love watching them learn.
One of my absolute favorite pics EVER!
Learning to bake. This banana bread turned out way better than I had thought it would. I am not the best at baking but I am trying :)
A few pics of what I like to call real life :)
Beckham wanted to take a pic one morning when I was getting everyone dressed for the day so I grabbed my camera and this is the result. I LOVE that smile and I LOVE that little man of mine even more.
To young to potty train? Haha.
This girl was in the tub with her brothers and started making sounds like she had to go potty so I grabbed her and put her on the toliet asap. Little did I know it would actually work. Quinn's first attempt at the potty was a success and bonus...no floaters in the tub, hahaha. Way to go Q!
When I try to get a work out in while these two are awake I always get company. Love these boys! They are ready and willing to help me in anyway they can or they grab the lightest weights and join me.
Selfies outside!
Since we live in El Paso the weather is great all year round. We play outside everyday and enjoy the sunshine. Jack wanted to take a picture all by himself which is the result on the left :) Not bad for a first try at getting all of us in there. Then he had me take one. Note...He didn't want me to take the sticker off his new pants :)
Love this little crew I get to hang with everyday. Time is going so fast so I am trying to enjoy each day we have. Before I know it they will be in school and we won't have our "all day" anymore. Here's to making more memories this 2018!
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