At the end of February, Pres and I got together with friends from church and went to Top Golf. It was so much fun! We played some sweet golf and then headed to Texas Roadhouse for an awesome dinner. We had a lot of fun with everyone and hope to do something like this again soon!
Those eyes!! I'm in love :)
I think my Gramps would have been pretty proud of my golf skills. I had no idea I could golf, haha...well... that I can hit the ball at least :) Pres was incredible! Everyone enjoyed watching him hit the ball. He did really really well!
Me and my girls! Kylea, Anna, Toni, Maggie and Sarah. Love these people. We have soooo much fun together!
Our Top Golf crew!
Maggie, Kylea, Zach, Sam, Anna, Toni, Dan, me & Pres, Sarah (with baby Connor) and Adrian.
Zoo Day!
I decided to be brave one Friday and took the kids to the El Paso Zoo by myself. I wasn't sure I could handle all three on my own with a stroller and only two hands haha. We had an absolute BLAST! The boys were in heaven and LOVED every minute of it! We usually spend about an hour and a half when we go. This time we ended up having to rush at the end so we could get home in time for naps. We spent a good 2 1/2 hours there and could have stayed longer. The zoo had new exhibits and all of the animals were out and very active. I think we will get a zoo pass this year once Beckham turns 3 and we have to pay for him.
We have been to this zoo several times and have NEVER seen all of the lions out at once. They usually have the male or just the females. This time they had all of the lions out and about. The boys stood there in awe watching them.
My cute cute boys as meerkats :)
The zoo doesn't mind you bringing in your own food and drinks so we stopped and got Subway sandwiches on our way over. We ate lunch right next to the monkey exhibit and the monkeys would watch us while we ate. It was really cool to have them so close.
Quinnie Bear
By the end of our time there Jack and Beckham would switch on and off riding on the front of the stroller. Great work out for Momma :)
Pres and I went on a dinner date one evening and tried a restaurant that we have never been to before called Corallitos. It turned out to be super good. It felt good to branch out and try a new steak place. I got the salmon actually, haha, but it was delicious! Pres got steak tacos and those were really tasty too. I love going to dinner and spending time with this guy. We try to go out twice a month and the other times we stay home and play games, nintendo or watch a movie. I look forward to our date nights. We have so much fun.
Beckham boy got a little jealous when he saw Pres and I take a pic so he asked if he could take one too. I LOVE this kid!! He melts my heart and he's my cuddle bug.
We will call these next pics...
Finding Quinn

She makes us laugh nonstop! She will move chairs around so she can climb up on them and sit where ever she would like. She will randomly sit on anything too. She is something else, our little Quinn.
A Visit From Maureah!
Toni, Me, Maureah, Sarah and Anna
A playdate while Maureah was here :) Our little people. Love these cute kiddos and their Mommas!
PreSchool Time
Easter Bingo with fruit loops :)
All smiles
Painting our eggs

Our crafts and pictures we colored.
Some of our "everyday" pictures.

Quinn getting into drawers is an every day occurrence. This is her favorite drawer. She opens it at least once a day. Luckily there is nothing she can take out. She likes to play with the mixer handle. Maybe she will be a baker, haha. The boys are often mesmerized by whatever is on the TV.
This girl is officially walking!!! I cannot believe my baby is walking now. She crawls and walks at this point. She has grown a lot over these past few months. When she turned 13 months we took her bottle away, at 14 months her bink was gone, now at almost 15 months she is saying "dada", "momma", "this, "tank oo" and "ta da" :) and is a walking girl. I cannot get over how fast things happen with each passing month. LOVE this baby girl!

Quinn has curls! I love how her curls up at the bottom after baths. Her hair is finally growing :)
Reading time
We spend a lot of time outside. Living in the high desert, you have to take full advantage of the plentiful outside time. We love playing, reading and riding bikes in our back yard. I have been taking some time to get to know my camera a little more and have been shooting everyday. I have the cutest little subjects to practice on :)
Playing games outside.
Jack wanted to take a pic of me so I helped him hold the camera while he pushed the button. No make up on, hairs a mess, hanging outside with my people...#lovebeingamom!
Brothers :)
The gangs all here :) After taking this one I got excited for our Easter shoot coming up. Crossed fingers I can get a really good one of all three looking at me ;)

My work out buddy! Anytime he sees me head to the garage for a work out he tells me he wants a turn when I am done :) Love my Jackson Scott!

Pudding babes! Jack has a sweet goatee going on and Quinn is still learning how to use a spoon, haha. She gave up about 30 seconds in and just put her hands in and went for it, hahaha. Bath time all around.
Beckham got a bike!!
Pres and I decided to get Beckham a bike for his 3rd birthday after he had asked us a few times. The boys had been taking turns and sharing Jacks bike for a while now. Beckham was literally riding Jacks bike every single day for the past few weeks, so we made the decision to get him a bike now rather than waiting until May.
He would ask Pres and I to go on the computer so he could look at his new bike. He looked at it everyday for several days just staring at his bike. He waited patiently for it to come. He was beyond excited when his bike finally arrived. As soon as he opened the box he yelled, "It's blue Mom!! It's so cool Mom! It's my bike! It's my bike!" I was almost in tears when I saw how excited he was to have his new bike. He rides his new bike now and is so happy to have his very own bike :)
Bath time!
Love this kids hair :)
A trip to Cattlemans Steakhouse
Last Saturday we took a trip to Cattleman's Steakhouse with some of Preston's work buddies, Nathan and Stephen. We have heard people rave about Cattleman's and finally had to see what all of the fuss was about. The reason I say "trip" is because it's a 40 minute drive out to the middle of nowhere. It's a restaurant on a cattle ranch. They raise and butcher on-site so the cuts are super fresh. This place did not disappoint! It was by far the best steak I have ever eaten. My only regret was that I didn't get a bigger steak, haha. Everything was absolutely delicious. We will be back!
Nathan had to leave right after lunch but we stuck around to check out the little zoo they have there. Yes, they have a zoo! Stephen stayed with us. He spoiled the kids with quarters so they could get food to feed the little bunnies, goats and llamas. The ranch has a TON more than I thought it would. They have bison, horses, llamas, long horns, a rattlesnake den, goats, bunnies, ostriches and peacocks. The boys LOVED it! We saw what we could before our name was called and then went back after lunch. They have a lake and walking areas as well that we didn't get to. They also have some movie sets that are still there from previous movie shoots. The restaurant doesn't open until 12:30pm on Saturdays so our kiddos missed naps. Way to be flexible Les ;) They did awesome without the nap too...WHEW!
Dad and Quinnie
Stephen with the boys making sure they get enough feed for the animals :)
We are really close with Stephen and we were sad to hear that he will be moving to Dallas soon. He was recently promoted within Tenet. He will finally be in the same city as his new wife Hannah as well, which is exciting :) But we will miss Stephen more than he knows. The boys adore him and we love having him over for Sunday dinners. We're gonna miss him A LOT! So happy he and Hannah can be together and we are looking forward to visiting Dallas!
Stephen, Pres and Q stopping for a quick photo :)
Our precious little boy!
Beckham wanted his picture taken on our way home.
Quinn didn't make it very long before she passed out on the drive ;)
Happy kiddos!
Yogurt anyone?? This girl has got to get the spoon thing figured out soon, haha. How cute is that face though?!
Beckham boy with those beautiful blues :)
We had green beans for dinner the other night and Jack took out the beans so he could plant them. I told him the story about Jack and the Beanstalk about a month ago and it has become a favorite story in our house. He really wants to plant the beans but he's a little worried about the giant :) haha. Love this boy!!
Pres was sent to time out by Jack one night. Pres threw a ball at Jack in the house and Jack turned to Pres and said, "Uh oh Dad, you have to go to time out. We don't throw things." I turned to Pres and smiled and said, "That's right Dad. We don't throw things." Jack went over and grabbed Preston's hand and took him to the time out chair. When Pres sat down Jack looked at me and said, "Ok Mom set the time." I asked him how long and he said, "Five weeks." I laughed out loud. I said "Ok" and set the timer for two minutes. Pres sat there very nicely and then when the timer buzzed Jack went over and knelt in front of him and gave his Dad the time out talk.
"Dad, why are you in time out?"
"Because I threw a ball."
"Yes. We don't do that. That's not nice. You have to tell Jack you are sorry."
"I'm sorry Jack."
"Good. Thank you for saying sorry Dad. You can go play now."
I think my heart about exploded! I had to get a picture of this moment.
I absolutely love my "everyday" with this family of mine. Each day seems like a blessing. We have lots of fun and laugh throughout the day. Do we have hard times? Absolutely. We spend time in time outs and learn from our mistakes along the way. That's not just the kids learning either, that's mostly Mom and Dad learning how to parent these three little people we adore. I have learned that spending time together, having fun and keeping our days structured make for the BEST days! I absolutely love being a wife and mother!
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