I had the opportunity to venture back to Utah. I left about 10 days after getting back from our trip to see the Grandma's. This time it was for a much needed girls trip with my sisters and Mom. I'm the only one not living in Utah right now so, I figured the easiest and cheapest way to go about the trip was for me to go to them. We booked a hotel in Salt Lake and bought some tickets to the Carrie Underwood concert that weekend. I was so excited to see this tour one more time. This concert has been by far the best she has put on over the past decade.
About a month before the trip we decided to make a list of things that each of us would LOVE to do on our vacay and work from there. This ended up being a trip I will NEVER forget!
I got in to Utah pretty late on Thursday night. Mom and Er picked me up from the airport. We headed back to the hotel and chatted while eating some munchies. We had so much fun laughing and just hanging out and then we got a knock on the adjoining door...haha. Oops. We laughed and realized it was 1am and we should probably get some sleep, haha. Sorry neighbors! Haha.
The next morning we met up with Ang, Britt and Sammy J at Gardner Village. I LOVE Gardner Village. It's such a cute little area with shopping and adorable outdoor decor. They were setting up for Halloween so all of the witches were out. It was so fun to look at those and enjoy the fall weather.
We were so excited to all be together!
We had a great lunch and shopped around a little more. After that we headed to the hotel for some relaxation and girl talk. That evening we headed to an Escape Room just across the street from where we were staying. It was a BLAST!!! The room we chose was called Reactor Meltdown. Haha. It was such a fun time but way harder than we had expected.
When we got to Getout Games they took us to our room and gave us very little instruction. They handed us a piece of paper and wished us luck. We had one hour to save the world from a nuclear explosion. We followed the clues to the best of our ability and actually rocked it until we got hung up on one clue. Turns out that the clue wasn't given to us correctly so we wasted a good 15-20 minutes on trying to figure it out before asking for help. Had that clue been done right we would have been either super close to accomplishing our task or we would have totally nailed it and saved the world. Once that clue was given we were on a role again. The timer went out when we were on our last two clues. DANG!! Sorry world! :) Next time we will OWN this game!! We had soooo much fun!! It was so entertaining to work along side these other women. I think we all really enjoyed this!
After accidentally blowing up the world we decided to get sushi for dinner :) Our hotel ended up being in a superb spot. We were walking distance to so many things. It was great! We walked across the street to sushi and enjoyed the awesomeness that is sushi and then headed back to the hotel. Mom tried sushi for the first time. I was so proud of her. She didn't care for it but she tried it! Good job Mom!
Sam is the cutest! He did such a great job through all of the crazy running around. Love that boy!
After our first full day of fun we headed to the pool and hot tub in the hotel. The pool and hot tub were open 24 hours so that was an added bonus in itself. There is nothing like being able to relax and have a Diet Coke while soaking in a hot tub....ahhhhh. We loved being able to just gab and catch up on each others lives while sitting and worrying about nothing at all. Pure bliss!

Facials baby!
I brought some masks with me for a little facial that evening. I LOVED this! We smeared this sweet spread all over our faces and chatted while our faces hardened. Haha! We had charcoal and lavender to choose from. Britt was with Sammy so we missed her on this part but she got to take hers home with her! We stayed up pretty late while talking and eating delicious snacks and treats. A perfect night in my opinion!
We stayed at the Hampton Inn Downtown SLC and it did NOT disappoint. It was such an incredible hotel to be at for this trip. They did an awesome breakfast every morning. We'd literally roll out of bed and head down for something to eat and take our time getting ready. After breakfast on Saturday we headed out to get our mani/pedi's done. Once again...BLISS! This was by far the BEST pedicure I have ever gotten. They spent there time massaging my feet and taking their time doing polish.
Sammer Jammer just waiting for people to finish mani/pedi's. Love the look Sammy J!
Of course a trip for me would not be complete without The Cheesecake Factory!
After our salon time we headed to City Creek for a little shopping and lunch. It was so fun going through stores and not feeling rushed or having to keep an eye on the clock. Loved hanging out and eating delicious food while enjoying the company of these incredible ladies.
Saturday night was our concert night! After shopping and filling our bellies we headed back to the hotel to freshen up before Carrie. Britt had decided not to go to the concert so she wouldn't have to worry about Sam. She took off after we got back and headed home for a good night sleep and normal routine.
I, however, had won a chance to actually MEET Carrie Underwood so I had to get to the concert early. About a week before the concert I had received an email stating that I could win a chance to meet Carrie Underwood. I figured why not try, right?! I had nothing to lose by signing up. I entered the contest and said a little prayer. I told Heavenly Father that if He gives me this chance to meet Carrie then I would give her a Book of Mormon. A few days later I received another email saying that I WON!! Woohoo!! Heavenly Father HEARS and ANSWERS prayers! I am so grateful that He had the faith and trust in me to do this. I prepared my Book of Mormon with a letter talking about what it is and sealed it with my personal testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ.
I waited almost two hours before it was my turn to meet and greet a person I have come to love and respect over the years. My heart was racing but I knew I was there for a reason. Everything happened within about 60 seconds. Carrie's assistant handed her a shirt to sign for me and then the security guard asked me to take my place on a marker so we could take a picture. They asked us if we liked the picture and I said, "Heck yea, we look like we're best friends!" Carrie said, "Yea we do!" and that was about it. The security guard then said thank you and started leading me away. In that time I was able to get a super small conversation in with her and let her know that I had a gift for her. She asked me to hand it to her assistant so that she could look at it afterwards since there were more people waiting. I said of course. She thanked me for coming and giving her the Book of Mormon. I was then sent with everyone else to head upstairs to the concert. I missed the opening act because we waited so long to see Carrie. I had already seen the concert in Oakland so I didn't mind missing it at all. It was truly a once in a lifetime chance so really I would have missed both openers to meet her, haha. I am grateful that I had written her a note since we had so little time together. Nothing may come from me giving her a Book of Mormon but I learned something huge! Heavenly Father knows ME, He loves Me and He hears and answers prayers. How grateful I am for such a loving and caring Father in Heaven. I love knowing that He will always be with me and help in anyway He can.
Me and my new best friend!
I look like a teenager, haha, I am so stinkin happy, hahaha! What a cool experience! Truly a night that I will NEVER forget! I met up with the rest of my crew and enjoyed an unbelievable concert. Taking everything in and locking it into memory.
Such an AMAZING show!!
My girl doin her thing :)
The stage.
We had an absolute blast! Singing along to every song and dancing.

Partners in crime!
We got back to the hotel and ordered pizza :) Nobody had time to eat dinner before the concert so we scarfed down some delicious pizza from The Pie. We stayed up until 2:30am gabbing and eating. It was the perfect ending to an incredible night!
That next morning we woke up, had breakfast and headed to the hot tub. Britt met up with us again. She left Sam with Drew and came up for a couple hours to hang out with us one last time. We stayed in the hot tub for a few hours. We met some really cool people in the hot tub. We had some deep, fun discussions on marriage and life with them. It was so cool to get outside opinions and thoughts. I think it's safe to say that we all loved the time in the hot tub that morning.
I had a flight that afternoon so we did a late check out and I headed to the airport. It was a trip that flew by but was soooo much fun along the way. We did everything we wanted to do and then some. It was a magical few days! Sisters & Mom, shopping, food, escape rooms, Carrie, pedi's and hot tubbing. What more could we want?! A....MAZING!
I got in late that night to San Jose. Pres and I got a hotel so I wouldn't have to drive in the dark and we had a little surprise the next morning.

A quick breakfast before heading to see Grandma!
The kids woke up and we were so excited to see each other. We ate a quick breakfast and then headed to the San Fransisco Airport to see Momma Clark! Sandy was coming in for Grandma Curtis's funeral and had a layover in SF. She would only have a few hours but Pres and I decided to pull the kids from school so we could see her. So happy we did!! Preston would be going to the funeral but the kids and I wouldn't be. It was such a tender mercy that she had a layover so close to home.
Such a tender moment with Quinn. We love Grandma Clark!
I think it is safe to say that we completely surprised this woman! She was shocked to learn that we were at the airport! We couldn't wait to get hugs and kisses from Grandma!
Pure JOY!
Saying Goodbye!
We love you Mom!! So so so happy we got to have lunch with you and get a hug!
We sure do love the escalator!
What a tender mercy having that time with Sandy. We had such a great time catching up and getting as many loves in as we could. We enjoyed hearing about the Philippines and telling her a little more about what's going on in our lives. I was thrilled that Pres was flying out the next day for the funeral so he could have more time with her and his siblings.
A quick trip to the beach after the airport. Since we had already pulled the kids out of school and Pres had the day off, we headed to a beach near the airport. Our kids LOVE the beach! They have a ton of fun playing in the sand and waves. There are definitely some perks living within an hour to a beach.
Soaking up the sun!
It was fun turning this day into a family day. Seeing Mom at the airport, taking a trip to the beach and grabbing dinner on our way home. It was truly a remarkable day.
The next day Pres flew out to meet up with his siblings and Sandy. I love this picture! It had been way to long since these four had gotten together! :)
Celebrating the life of Grandma Bonnie Curtis
Pres with the parents all of the parents at the funeral. Missing Dad C.
Saying one last goodbye in style!
Grandma loved wearing funny glasses. I think she had a pair for every holiday and occasion.
Grandma lived her life as described by Hunter S Thompson:
Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow! What a Ride!" We'll sure miss you Grandma, but dang, what a ride!
Preston enjoyed his time very much with his family. It was great having his mom home and the siblings all together even if it was only for a short time. How grateful we are for our families!
When Pres got back he had a service project at the church. He let me sleep in and took the kids to clean up a near by park. They loved helping pick up trash and then playing for a minute. They even earned a slushy for the ride home :)
My heart!!
My hot date!
Preston had a policeman's ball to attend one night. I was his lucky date :) We had dinner with some of the employees from the hospital and helped in a charity benefit for the police officers. Great night!
Primary program 2019
Jack did such a phenomenal job with the primary program this year. He was so excited to give his line and sing his songs. It was also Beckham's first year to participate but he decided it was best to watch from afar. Haha. He was not thrilled with the idea of going on stage in front of everyone :) Quinn asked if she could go up with Jack about every 5 minutes. Haha. Soon sweet girl, soon.
Sometimes you just have to play in your underwear :)
These three were playing around the pool and then I looked out and they had stripped down to their skivies and were playing in the pool. The life of a kid! Well done guys...well done!
If I sit down for a second I am surrounded. I will sit to watch a show and I'll have three people in my lap before I know it. They love to sit by me, with me, on me, anywhere near me while Pres gets an entire couch to himself. Hahaha!!
Love my boys!
Meanwhile, Quinnie had a date night with Dad :) Pres took her out for some one on one time and a little Ghirardelli ice cream.
Momma's night :)
A perfect night at Panera! Ahhhh peace, quiet and a book!

Just trying to go to the bathroom. I see little fingers and as soon as I open the door I am greeted. I'm super popular in our house :) Hahaha. Not even a minute for myself to go potty.
While the boys are at school Quinn LOVES to play alone. She enjoys the quiet I think. Such a sweet girl! Love that little one!!
Beckham having fun at school. Building trains with friends.

Momma's little helper. A dang cute one at that!
I sat down...hahahaha!
September, you turned out to be a month that did not disappoint at all. It was a month full of tender mercies, miracles, love and a celebration of life. We loved every minute this month had to offer. I am learning more and more that we should take in each day and enjoy life as it comes every day. Not sit back and wait for things to happen. Start making your own awesome in each day happen! We do look forward to October and the fun that fall brings our family each year. Here comes more fun, pumpkin patches and costumes!
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