We were so excited to have Grandma and Poppa Spung join us for a week. It was a last minute decision and we were grateful they made the trek to CA. We had such a fun week!
Making sure we got in a few relaxing days we hung out at the house for the first few days. I think Grandma and Pop were smothered in love. I am pretty sure they did not mind at all!
Games with Grandma

Playing ball with Pop was a highlight for these three kiddos. He'd toss them the ball and they practiced catching it. I was super impressed with the skills the boys had gained by the end of the trip. When they weren't playing catch, they made sure Pop was in the most comfortable position to relax...haha.
Lots of LOVE
We had originally planned to go bowling one night, but due to a league night the lanes were full. We opted to do the next best thing...Dairy Queen for ice cream :)
Smiles all around for ice cream.
On Saturday we took Mom and Dad into San Fransisco to enjoy the Blue Angels Airshow. I grew up watching air shows and it's definitely a sentimental moment for me. It takes me right back down memory lane every time I see the Angels or the Thunderbirds perform. My personal favorite are the Blue Angels. I hadn't seen the Angels perform in years! This was a highlight of the trip for me. It was so much fun!
This looks exactly like the battleships from the game...Battleship :)
Before taking our seats for the airshow we checked out the Farmers Market. We bought an incredible chocolate croissant to share and walked through the different tents. We stopped on the pier to snap a photo of the battleship and a few other land marks.
Such a beautiful picture of Alcatraz. That's still on my list to actually see...haha.
The famous sea lions on Pier 39.
The Marina at Pier 39
Grandma & Pop with the kiddos. We loved watching the sea lions. They are so entertaining!
Mom and Dad at Fishermans Wharf!
Ready for the show!
We ate lunch at a delicious bakery called Boudin Bakery Cafe. We ate outside next to a fireplace. It was perfect! Such a beautiful day to be in San Fransisco. After lunch we headed to the bleachers. We got there at a perfect time. Front row!
This cute girl is all set!
Ready for the planes!
The Blue Angels consist of six F/A-18 Hornet aircrafts. This is all six planes flying together. It always blows my mind watching them perform. They get so stinkin close to each other! Such amazing pilots and crazy maneuvers.
As you can see from the smoke they fly in formation and then split off into every direction. Stunning to say the least.
I borrowed this image from Wikipedia to show how close they fly. The sound is unbelievable. It's so loud you can feel it in your chest. It literally can take your breath away.
This plane was incredible!
The F-35 Lightening II was unbelievable! The sound of this beast was AMAZING and the speed was absolutely insane. I think this was a favorite for everyone in the group. The plane would speed by so fast and then the sound would follow ever so slowly afterwards. You could barely hear your neighbor talking, haha. Unreal!
During the show we met a guy by the name of Reggie. He was such a fascinating character. He made us all laugh. He was a very kind, old, ("vintage" as he calls it) man. He works with Homeland Security and brought some badges to share with the kids. He gave Jack a military flag badge and told him to follow his dreams of being an astronaut. He gave Beckham a badge that is worn on a military beret telling him to always listen to his mom and dad and do good to the people around him. He gave Quinnie a Homeland Security badge telling her that her family will always keep her safe and if for some reason we can't then the people around her will.
He was full of information and knowledge and made the show that much better. I'm grateful not only for my family members that have served our country but also for people like Reggie who show us all what a true patriot means. Love and support for all people no matter race, religion, gender or political party. I'm grateful to be an American!
After the show we walked back to the car because the buses... well they didn't seem to exist, haha. Once we got to the car we headed to my favorite place in San Fransisco...Lands End! I LOVE this place. It speaks, calmness, serenity, peace and happiness all at once. I love looking out at the ocean. We were lucky enough to get there right as the sun was setting.
Group shot in front of a stunning sunset!
These trees are my favorite!
Such a great shot Mom! Thanks for letting me use your pics :)
That sunset!! Ahhhh...peace.
Family love.
Quinnie waiting for Dad and the boys to get the car :)
Once in the car we all relaxed for the next 45 minutes on our drive through the bay area. We realized that we had walked almost 10 miles that day...haha! I was so impressed with my parents for keeping up with us. That's a TON of walking! We celebrated our 10 mile walk by taking everybody to Shake Shack for dinner. Let's just say we did not hold back on ordering. Every calorie consumed was a shout of victory from the day! :)
That night we hit our pillows hard and deservedly so! Sweet dreams until church the following morning :)
On Sunday we took an entire day to just relax and recoup from our adventures the day before. We played Hand and Foot (card game) and listened to 70's music. We enjoyed some tasty home made dishes and talked with one another about our favorite moments from the trip.
Mom captured this moment on Sunday. How cute are these three?!
Watching a show and relaxing :)
Climbing the tower of tires.
And he's off!
A little namesake photo op :)

There goes Jack! Annnnnnd here come the rest of us trailing behind haha.
That was fun!
Hay ride!
Love these people!
Fun on a pipe swing.
We tried doing a maze again this year. I realized once again that mazes are just not for me, haha. I do not like not knowing where I am going, it freaks me out! Haha. I told Pres that he can take the boys without me from now on. I will say however, that I was quite the trooper during the maze, but on the inside I was freakin out a little bit, haha.

Fun times in a pool of corn!
Who knew that a huge bin of corn could be so much fun?! The kids spent a lot of time in here :)
Rollin, Rollin, Rollin
Go Beckham Go!
Doing my best to help Quinnie along.
Pres tried helping Quinn but ended up falling over. It was hilarious! Quinn's little legs just couldn't keep up!
"Would you like a picture on this giant swing?" Why yes, yes we would!
Love my people!! They are seriously the greatest blessing I could have ever received.
Mom and Dad just hanging out on the swing ....haha. It was such a cool swing!
Love this picture!
They look like a couple of kids waiting to get an underdog :)
After swinging on the giant swing we headed to the pumpkin patch. Honestly, I was a little disappointed in the pumpkin patch itself. In El Paso you take a tractor ride out to the field and pick your pumpkin. This patch had all of the pumpkins picked and you could choose from those. To me it was no different than getting one at a grocery store. Not the same effect that the El Paso Pumpkin Patch had. We still enjoyed ourselves.
Smile Quinn :)
Now those are some cute kids! I wonder who's they are?? ;)
Pumpkin Blasters!
They had a pumpkin canon we could shoot small pumpkins out of. It was so much fun! Pops and I took a try at it and had a blast. It was a little harder than I thought at first. Once we got the hang of the scope though we rocked it!
The week we had with my parents went by super fast! It always does. We had a great time just catching up. Mom and I even got to spend some time shopping, which is never a dull moment. We had days to relax and days with fun adventures. I think it was a perfect balance all in all. We love and look forward to our game nights as well. We stuff our faces with sweet treats, salty snacks and listen to the best music.

I was upstairs cleaning when I heard the vacuum start. Came down to find my little helper vacuuming the dining room for me. Love this kid!!

Jack had fall break for a week in October. I thought it'd be fun to take everyone bowling one afternoon. They LOVED it! The kids really enjoy bowling. It's quite entertaining to watch.
Bowling with the Momma's :)
Crazy faces!!
Date Night!
Pres had a work benefit to attend and once again I got to be his plus one. It was an all you can eat shrimp fest. It was delicious and a lot of fun. I got to meet more people from Preston's hospital which is always a joy for me. I really enjoyed the conversation throughout the night. Following dreams, passions and traveling! My kind of table talk :) One of the guys was from England...let's just say I may have talked his ear off, haha. I can NOT wait to explore England!
Date Night Selfie!
Happy Birthday Lisa!
This is my darling neighbor Lisa. She has quickly become a great friend to me here in Manteca. She's an absolute blast to be around with a personality that's contagious. She's hilarious, kind, full of love, extremely thoughtful and always willing to help. The kids adore her just as much as I do. I see her pretty much on a daily basis. We celebrated her 50th birthday on Sunday Oct. 20th. We had so much fun finding little treats and special gifts for our favorite neighbor EVER! She is such an incredible soul. So grateful we get to have her in our lives!
Last but certainly not least was Halloween!! We had a such a great time carving pumpkins, dressing up, trick or treating and handing out candy. We walked our block and then came home. The kids loved every minute of this. They really enjoyed handing out the candy too. Seeing the neighbors costumes was so much fun!
Loved this pic of Q. This is how she rolls when I need a minute to get something done. I love the crossed leg :)
The boys helped me during our Family Home Evening lesson. We built a tower to symbolize the important parts that the church of Jesus Christ would have. Such as a prophet, apostles, Bible, revelation, etc. They loved watching what would happen if something was taken away.
Pumpkin Carving
The boys drew faces on the pumpkins and Pres did his best to make them work, haha.
So excited!
This was definitely a fun night! The kids loved carving with Dad.
The final creations :)
We grabbed some lights and set them up outside. These pumpkins ended up lasting quite awhile. I was impressed.
Oh hey Fred, hahaha!
The administrators dressed up like Scooby Doo and the gang. Pres was Fred :)
Pres and the Scooby Doo Crew!

Our little astronaut!
Beckham as Black Panther!

Our little Unicorn Princess!
My little angels.
Ready to trick or treat!
LOVE these 3!

And we're off!
Knock knock!
Checking out the candy stash :)
Pres and I were M&M's ;)
Being sick is the worst!
Sadly croup made its way through our house the week before Halloween. Each of the kids ended up with it at some point. We were grateful that it didn't hold us back from enjoying the holiday. Luckily everyone is back to there healthy selves.
Thank you October, for an awesome, fun filled, fall month! We are so excited to see what's in store for this family of five in November! Family, food, and lots of FUN making more memories I guarantee :)
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