A look at our May!

Quinn received her quarter from the hospital. She was so excited to see what caused all the commotion in her life. She continues to make sure we haven't thrown it out. She will ask on occasion, "Mom, do you still have my quarter?" Yes, Quinnie, yes we do, haha.
Another quick trip to the cabin! We are so grateful that we have a place that we can vacate to. Our little family tends to get a little stir crazy (mostly me I think, haha) and needs a place to rest and unwind. Before the quarantine, I would plan weekend trips here and there, but due to the "stay at home" that's been put in place this makes taking trips much harder. Grateful we have a place we can still escape to.
Daddy daughter moment.
Quinn went up with Preston to roll logs down the hill. The kids love helping and being outside.
Making s'mores :)

Jack was the only one that actually ate the s'more. Beckham and Quinn just picked out the chocolate, haha.
We took a walk around the property picking wild flowers along the way. It was so fun!
Quinnie and I playing alphabet Bingo.
Jack did some painting and drawing. This kid LOVES to draw and he's REALLY good at it.
Beckham helping gather and stack the wood we found along the house.
The crew hard at work!
We found Gary our lizard friend in this pile of wood. The kids were so excited to see him again.
Quinn found Thor's hammer, haha.
She carried this around for quite some time. She thought it was the coolest thing :)
Beckham enjoying a little nature all on his own. Maybe he's meditating ;)
That night we saw some deer on the property. They were so close and really cool to see.
We were taking pictures of the deer on the side of the house and I decided to head out on the deck to try and get a better picture.
As soon as I walked out the door I was met by this guy. I about screamed haha. I had no idea there were more deer. We loved seeing them so close and in their own element. Once they were tired of us staring at them they ran away.
This trip we saw quite a few animals. We saw a bunny, a skunk, a raven, deer, lizards and squirrels. Nothing like being in the great outdoors. We even saw the raven dive down and catch his dinner for the night. It was crazy.
Our Beckham Boy!!
Words cannot express the joy this boy brings to our lives. Beckham is such a wonderful kid. He's hilarious and so fun to be around. There is never a dull moment with this kid. He LOVES his brother and sister very much and wants to be around them or playing with them always. Beckham is a very quick learner. He's very much like a sponge. He soaks up everything. He sounds like a 16 year old at times making Pres and I laugh so hard. He loves learning about the scriptures and Jesus. He does a great job retelling stories we teach him. It surprises us every time we sit down to do Come Follow Me and he can remember the story we've been studying. He has started reading and enjoys reading with us during our nightly bedtime book reading. This kid is destined to do incredible things. I just know it.
Beckham is our cuddle bug as well. He loves to cuddle! He has really gotten into playing video games (Lord help me, haha), LOVES watching shows like Wild Kratts, Bluey, Dinosaur Train and Sonic. His favorite snack is pretzels. He can eat pretzels every single day. He often asks for chicken nuggets, popcorn, cheese sticks and bagels. Beckham boy is very excited to be starting Kindergarten this year. He can't wait to go to school like Jack does.
Beckham chose donut holes for his birthday breakfast and asked to play games all day, haha.

Opening his presents after breakfast. Quinn's hair kills me. She has the best morning hair, haha.

We were so excited for Beckham to open his gift. He got a Sonic Genesis and was SO happy. We love our little man!
Beckham boy asked for a Sonic birthday so I asked a friend to make this awesome cake for me. He LOVED it!
Our 5 year old boy!
Another shot of this cool cake.
Everyone wanted a shot with Beckham and the cake :)

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"
Making a wish.

I think it is safe to say that Beckham had a wonderful birthday. He loved playing games all day long and eating his favorite foods. We all loved celebrating our favorite 5 year old!

We had a thunderstorm roll in a few days after Beckham's birthday and I was beyond excited. I absolutely LOVE thunderstorms! It is extremely rare for us to get a thunderstorm here in California. It is one of the things I miss the most from Illinois. Anytime I hear one it takes me back to a little farm in Ransom, IL and I soak in the nostalgia.

I opened the door and let the kids play in the rain. Since rain is such a rare occurrence I wanted them to experience what it's like playing in the rain. Every kid needs to splash and run in the rain.

Needless to say they were soaked, haha, and smiling ear to ear.
Soaked to the bone and happy about it.

Momma's little helper :) Love this cute girl to pieces.
I pulled up to our house one day and thought... we need to add a little love to the porch. I then proceeded to move some things around and ran to Walmart for some plants. It feels a little more welcoming now that we have chairs, plants by the door and our cute hanging plants. It was a fun distraction for a little while. It's also become a favorite place to sit in the morning. I open the garage door and the kids ride their bikes, play with sidewalk chalk, run and look for bugs. It's peaceful. I grab a Diet Coke and a book and soak in the awesome weather while the kids play.
I realized one day that I had never painted Quinn's nails before. I bought a pretty pink polish and we had a little spa day. She absolutely LOVED this. First off her favorite color is pink and second she couldn't believe that we could put pink on her hands and toes, haha. It was fun to watch her beam while I painted each little nail.

Mommy/Daughter Spa Day!
I think it's safe to say that I have a little shadow. She loves going where I go and helping me with anything I am doing. We made a cherry cobbler to top off our spa day. She loved mixing :)
Momma's little Sous-Chef :)
The finished product...It was so tasty!

We spend quite a bit of time outside. The kids LOVE playing with/in water. They are entertained for some time. I could not find a pool this year so we settled for this little plastic one. The kids have not complained or even noticed how small it is. They just fill it up and get creative. We bought some pool noodles and they play telephone with them. It's so fun to see their imaginations take off but I also notice how similar kids are. The things I see them doing I remember doing as a kid as well. The apple doesn't fall to far...

Picnic time!
Cuddles and shows
We finally got a new couch!! We have needed these new pieces desperately, haha. Our previous couch was broken and we had put off getting new furniture long enough. We love our new furniture!
One more trip to the dentist.
Beckham boy had another filling that needed to be taken care of. He did an incredible job! I was so proud of him. He's our super brave boy!
I got a sewing machine!
I am so happy!! I was finally able to do several projects I had put aside. I had blankets to mend, pillows I wanted to make (like the one above), skirts to make from old dresses and shirts to take in. I pulled out my machine on a Saturday and spent hours listening to music and sewing a ton. I have had these on my to do list for months. It was so nice to get those checked off! I legit enjoyed every minute of it as well. I even got one of the Christmas gifts done for this year while the kids slept. I have two more to go. So happy I have a machine now! The ideas and potential projects are endless now! Due to the quarantine though it's super hard to find thread and sewing essentials. Luckily, I already had quite a bit and was able to find the few things I needed to get started. I think a lot of people are taking up hobbies while they stay home. The baking isle and craft isles tend to be a little more bare these days.
Jackson had his last day of class!
Schooling online has not been that bad for us. I think it's because I only had one kid doing it and he was a Kindergartener :) Towards the very end I could tell he was starting to get burned out so it was perfect that school ended shortly after. Jack met with his class and Mrs. Meadows every day for one hour. Mrs. Meadows did an exceptional job. She read a book every day to the kids, they did math, sight words, show and tell and filled out worksheets along the way. Jack really enjoyed his time but missed playing with friends.
It's official! We have a first grader in the house now!
Side note...
May brought it's challenges as well. We had some crazy things happen in the Clark family. Poor Gracie was admitted to a children's hospital in Arkansas with an illness that came from e coli. She was hospitalized and given the treatment needed. Her body fought hard and many prayers were sent on her behalf. Her little body has since healed and she has recovered. Thank goodness!
Once Gracie was home we had one more mishap in the Clark family. Little Claire broke her arm and will be in a cast for 4 weeks. I'm not to sure where all of this craziness is coming from but I hope it's over.
- Gracie playing with some make up while she waits for her departure date. Such a little doll!
- Claire with her pretty pink cast! Nothing holds this sweet girl back.
On a happier note...
Aubrey Marie graduated as Valedictorian from Wasatch High and is super excited for her next chapter at Utah State! So stinkin proud of this girl!!
May went by so fast! I have a feeling this summer will FLY BY! I am heading into June with some confidence and an exciting project I have been working on. Stay tuned to see what's up my sleeve :)
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