It's June and we are still surviving through this corona-cation! I personally LOVED this month. It was a much more relaxed, easy going month. In CA we are still in the quarantine phase so there is nothing open. No beaches, no Airbnb's, no parks, etc. The kids have also finished school leaving us with the puzzle of what now?
We of course spent the fist few days outside. We love all things water. The pool, sprinklers, water balloons, slip and slides, buckets of water, the list could go on.
Quinn is the pirate of the ship :) |
The boys taking a quick snack break.
Otter Pops for the win!
Fun in the sun.
It is no secret that I LOVE Miss Carrie Underwood. She's awesome and I think we'd be incredible friends if she knew me, haha. I was invited this year to attend her virtual fan club party. Thrilled, excited, absolute joy, just a few words to express how I felt when I received the email. I literally had a count down to when I'd be able to log on. I have never attended a fan club party before and have always wanted to. It was a bucket list item of mine.
The fan club party was more than I had ever expected it to be. She sang several songs from her cabin in Nashville. Songs you don't hear during her concerts. What's crazy is that the ones she sang were some of my absolute favorites she has recorded. Her voice was stunning and it was great to watch her perform in such a laid back chill fashion. It seemed super intimate since it was literally just her and her guitarist and you. It was PHENOMENAL! I hope she continues to do the fan club this way. It was so great to be a part of something so cool.

I snapped a few pics while I was listening. It was SO much FUN! Literally loved every single second! She also did a Q&A session with us after she performed. We had the opportunity to send in questions and she chose a few and answered them. To top off the incredible experience I was having, she actually chose my question to answer as well! Couldn't believe when I heard her say, "This next question comes from Lesley from Manteca, CA." Whaaat?! That was a pretty cool moment for me as well. I asked about her farm, what animals she has/wants and what her favorite veggies/fruits are that she has in her garden. She grows a ton of what they eat and she has a lot of animals. Many have been rescued. She also told us about her Christmas album that will be coming out later this year. Super stoked for that!
We celebrated Preston this month for Father's Day. The kids and I had a blast spoiling and celebrating our favorite guy in the world. He was showered with gifts, love and one giant cookie that we all enjoyed.
We sure LOVE this guy!
Happy Father's Day to the best Dad out there! Love you Preston Scott.
I absolutely LOVE the Magnolia Journal that Chip & Joanna Gaines put out every season. It is a one of kind magazine. I am always inspired. I enjoy every single one that I receive. I find inspiration from the stories told and the thoughts that are expressed. This summer issue had a different kind of message. I felt it was directed towards me and where I was in my life.
I have been wanting to take on something that was just mine. Something that I could enjoy and use my creative side. I was looking to fill a void that was not related to being a Mom or wife. I wanted it to be for me. I had been praying about it for a while and tried all different kinds of things. One thought kept coming back to me. I kept thinking about t-shirts. Such an odd thought but then when I explored it I realized why I was directed that way. They can be creative and I could design anything I want. You could even sell them. Bonus, it can all be done on my time as well which was a massive positive. Especially having three small kiddos.
I did several weeks of research. I wrote notes on notes on notes. I watched a million videos of successful and unsuccessful attempts at this. I reached out to several people and asked opinions as far as designs and what they liked. I backed off when COVID-19 happened because it made me nervous to start a business during a pandemic. Maybe not the smartest move. I took that time to design more shirts and research even more. I continued to plan and prep for when I'd be able to open my store. I started to get cold feet and worried no one would buy anything and this would fail before it even started.
Then comes the summer Magnolia Journal in my mail. I stayed up reading the entire thing. The cover is what hooked me. It was titled 'A look at Risk, choosing courage in the face of the unknown'. I legit felt it was printed and made for me. After reading I told Pres that it was time to launch TalkinTees23. I set up the business and picked some designs to start out and I created my very own business on June 4th! I launched and sat back eagerly awaiting to see what would happen. I couldn't believe the support and love from so many friends, family and even people I didn't know. I was amazed and humbled by the kindness and thoughtfulness of so many.

I ordered a few tees to make sure the designs were right and the tees were high quality. From the beginning of this dream I wanted my t-shirts to be high quality. That was super important to me. I wanted quality over quantity. These are the softest coziest tees you'll find. LOVE THEM! I now market on Instagram (@talkintees23) and on Facebook. The business has been going very well and I look forward to creating and making more tees.
Whatever happens from here on out, I am super proud of myself for taking the risk and doing something I truly enjoy. It's a success in my eyes just for that.
Playing checkers in their own way.
I was doing my morning workout and these two set up shop right next me while Jack drew in the dining room. I always find it entertaining that they need to be close to me at all times. One day this will go away so I will hang on to these moments while they last.
This sweet girl helped me clean the car. I just love this little one. How blessed I am!
Heading to the airport!
We are officially Utah bound! Spending three awesome weeks with family and friends :) New scenery and some cousin time. We left on June 27th and stayed through July 19th. We had such a great time. It ended up being super busy but we enjoyed every second we got.
Quinn preps for the flight while the boys set up their Kindles.
On June 28th we had a baby blessing for Cameron, did family pictures and celebrated Pops' birthday. It was an awesome busy first day!
Craig, Erin and Cameron.
The entire Marx clan :)
The Spung side. It just keeps growing and growing. I love it!
Star of the show surrounded by love.
All of the cousins!
We finally updated our Spung Family picture this year. It has been about 8 years since we have updated it so it was definitely time to do that. I cannot wait to get the pics back.
Happy Birthday Pops!
Mom and us kids went in on getting Pops this awesome chair. It's amazing! So many people hung in that chair while we were all together.
Watching a show while we get dinner ready :)
Cuddles with Pop.
Picking up Britt's kids to come and hang with us for the day. The kids LOVED spending time with their cousins. We had a blast spending time with so much family :)
More pics and adventure to come in the July blog!
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