Oh December, December! You are always the craziest month of the year. This is not likely to change and I have come to accept that. We are never short of celebrations in a month with the holidays, an anniversary, and two birthdays. Take a look at how the Clarks did December :)
Once December hit, we were ready to make sugar cookies. Can't you sense the excitement here, haha! The kids helped me make the dough and then we chilled it until we were ready to decorate.
Everyone decorated a few cookies while sneaking bites here and there. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. We had so much fun.
The finished product!
This kid has kept the tooth fairy very busy this year. One more tooth under the pillow.
I LOVE exercising. It is such a stress reliever. It's also my time, no interruptions. I blast my music and hit Fit52 with my girl Carrie Underwood for 45 minutes to an hour depending on what the work out is. I look forward to my work outs every time. This day Pres joined me. It was so fun having a work out buddy!
I love this picture of Beckham James. He woke up from his nap to a plate of treats left by his teacher from church. Since we haven't been able to meet on Sunday's, we are all coming up with ways to minister and serve each other. His teacher has done an awesome job reaching out and sending little coloring pages for him to do on Sundays during our Zoom devotionals. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been such a blessing in our lives. How grateful we are to have some sort of church even if it's in a less traditional way.
I love that picture of Quinn. Her slippers she stole from Jack, the pant leg half way up, a snack and drink ready to go. If that doesn't say holiday break living, I don't know what does. Love that cute girl. She brings me so much happiness. Speaking of happiness, how cute is that little man with the Grinch hat?! He made that during his Grinch school day.
We had a Spung Christmas Party this year. We joined in via Zoom and loved seeing everyone. Pres and I were gifted an Amazon gift card from Mom and Dad. It went to great use ;) Beckham and Jack received jammies from Lucas and James. Quinnie got a unicorn light and Skye (Paw Patrol) toy. Everyone loved their cousin Christmas.
Celebrating 10 YEARS!!
I cannot believe it has already been 10 years since this guy and I were married. So much has happened over the past 10 years. We've had three incredible kids, traveled all around the world, lived in several different cities, and the love continues to run deep. I will forever be grateful for Preston. He brings me so much joy and happiness. We look forward to what the Lord has in store for us in the future. For now we will ride this wave and be grateful for all that we have along the way.
Sushi to celebrate! Thanks to Mom and Dad for buying our anniversary dinner. It was amazing!
We were supposed to clean the playroom but ended up having a sweet wrestling match. I was out numbered by quite a bit, haha. Love these three and the crazy mornings we have.
Spa time with Quinnie. "Paint them pink, please."
Dad and his mini
Beckham LOVES football. He watches the games with Preston. He can tell you who will be playing and how many games each team has won and lost. I catch him watching the highlights from previous games. He loves it. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree on this one ;)
We took a trip to Oakland to check out the lights at the temple and grab some delicious cinnamon rolls nearby. These lights were insanely beautiful. They were in an outside mall area. It was very magical.
The visitor center was closed on the temple grounds but the view was still incredible. I loved this!
Star of Bethlehem.
Oakland Temple
Forever Love
I was a little worried to make the long drive and have these three complain that we went for a short time but they didn't. They loved walking all around, checking out the fountains, climbing the stairs, and taking in the lights. It was a perfect family night.
A beautiful nativity.
One more fountain to check out.
A view of San Francisco from the temple grounds. Gorgeous! It was seriously the best night.
Another shot of the temple before we take off.
I love the water that runs along the path. It's so peaceful.
We celebrated December 24th with new jammies!
It's always been a dream of mine to make my kids a blanket. This was the year for that dream to come true. I spent some time making each blanket trying to pick designs they would appreciate and love. I was overwhelmed with joy when they loved them so much. I am so grateful I took the time to do it. They each sleep with their blankets and cuddle with them on the couch while watching a show in the morning. It brings a smile to my face to see them take to them in the way they did.
Christmas jammies for everyone!
Christmas morning! Ready to go!
Christmas was such a blast! We had such a fun morning. The boys were spoiled with a Nintendo Switch while Quinn got a new Paw Patrol tower. She was so happy to get the Paw Patrol tower and several of the pups and cars. The boys got bikes and new helmets too. Quinnie got a sweet bike helmet and a crazy soft unicorn bean bag. Everyone was so grateful for what they received and were so happy Santa brought them each exactly what they wanted.
Quinn's turn to take the bike for a ride :)
Our sweet girl turns 4 this month!
Quinn is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She loves her brothers so much. She will forever be protected by those two big brothers of hers. Quinn loves to do puzzles, playing with her toys, reading books, watching Paw Patrol, Bluey, TOTS, and Peppa Pig. She loves ALL things unicorns and having her own space at times. Quinn really enjoys playing by herself and watching a movie on her own. Which I totally get ;) Quinn is our silly little one as well. She LOVES making people laugh with her dance moves, crazy voices, and telling jokes. She enjoys the attention her brothers give her when she's silly and they think she's hilarious. Win-Win :) Quinn makes us laugh and smile every single day. Quinn melts the hearts of everyone she meets. She's genuine and loves everyone.
My Beckham Boy! He's getting so big, too fast!
This kid has the kindest heart. He loves playing with his brother and sister. He is King of the remote control. He is the one that is usually picking what shows anyone watches, haha. If we can't find the remote, we just have to ask Beckham boy ;) This incredible kid is our snuggle buddy. He loves giving and receiving hugs. He loves a good book while sitting in your lap or right next to you. Beckham loves watching football, playing soccer, playing games and building forts. He is the most energetic little five year old around. He absolutely LOVES being outside. You will usually find him jumping on the trampoline, driving his electric car (with Quinn by his side), playing soccer or playing ball with his siblings. Beckham would watch shows and play games all day long if I allowed it, but I don't, so he takes his time outside. Once again, I am grateful to be living in a state that we can be outside year round.
This talented kid turns 7 this month!
Jack is one of the most talented 7 year old's I have ever seen. He is an artist through and through. He LOVES to draw, paint, and color. He is very gifted. Pres and I do our best to nurture this talent along the way. Jackson also loves playing games. He wants to be a video game designer when he gets older. He currently is working on different designs by drawing them out and then creating them on his Switch or Kindle. Jack has a very sweet and sensitive soul. He hurts when others hurt and rejoices when others rejoice. He is always giving little gifts to his siblings like pictures or things he earns from the toy chest at school. He loves making people smile. You can also see the wheels turning in his head while he learns knew things. He wants to know everything. Jack is an outstanding big brother with the heart of gold. He is always including his siblings and plays with them regularly. He tells people that Beckham is his best friend.
Pres and I could not be more grateful to our Father in Heaven for choosing these three spirits to come into our lives. We will forever be in His debt for this gift He gave us.
We were so excited to hear that Uncle Jimmy, Emily, James, and Ava were coming to spend several days with us. The kids were over the moon to have some cousin time. Pres and I were excited to meet Emily and spend some much needed time with Jim. We LOVE having visitors and we cherish the time we get with everyone that makes their way to CA.
Jack has been obsessed with Minecraft lately. It's pretty much all he talks about. The few things he wanted for his birthday were Minecraft on the Switch, a cuddly Creeper (the green thing), and drawing stuff to draw Minecraft characters, haha. I think he LOVES Minecraft.
Celebrating Jack!
He asked me for a Minecraft cake. I did my best, haha. I need to work on my decorating skills, but the cake itself was delicious.
That is one happy 7 year old boy :)
I still can't believe he's seven! He can't either!
Happy Birthday to you!
Make a wish.
Jack had such a fun birthday. Being able to celebrate it with family was icing on the cake ;)
A trip back to Big Trees.
This time it was much colder, haha. I couldn't believe there was snow and ice on the ground! We definitely had our fix of winter wonderland.
How cute are those five?! That tree is so giant compared to their small bodies, haha.
Hanging out inside a tree :)
Love the starburst shape on the roots of this tree.
Emily and Jim
Jim and Emily and little Quinnie by herself :)
I loved taking pictures of the trees we saw. I really enjoy photography, but I've stepped away from it for a while. It's been fun getting back into it. I may continue on this path and start something with it. We shall see :)
These trees will never get old to me. I love spending time in nature and taking it all in.

The bark swirled up and around this tree. I thought it was so cool.
Giants in the forest.
We had to get a pic of these cute people in the middle of a tree.
Pondering boys.
Doing my best to capture the magnificence. Some of these trees are 300 feet tall!
Family photo op.
Magnificent giant. Standing 325 feet tall.
Jim, Em and all the kiddos. I love Ava's little peek-a-boo look.
We sure do love our James!
Ava snuggled up to Emily the entire walk. I couldn't believe Emily could hold her the entire way. I am so happy I captured this sweet picture of these two.
And the ants go marching one by one...haha.
Waiting patiently for Aunt Les/Mom to hurry up with her picture taking, haha.
The Siamese Twins tree.
Clark family at Big Tree State Park
One last photo op on the giant tree stump before heading back home.
We left just as the sun started to set.
Sunsets are always an incredible piece of art that stretches across the sky.
Quinn was so happy to get a "make your own bracelets and necklace" kit. She also LOVES her new scooter, puzzles, unicorn jammies and a unicorn dress. I think it's safe to say Quinn had a pretty awesome 4th birthday.
Scoot scoot
Ava and Quinn were the best of friends during this trip. They loved having a buddy to play with.
Hey James!
Pres and I took the kids for a walk to the duck pond. I couldn't believe that we now have 12 ducks! I think the duck population has now doubled since we moved in two years ago.
The ducks are so big and fluffy for the winter. The kids loved watching them.
This little birthday girl asked for red velvet cupcakes with Oreos. Now that I can do :)
I don't think she could be any happier, haha. She was SO excited to be 4 years old.
Happy Birthday sweet Quinnie!
She gave me the thumbs up that they were delicious ;)
Nothing like Moms t shirt for a good night sleep :)
I asked Jim and Emily if they would be ok for me to take a couple pics of them. I have really been wanting to brush up on these photography skills. I was so grateful when they agreed. I think they turned out pretty dang cute ;)
I loved this one.
Sweet little Ava girl. How cute is she?!
Game night at the Clark home!
For New Year's Eve we busted out some treats and games. I bought this really fun game called Escape in a Box. It was SO much fun! We loved figuring out the riddles and clues. It was a perfect game for New Year's Eve.
My brother in a nutshell, haha.
Such fun times! Laughing until it hurts and enjoying each other's company.
Four adults trying to take a picture, haha.
One more time but while trying to set the timer, haha.
We did it! Haha. Although in our defense, it was after midnight and we were all super tired.
December ended up being one of my favorite months from this year. We had so much to celebrate and a ton of family time. Our entire family loved having Jim, Emily and the kids come out for a few days. This month was full of mile stones, adventure, fun, service, love and JOY knowing we have a Savior who loves each and everyone of us so much. December is a crazy month but it's always one of our favorites.
We have put 2020 behind us and are now looking forward to an exceptional 2021, because that's what we will make it...no matter what comes our way! Happy New Year and Cheers to 2021!
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