February was such a fun month where we had so many things going on. My parents came and spent a couple weeks with us and Jack started baseball. It was so nice to have the parentals around. The kids loved having Grandma and Poppa come, while I enjoyed the help and big kid conversations :)
Mr. Jack starting baseball season!
Jack is really enjoying the opportunity to be on the SF Giants team. We have loved watching him grow in this sport. Baseball is a brand new adventure for this family. Jack knew nothing about it going into it, yet he's done a great job. He's learned loads over these last few weeks.
He's on what they call a FARM team here in Manteca. He's learning how to bat off of a batting machine. A little intimidating for a first year player, I must say. This has been a major part of his adjustment for this first season. His first few games he was nervous to hit the ball. Now he's hit it several times and enjoys batting. His coaches have been incredible with him. They have been helping him to learn the game, and teaching him to be patient while waiting for the ball. Beckham is excited to give baseball a try next year now that he has watched Jack. I think he feels like he's missing out. He's hoping he can be on his brother's team :)
Having Mom and Dad here was also a huge blessing. They helped me so much during their stay. Pops took on a few projects with me around the house that I have been aching to get done. I have been wanting to change out a desk in our laundry room to make it a more functional space. I mean, who needs a desk in a laundry room? Odd, right? I was not able to tackle this one by myself, so having Pops help was awesome. I also wanted to repaint our shutters. When we first moved in they were green. The painters must have accidentally used interior paint though, because it faded in the first year we were here to like a brown. We decided to go a little more bold and blue :) We also painted the front door to match. It was so fun having a few projects to do.
Pops in his element.
Building the bench for our new spot.
Ready to go!
Jack played third base for his second game and rocked it. He even had a big play. The ball was hit right to him, and he tagged his base, resulting in the third out that inning. He was so proud :) Pres and I just beamed while he enjoyed everyone cheering his name, and telling him what a good job he did on the way back to the dug out.
Up on the roof painting the shutters.
The bench is coming along!
Mom and I ran to Target and bought the baskets for the shoes. That way Dad had something to go off of when he was making the boxes for the buckets. We ended up using the top of the desk as the top of the bench as well. It made everything more cohesive in the room because it matched the cabinets along the wall.
The kids made a little make shift house while Pops and I worked.
I think they did a pretty awesome job, haha. Looks cozy :)
The shutters look SO much better. I am so happy we ended up painting them.
Before and after in the mudroom!
We had that random desk in the laundry room causing wasted space. Dad and I built this beauty on the right. It has legit been life changing. Now the kids have a place for bookbags, jackets, and shoes. It has been awesome to have a place for everyone to drop their things when they get home. Life. Changing.
Before Mom and Dad took off, I wanted to have a little photo session with them. I of course love photography and haven't had the opportunity to take pics of my own parents. They were such good sports about the whole thing. Not everyone jumps at the chance to have their pics taken :) I'm not gonna lie, I have some pretty incredible people I get to call Mom and Dad.
We woke up early the following day to say our goodbyes. Quinn and I were the lucky ones that got to take them to the airport. I really enjoy the drive to Sacramento.
Because of these two, I'm me.
After some late night hang outs, and a TON of fun, these three slept real well. We tend to find Beckham curled up in Jack or Quinn's bed every night lately. The boys used to share a room until about a month ago. Unfortunately though, they would wake each other up in the morning causing issues in the afternoon. They would be so tired and whiny. Finally, after some consideration I moved everyone to their own room. Jack took Q's old room. Beckham stayed in his room and Quinn moved to the playroom. Beckham is still having a hard time sleeping by himself in his own room. He finds comfort from two of his favorite people and cuddles up with them each night. It's a big adjustment when you've been with someone your whole life and then you're suddenly all alone. It usually results to Pres and I having move Beckham back to his bed when we go to sleep. Quinn, however, surrounds herself with every stuffed animal she owns and reads them books until she falls asleep ;)

Everyone is vaccinated! We wanted to make sure that everyone had their shots before taking off to Chicago. We have an awesome trip planned which meant a lot of places and people :) The kids handled it like a champ. No one cried and no one even noticed that the nurse was done with the shot, haha. Everyone felt totally fine after except for a little bit of a sore arm. No complaints though. They only noticed the sore arm if I asked. Treats all around for these tough kiddos:)
They were so proud of how well they did. I was too! When we got home they wanted to show of their Band-Aids and their strength :) Love these three kiddos of mine. Life would be dull without them.
February was down right fabulous! The awesomeness even extended into the first part of March. Mom and Dad left on March 8th and we flew out on March 12th.
Next up, a trip I will never forget and never regret! Chicago, here come the Clarks...Watch Out Y'all!
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