After Mom and Dad left we had a few days to get ready for Chicago. Pres and I were really looking forward to this trip. We both had felt a little home sick and were wanting to take the kids to the best city in the world :) There is NO place like Chicago. It really is an incredible city. We loaded up our bags and headed to a hotel for our first night. We flew out Saturday super early in the morning from San Francisco. We opted to stay in a hotel close to the airport, so we didn't have to get up early and drive. Of course we had to find a place with a pool :)
We had the pool to ourselves for most of the time. It was nice, but chilly :)
Q holding on tight. She wasn't too sure about leaving the steps and rail.
I opted to take pics and put my feet in. Too cold for this Momma :)
"Look no hands!"
The following morning we woke up at 5am to make our 7am flight. Everything went super smoothly. Thank goodness. We got on the plane and headed east. Uncle Steve was waiting for us on the other end at Midway airport. Super grateful that he was willing to come get us :) As soon as we stepped outside into the chilly Chicago air, it felt like home. We were so happy to be back in IL with our family.
It didn't take long for this little girl to win over Uncle Steve. Notice the cookie in hand already. I'm pretty sure Aunt Sue spoiled these littles about five minutes after entering the house :)
Getting to know Marty and Jenna.
Jack found his cousin Megan's snuggy, and had to try it on, haha.
This is what happens when you pick up your niece and her family from the airport. You're just worn out from all of the awesomeness :) We were all a little tired that first day. Waking up dang early, pretty long flight, amazing food, and the best company. With bellies full we were just about ready for bed. First, we needed to walk to Grandma and Aunt Steph's house to get Aunt Oralia's car. She was gracious enough to let us borrow it while we were there for the week. Plus, we got to see the Spung's for a minutes before heading back to Uncle Steve's. Luckily, we will get to see more of them at the end of the week :)
Kyle and sweet little KJ
On Sunday we had a little family get together. It was SO fun seeing Kyle, Lauren, Uncle Mike, and Uncle Mike's girlfriend Kathy. We really enjoyed catching up with everyone and seeing where everyone was at. Unfortunately, Kevin couldn't make it, but hopefully next time we'll see him.
Pres and Jack trying on the SR, JR hats :)
Jenna and Megs and all of their cuteness. Love these cute girls!
Jenna & KJ
Uncle Mike, Lauren, Kyle, & KJ
Quinn and Marty became fast friends :)
Beckham of course found where all of the tech was in the house and had to hang there :)
Two peas in a pod ;)
Love my family!
Hanging in the newly renovated kitchen! How great does that look?! Such a change from before. It was so dark and now it's bright and fun. Uncle Mike's girlfriend Kathy was able to swing by for a little while. The food was delish! Aunt Sue always treats us like royalty :)
This is a typical Mandrelle or Spung gathering. Everyone wants to hang out in one room all together, telling stories, laughing, and just soaking up a good time among the people you love.
The Sunday funday crew!
Oh wait! We needed one with Aunt Sue!
One of the things I loved about this trip was that it was super chill. We woke up late and had super leisure mornings. No rushing out the door or having to be somewhere at a certain time. We were able to relax and enjoy every day along the way.
Quinn teaching Aunt Sue how to play a game on her Kindle.
Meet Marty Mandrelle
This dog was a favorite part of the trip for my three kiddos. They LOVE Marty and talked about him often to this day. If we were gone for longer than 5 minutes we'd hear someone say, "I miss Marty." ;)
Saturday and Sunday were set aside as Mandrelle family days. Monday was our first day out and about. We ended up taking the kids all around Naperville, and showed them where Pres grew up. They really enjoyed the tour. They especially enjoyed hearing the stories Preston shared about his childhood.
Cool train restaurant downtown Naperville.
We stopped at Barnes and Noble for the kids to pick a book for the trip. Always a favorite tradition.
After getting a few new books we had to head to Cookie Dough Creations for some delicious ice cream.
My people :)
Me and my love on the river walk.
Aunt Sue made sure to send us with some treats for the ducks. The kids loved feeding them. They would swim over and gobble up each bite. We had a lot of fun in Naperville.
Walking along the river.
After some fun in downtown Naperville we did a little shopping. Once fill of shopping hit us we texted the gang to meet up with us for a tasty dinner. A true favorite and often missed placed in our household.
Nothing like Portillo's!
We had a delicious dinner, and to top it off Uncle Steve bought one of their famous chocolate cakes. Oh dang! It was absolutely DELICIOUS!!! I may or may not have enjoyed several slices of that cake ;)
If you know me really well, then you know I love me some Dunkin'. We hit up the Dunkin' shop on the way to the city. Breakfast of champions!
We were looking forward to taking the kids to the Science and Industry Museum in Chicago. It's a museum we have been to several times as a kid and LOVED it. We were thrilled to have this opportunity as adults, and to watch our littles learn, and explore all the different exhibits.
Watching how wind can manipulate sand in a sand storm.
Air balloon station.
We were all over that museum. Touching dials, buttons, listening to everything, and soaking up so much knowledge along the way.
Beckham was in charge of launching a basketball from one side to the other. Each time it would hit the other net he was amazed. He stopped at this station for several minutes.
Listening and watching how lightening and thunder come.
Taking a chance inside a tornado :) Quinn held on tight as the wind was about to whirl around.
A quick movie in the iMax theatre.
We chose the one all about penguins. It was a welcomed break mid morning.
Checking out the city of Chicago and the train tracks that went from the Seattle skyline to Chicago.
Four Clarks in a cuboose.
Now for the Seattle skyline. Another favorite city of ours :)
Jack and Beckham made a friend :)
So many different types of planes right above us.
Unfortunately the submarine tours were sold out. We still liked walking around it.
Anchor yourself.
Old carriages.
Crazy clown crew :)
Really cool screen.
Whenever you moved your arms, the gems would fall, and stay as if you were holding them, or letting them fall.
Farm town
We found a cow :)
Super cool train. The airplanes that hung from the ceiling were so neat.
Checking out the old train engine.
Going for a ride on an old aircraft. We went in style riding first class ;)
We checked out a flight simulator that ended up being really fun.
A room of only mirrors. It was super trippy walking through here. Not my favorite room, haha.
Finding out if we are correctly proportioned for our body. It told Quinn's that she'd be a great swimmer.
Haha, creepster, haha. We had fun on this old train too :)
First class baby!
To say that the Science and Industry Museum was a hit would be an understatement. We had an absolute ball exploring that entire building. We loved learning all of the things. I think the favorite spots were all things nature and trains.
After the museum we headed to the river to check out the cool green water. Every St. Patrick's Day Chicago dyes the river green in celebration. The kids thought it was so cool to see. We made a quick stop for some cookies and a drink at Potbelly while we waited for our time to head to the top of the Sears Tower...It will always be the Sears Tower to me ;)
I just love this kid of mine :) He makes my heart happy.
Enjoying the walk to the elevator before heading up to the 103rd floor.
I thought these paintings were SO cool.
Jack at Wrigley Field :)
We made it to the top! I thought I would be nervous being so high up but I wasn't at all.
Oh how I love this city! Such a cool view from above. You can see so far and so much.
Sky box time...EEK! You brave souls.
Everyone was a little nervous when we approached the sky box. It doesn't help that they show you how it was made. The glass is not as thick as I would have preferred, haha. Pres was the first to go. Yes, the guy afraid of heights. What?! Then Quinn said she'd go if Pres held her. Finally, Beckham was brave enough to give it a whirl. I honestly thought I would do it, and then I saw it...enough said. Haha. All if any, courage I had disappeared rather quickly, haha.
Jack and I chose to stay away from the glass box, and took this "safe" pic instead. He was a little sad that he couldn't muster up the courage like his brother and sister. I however, was totally fine with not going at all. Haha. I enjoyed the views from the massive windows.
A boy dreaming about life below. Love this!
We did it!
We hitched a ride on the El coming back to the Airbnb.
I loved the way Q wore her hat :) and Beckhams hair when he'd take his hat off ;)
Walking around the city admiring the architecture, theatres, and restaurants was a plus.
Jack and Pres
The next morning we had breakfast at Wildberry Pancakes & Cafe. Such incredible food. I got their lemon blueberry pancakes and they were to die for. SO GOOD! Honestly, everyone enjoyed what they got.
Me and my Beckham boy :)
Little Miss Quinn Marie
One more shot with the entire family.
We wanted to remember this place. Another cool thing about the Wildberry Pancake & Cafe is that it is right across the street from Millennium Park. The next place on our list of "to do's". Score!
Three peas in a pod :)
Too cute.
Heading to the bean hand in hand :)
Pics at THE BEAN!
Love him!
The kids kept saying how cool it was to see.
Waiting for the El. The kids thought the train rides were so fun.
We lucked out with an awesome Airbnb in Fulton Market right in Chicago. This place exceeded our expectations in every way. It was absolutely incredible!
Pres chilling out on the couch. I loved how this showed the scale of the room. It was SO big and beautiful! The brick was gorgeous. We loved this Airbnb.
I mean seriously?! How cool is this place?! It was massive, and it's IN Chicago! Such a fun stay. The kids had one huge bedroom with double queen bunk beds. Pres and I had another with an ensuite.
Kids room with the double queens :)
View from the bnb.
Our place was on the second floor right above the awning.
Adler Planetarium
One more stop in Chicago before heading out.
This museum was one that Pres and I had never been to. It was nice to explore something new.
Learning to launch, complete a mission, and land a rocket.
They had a really fun kids section. We spent most of our time here.
Our cute little astronauts.
Oh look! I found another one ;)
Quinn and I sleeping like astronauts.
Quinn checking out the potty situation while I pose with a sweet astronaut suit.
Getting ready to go on a mission.
We really enjoyed the movie they had. We were sent on a mission to explore some of the planets, sun, and stars. We learned a few interesting facts about each place we landed on.
One thing about the Adler Museum is that the view of the city is INCREDIBLE! There is seriously NO better view than this one. It was awesome! Such an iconic shoreline.
Thanks Adler for a fun time.
Quinn on a horse at Meijer.
We made a quick stop at Meijer before heading to Gram's. Quinn saw this cute horse that just happened to be named after her Grandma, so she went for a ride :)
We made it to Gram and Aunt Stephs!
After the museum we headed back to Romeoville to have some good quality time with Grandmere, Aunt Stephie Lou Who, Uncle Pat, and Aunt Oralia.
Grandmere sitting on the swing enjoying the view.
One of the first things we did when we got there was walk the lake. This is something I remember doing since I can remember. I had all the nostalgic feels while walking around this lake with my Gram. I have walked this lake with my family so many times I couldn't even put a number on it. Any time we came to Grandma's and the weather was even slightly good, we walked the lake.
We stopped so the kids and Aunt Steph could do rolling races down the hill, haha. EPIC moment for sure. There was a whole lot of rolling going on, haha. See if you can find Aunt Steph :) I think she may have won, haha.
Climbing dirt hills.
They had quite a bit of construction going on around the lake. They are making pathways, bridges, and making it a "must go to" family spot. We had to stop and climb the dirt hills. They were so inviting :)
Quinn lounging at the park.
The boys took a minute to swing.
We came back from the park to find these two chatting away, and enjoying an evening on the swing.
What a great day! After walking the Adler museum, making our way to Romeoville, walking the lake, playing games, we were tucked in bed, and waiting for the lights to go out.
Naperville Children's Museum for the win!
The next day we were blessed with rain. We rarely get rain here in California so it was a welcoming site. Luckily, we had already planned to do the Naperville Children's Museum on this day. It worked out perfectly. While Aunt Steph was at work, and Gram was napping, we snuck out of the house for some kiddo fun.
I was initially worried that it would be too young for Jack, but he had an absolute BLAST!
Jack was here for a good 30 minutes. Doing a lot of trial an error. He was doing his best to figure out how to make the maze work, so the ping pong ball wouldn't fall out before reaching the bottom. Those darn things can be bouncy :) He finally managed to do it and was so proud. I was proud too. He never gave up. He just tried something else until it worked.
Quinn creating her own wind and loving it :)
Getting smocks on! There must be water somewhere. I love that Pres and Beckham are cleaing up all of the water on the floor. Like father like son.

We spent the majority of our time right here in the water station. The kids played here for about an hour if not longer. Jack raced balls down the stream. He made sure to put different obstacles in the path as to not make it too easy for the ball. He was testing which path would be the path of least resistance for each ball. He'd start them at the waterfall and let them go. Beckham and Quinn were part of the race too. They had a big part in keeping the obstacles going. They would also have to make sure to keep the balls moving down the stream, haha. It NEVER got old for any of them.
Creation Room
Once we could get them away from the water station we took them here. We spent about 30 minutes in here creating all kinds of things from play dough and clay.
We would often find Gram right here. She loves looking outside at all of the birds coming to the feeders. She'd name each bird she saw. I think she could watch them all day if she could. I was amazed at how many birds actually came. We had all kinds and lots.
While we were there Uncle Pat had a birthday. Quinn had made him a card and gave it to him. I think that may have just made the birthday boy's day :)
Of course there is not a Spung gathering without games.
It's ALWAYS fun having Aunt Patty around. She just loved on these kiddos and they loved her. She listened to countless stories being told, they read books together, laughed, and had an absolute ball with. We were so happy that we got to see her.
Grand-mere with a few of her great-grands.
Saying goodbye. These three really enjoyed getting to know their Grand-mere over these past few days. They have no idea how lucky they are to have known their great-grandma's. I had the privilege of knowing both of my great-grandma's and one of my great-grandpa's. I have fond memories of being with them. I know these three will look back on times like this and cherish them. I know I will.
One of the big reasons we wanted to come home for spring break was because we felt home sick. We missed the people, the food, the city, the weather, everything. Another big reason was for this incredible woman. We wanted to spend time with her while we still have her. Life seems to go by in a blink of an eye. I choose to do my best to live with no regrets. My family has and will continue to be important to me. Keeping those bonds strong and making memories is what life is about.
This woman is pretty dang incredible.
Let me tell you a few things about Mrs. Micheline Pauline Marie Spung. She was born in December of 1931 in Basse-Indre, France. She lived through World War II as a young girl. She was always a happy girl. Even though she grew up in some of the worst times possible (WWII) she never felt unsafe or threatened. She met and married the love of her life, James D. Spung II in July 1955, and they had 10 kids. Yes, 10! They moved quite a bit since my Gramps served in the Air Force. When I talk with Gram she speaks only highly and positively about memories of her life. When I asked if she had a happy marriage she said, "The best! I loved Jimmy very much." She looks forward to reuniting with him once again, but we can't let her go just yet. We have more to learn and more hugs to receive :) I love my Gram!
When I was 14 I accompanied this sweet lady on a trip back home to France. I flew back with my Grand-pere (great grandpa) and Gram. We were gone for six weeks. I had such an incredible time while I was away. I met so many of my Gram friends, heard countless stories, met family I had never met before and felt loved right away, got to know my Great Grandfather in a way I never would have possibly imagined, and to this day have a deep love for that man. I will forever cherish the time I had with Grand-pere and Gram over the course of those six weeks. It's something I will not soon forget, and will forever be grateful for.
Every single person in this pic made this trip that much better. We had such a great time during the Spung side of the vacation. There's nothing like spending time with the people you love. Playing games, eating great food, taking walks, laughing, and of course learning more about my family tree. There were lots of hugs and kisses before we headed out the door.
Uncle Steve was our ride back to the airport. He came and got us that night and we went back to Uncle Steve and Aunt Sue's. Unfortunately our flight kept changing, so it made more since to hang with our driver while we waited for the go ahead on our flight. The kids were SO excited to see these people again, and of course Marty was a bonus.
Jack reading the paper at Uncle Steve's :)
We sure LOVE the Mandrelle's. We were missing Jenna though.
We made our flight! The kids tucked in for our four and a half hour flight home.
Goodbye Chicago! Until next time ...
Quinn fell asleep about 30 minutes into the flight. She slept the rest of the way home.
To say that we had a great time while visiting family and the great city of Chicago would be an understatement. Our crew has talked about this vacation several times over the weeks. They keep asking when we will be going back :) We loved building even greater bonds with our people and more memories in the places we love. We enjoyed the quality time we had with each person we saw. The city itself is of course amazing. There is nothing like going home to what you know and what you love. This will be a cherished memory for many years to come. Thanks for an unforgettable week Chicago and family. We had THE BEST time!
Home Sweet Home..
One of our all time favorite purchases!
We got this hammock not long after we got back home. Every single person has spent time in this bad boy. We love relaxing in this thing and soaking up some vitamin D.
My brownie helper got to lick the spoon. I think she enjoyed it, haha.
I absolutely LOVED this moment.
Jack was getting frustrated with batting and needed to take a minute. He just wasn't connecting. He was a little afraid of the ball and would step back each pitch thrown. Coach Ryan came over and sat with him. They talked. He lifted Jack's spirits in a way only a coach could do and helped him to see that we all need to be patient with ourselves as we learn something new. Coach Ryan consoled him, listened to him, and then encouraged him to try again and again. It was awesome to watch. My Momma heart grew bigger that night. It takes a village :)
A family baseball night!
Jack got a hit!!
He's on third base waiting for his chance to run home! We were SO dang proud of this kiddo of ours.
Making gnomes for my garden :) One last hurrah for March!
What a beauty family you have!!! What an awesome vacation. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAwesome Blog Les! I love you all very much!!!!
ReplyDeleteKyle wrote the last one! Lol
ReplyDeleteKyle wrote the last one! Lol