We hit the ground running as soon as June hit. Britt and the kids came in from Utah to spend a couple weeks with us. We were so excited to host them again this year. Our kids have such a fun time together and get along so well. Britt was also an angel for watching all of the kids while I took off for five days to attend girls camp for church. I was really looking forward to spending that time with the young women in our ward and stake. We stayed at Camp Redwoods Liahona which is about four hours away. It was an incredible campsite, absolutely gorgeous, but I am hoping for a closer location next time. It just seemed SO stinkin far.
The Redwoods that surrounded the camp were so insane! They were huge and left you feeling very small.
This is a picture of a few of the girls I had the opportunity of getting to know. I had the privilege of meeting some of the coolest down to earth girls around.
Me and my girl Alex. She's one of my young women from church. Sadly, this was her last year to attend camp. She was one of the leaders along with her twin sister and two other incredible girls from the ward. It was fun watching them lead.
I was in charge of the 4th year girls along with one of my besties. I had an outstanding co-cabin leader named Stephanie who quickly became a friend. We had such a great time getting to know each other throughout the week. This week was fun but it was also one of the hardest weeks I have had in a long time. The emotions running through the camp and the hardships that were exposed and expressed were something of another level. There was definitely some fun times and some memorable moments but Wow! My eyes were opened to some of the struggles these young ladies are facing on a day to day basis. There were of course several girls that didn't fall under this category. Their were those that had a blast, brought a lot of laughter, and smiles to all of the hard.
My girl Emma was such an awesome example throughout the week.
Bella in the middle was our youth leader assigned to our group and Charlotte on the right always brought the fun and crazy ;)
We had a few fun things we got to do each day. One of those was climbing and rappelling from this wall. I will not lie it was scarier than it looked. I did it though. I climbed all the way up and rappelled down. One of those teaching moments that we can do hard things and we need to put our trust in the right people. This was everyone in mine and Stephanie's cabin.
A view on the way from our cabin to the dining hall. We were surrounded by trees!
One of the nights we had a ward night. We got together with all of the people from our ward. It was hands down one of my favorite nights! Josh did an amazing job leading us in some fun exercises and teaching us a lesson that was centered on Christ.
One more with Glenn! He was our Nurse Practitioner on site. This guy kills me.
There was a bridge at the camp that would connect you from one side to the other. At night we went out to look at the stars. While hanging out on the bridge we heard a noise to our right. We looked over to find a fox that had decided to cross the bridge as well, haha. Fortunately it was scared away by our presence.
Our cabin 4A
On the last day we all met together to say our goodbyes.
Emma, Stephanie, me, Savannah, and Emerson
Bella and myself right before leaving camp.
I could not have survived camp without these three ladies, Katie, Giselle, and Cindy. They were my rock through all of the hard. We all had similar experiences which led to a bonding that only we would understand. So grateful they were there for the week with me.
While I was away poor Britt was dealing with some major sickness in the house. It's as the story always goes...it started with one kiddo and dominoed throughout the house. We ended with fevers, pink eye, coughing, and just sickness. Those that were well enough played when they could play.
This was one of the days when everyone was feeling great! We did water balloons and pool time.
Sammy wanted a try the treadmill once I was finished.
These two monkeys monkeying around.
Scooters, bikes, and roller blades for the win!
On Britt's last night we snapped these pics.
I am so grateful for her kindness and willingness to watch the kids while I went to camp. Once I was back home we had a great time, even with all the sickness. We played a ton of Chess (Britt taught me) and other games. We spent loads of time outside and soaked up all that vitamin D. Once everyone was clear from pink eye we headed to our local bookstore so the kids could pick a brand new book for the trip home. I am so blessed to have the sisters and brother that I do. They always show up and are so willing to support me in anything I do. Thanks Britt for holding the fort down with Pres while I was away. I owe you huge!
The day Britt left I headed out to get my hair done. It was very much needed. Nothing like a little self care.
We spent the next week outside and took advantage of the hot weather.
Pool time at Hotel Nikko in San Fransisco.
Pres and I took a look at our summer and realized that with everything going on around us there was very little family time carved out. We had two camps, a wedding, and a reunion coming up. We had very little time set aside for just our family so we took a trip to SF. We let the kids swim, ate incredible food, found a bookstore to get lost in, and enjoyed a night away from it all.
Pres found an incredible breakfast joint not far from our hotel. As always he did an awesome job finding delicious food. It was SO yummy!
Family pic at Brenda's French Soul Food restaurant.
We wanted to do something different this trip so we ventured into China Town.
They had so many trinkets for sale.
They were also practicing for the parade that weekend. We stopped and watched for a little bit.
The next day we left and found breakfast in Oakland.
We tend to sit Mom and the boys and Quinn with her Dad, haha.
The following Monday Jack and I loaded up the car for art camp! He was SO excited to go to his first camp! I was happy for him. I was so thrilled that I was asked to be a chaperone on the trip. I loved having this to share with him.
Three peas in a pod. Dexter, Jack, and Nathan were instant friends.
Here we go!!
Gathering all of our little people together for a look at what's to come. My girl Erika and her sister Ashley were the camp directors.
Jack's cabin won a challenge and earned this cool crayon to decorate their cabin.
Some of the activities happened in the big gym. It was fun when we could all be together.
Jack and his cabin mates with his cabin leader, Jeff.
Campfires with songs and smores. This camp was beautiful!
Singing songs around the campfire.
My girl Giselle joined me on this adventure as well. Her little guy Dexter (one of Jack's good friends) was a part of the camp and she was the nurse on site. Sadly, she saw a fair share of sickness. Lots of homesickness, altitude sickness, and anxiety from being away from home. She rocked the nurse thing though. She was amazing as she helped each kiddo.
There were several deer out at the camp. We loved spotting them and watching them just be. See if you can spot the dinner in the photo :)
Glacier Lake as I call it.
This lake is freezing! There is a glacier up the way that melts into this lake. It is SO cold.
Jack still wanted to give it a shot though :) He lasted about five minutes. Honestly I was impressed.
Ash, me, and Erika
Jack's cabin.
We had a huge group of kids for those two nights and three days. They had High School students as teachers. Erika and Ashley planned lots of different art stations that taught the kids several different types of art. It was fun watching these youth teach the little ones. I think everyone had a great time.
Jack at his final class before boarding the bus to go home.
There were two buses to get all of the kids up and back. Giselle and I were chaperones on one bus while two other adults were chaperones on the other one. It was a fun and interesting few days. The food was not great. It was nothing like girls camp food. We had a chef for girls camp so everything was made from scratch and amazing. Yes, we were spoiled. This place had cafeteria food that was subpar. If I go again I will for sure be bringing my own food :) The younger kids were a little harder to deal with at times. You could tell the difference between the kiddos that wanted to be there and the ones that were forced to be. I'm sure there will be changes going into next years itinerary. Overall, Jack loved it and I had fun too.

When Jack and I were back from art camp it was Beckham's turn to shine. He had his first football meeting. He was fit for pads and a helmet. He was so excited to finally start football! Here we go Beckham Boy!
I also walked away this month with a lot of gratitude. Gratitude in my Savior and Redeemer for helping teach and guide me along this journey. I know He is putting situations along my path so that I can see the needs that should be addressed. Gratitude in my family and friends. Gratitude in the youth I have been blessed to oversee. Gratitude in all of their strengths and the weaknesses they are trying to overcome. Gratitude in the little family unit Preston and I have created. Gratitude for incredible kids!
Now, it's time to take on our final month of "freedom" before school begins. Bring on July!
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