Starting off October with a Blue Angels Airshow sounds perfect to me. Our crew headed to San Francisco on a beautiful Friday afternoon, to partake in the glory of watching six F-18 Hornets take to the sky. We pulled the kids out of school at noon to enjoy some family time.
The kids and a giant gorilla. Haha. This guy was funny.
I couldn't believe that the streets weren't packed. Then, I realized most people are probably working and Saturday is the bigger show. We found out later that the Friday show is more of a practice for the Angels. They do most of their stunts, but not all. They also have a seventh plane that joins them to take pictures during the practice.
The bay on a gorgeous day.
We sat right in front of the Ghirardelli Park. We may have had to stop their on our way home :)
United sponsors the show. This is their biggest airplane showing off.
Very few people around. It was really nice compared to the shoulder to shoulder crowds you get on Saturdays.
This aircraft was a show stopper! We watched a demo of the F 35 B. It was so loud and fascinating to watch maneuver in the air. It cut flawless through the sky and banked so quickly the sound made your heart stop. It was amazing to watch.
At one point he decided to show off a little more and hover over the bay. Water was swirling around below him soaking the boats underneath, haha. It was so funny to watch. There was even a guy on his paddle board just waiting out the overwhelming mist coming at him.
Beckham and I waiting for the Angels to perform next.
They started the show in style. The only way these six know how to do it. We also had the seventh plane closely trailing behind the entire show. It was cool to watch each persons job through the stunts.
These two did the sneak attack right above us. By the time we heard them they had already gone by, haha.
Airshows are so fun. They bring such a nostalgic feeling for me. It brings me back to some of my favorite memories as a kid. To this day if I hear a fighter jet I run outside to try and find it. There's nothing like the noise that follows these awesome aircrafts.
Quinnie wanted her own pic on this rock ;)
Love my people!
Quick shot of the crew chilling in the back while we drove home. It was such a fun day out.
We have a little cheerleader in the family!
Quinn was asked by one of my youth if she would like to participate in the Manteca High School's baby buff school night. She immediately said, "YES!" She had a couple practices with the High School cheerleaders before game day. She was so excited to cheer along side Jill and perform at half time.

They played games on a separate field waiting for the game to start. I'm so happy I had her wear her cute green tutu so we could always find her ;)
Quinnie's time to shine!
Cheering the football team on.
Speaking of football...this guy ROCKED his first tackle football year. This was his first playoff game of the season. He was nervous and super excited at the same time.
They WON!
Grandma and Grandpa Clark treated everyone to KFC for our first victory! The kids were very excited!
Another trip to Utah! Me with one of my favorite humans in life!! Jim picked me up at the airport and I stayed with him and Emmy for the night. It was so fun catching up and holding baby Violet.
This trip brought me to Utah for one awesome cousin Franck who we affectionally call Captain. Franck lives in Paris France. I haven't seen Franck since I was 14. It's been a minute to say the least. Crazy thing is, it felt like no time had passed. That's the great thing about family, there is an instant connection that you just can't explain. In a way I felt whole again but it made me miss Paris so much. I think the Clark crew will be planning a Paris trip soon ;) I absolutely LOVED catching up with him. I was able to spend a few days with him before he headed back to Chicago and then off to Paris.
We took a walk down by Bridal Veil Falls in Utah. It was beautiful. The colors were out and so vibrant.
Captain in a happy place.
Aunt Steph joined Cap on his trip west. I loved my time with everyone. I stayed at Mom and Dad's so I could soak up as much time with the parents, Franck, and Aunt Steph that I could. It felt good to have us all together.
Franck with some of his girls :)
Fall colors in Provo Canyon.
Bridal Veil
These guys hiked up a little ways toward the falls.
The whole crew on our walk. Love how Avery is peaking over her handle bar, haha.
After Bridal Veil we headed up to Sundance to show Aunt Steph and Cap the beauty up there.
We stopped in the little cafe for some croissants, muffins, and cupcakes. They were SO DANG GOOD! We needed a photo to remember this moment.
Aunt Steph and Franck wanted to show off their $6 waters, haha. It was expensive but good.
Me and Cap trying out this selfie thing, haha.
So many laughs, so much fun!
"Hey Aunt Stephie!" Boom picture perfect...mwah.
After Sundance I headed back to Britt's to see the kids. I hadn't been able to see them as much the last two trips. I took them out for a little bit and then we headed to Angie's for dinner.
What I thought was going to just be a family dinner ended up being a surprise 40th Birthday Party! I was beyond shocked to say the least. It honestly scared me, haha. I walked in to everyone running at me from around a corner yelling, "SURPRISE!" In my mind I was thinking "Surprise what?" as I moved swiftly back to the front door, haha. I had no idea what was going on. After everything calmed down I still didn't know what was going on. I told my besties, "I love that you are here but why are you here?" Then it was explained to me, haha. Ang had pulled off the ultimate surprise. I had zero clue or idea that that was going to happen. Fun fact was that she did it on October 23rd, exactly one month before my big day.The Originals
The girls
Cake to celebrate 40 years around the sun.
Me and my girls
Kevin, Rhiannon, Mark, Katie, me, Wyn, and Tyler
Me and my girls with their hubby's. It made me miss Pres.
Such a fun surprise.
When I got back home I had to quickly prep for a trunk or treat at the church. I stocked my car up with 20 pumpkins as our center pieces. I thought it looked so funny to see my trunk like this so I had to take a picture.
Who needs a pumpkin?
Trunk or treat was a success. Our good friends had a Luigi's mansion trunk, so we had to pose the boys along side it. We had lots of fun and received way to much candy :)
We had the most beautiful Rapunzel.
We found Mario and Luigi too!
Love these boys of mine. My heart!
A few more fun pics of the crew.
We went trick or treating with our dear friends the Dahle's. Our kids are super close and great friends. I love that Giselle and I have become besties along the way as well. It's awesome having another family that you can hang with and do fun things with. The kids had SO much fun going house to house and filling their bags and buckets. We seriously had SO much candy! Haha. We ended up donating lots of it. I threw all the nasty candy away like Whoppers, gross. The rest was kept as a treat for lunches, for what will most likely be two months, haha.
One house had a really cool display out that you could take pics in. Quinn was in heaven :)
October was a month I will not soon forget. Between time with family and friends I feel so blessed. I am so grateful for everyone that surrounds us in our life. I love when we can gather together to vent, laugh, adventure, play games, go on walks, and spend quality time together. October has been and always will be one of my favorite months of the year. I love everything it stands, fall weather, pumpkin spice everything, cozy fires, warm drinks, movies, and blankets.