September was an exciting month. We had a lot to look forward to. A first favorite thing this month was that I finally bought a new camera. It was a long time coming, trust me. I was like a kid at Christmas when I clicked the buy button. I not only bought a new camera, but I signed up for several photography classes as well. It was time for a few refresher courses. Photography had changed a little in the last few years since I put my camera down for a while. One big change was going from DSLR cameras to mirrorless. I researched and sought out advice from professional photographers as I made certain decisions. I am so grateful to those that set a side some time for me to "interview" them on all things photography. The help I received was priceless.
A second favorite moment this month was when I opened up family sessions for my first traveling work trip to Utah. I was overwhelmed by the response of so much support. I ended up having a shoot booked for each night I was there. I cannot express my gratitude and love for the families that took a chance on me ;)
Third, was watching our kiddos except educational achievement awards for their MAPS testing at the school.
Last, but as they say, certainly not least, was checking off a bucket list item for myself. Seeing Ed Sheeran live in concert!
Here's what September looked like for us.
When you get a new camera you just start shooting :) I have some pretty cute models to test my new camera on.
Each of the kids earned rewards from their MAPS testing. Pres and I were so proud of all that they achieved in reading, writing, and math.
I was a late comer in discovering Ed Sheeran compared to the rest of the world. Once I finally gave his Divide album a listen I was hooked. When I entered the scene he was already married and had several albums out. It was fun to explore this new musician (at least to me). I quickly came to love his style. When I found out he was coming to Levi Stadium in San Francisco I bought Pres and I a ticket. It was such a fun date night beside 81,000 other fans of Ed Sheeran, haha. It was so loud and insanely incredible. Everyone singing, cheering, the performance, lights, fireworks, etc were over the top. It was a night we will remember for a long time.
Me and my guy before the show.
His set up was insane. There were screens everywhere, a turntable like stage, band members off on there own platforms, plus lights, fireworks, and incredible sound.
Serenading 81,000+ people in singing Perfect.
At the end he came back and did a few encore songs in a 49ers jersey. The crowd loved it, haha.
The atmosphere was electrifying. I can see why performers get caught up in the adrenaline a crowd can bring. It's surreal.
Aaaaaand she's off.
I am so grateful for planes! I love being able to hop on a quick flight to Utah to spend time with family. My Gram, Aunt Steph, and Aunt Nathalie were in town to visit. I was happy to fly in and be apart of the fun for a day or two, before my photo shoots started.
But first the siblings all got together for a much needed siblings night out. I booked the five of us a hotel in downtown SLC at the Marriott. Ang and Er came and picked me up from the airport before heading to get Britt from the train. Once we had the four girls, we met Jimmy for dinner at The Copper Onion. Let me just say that we ate like a King and Queens. It was so yummy. Everyone ordered a plate and we all shared. It was amazing!! I would eat there again in a heartbeat. After we filled our bellies Ang, Er, and I headed to the hotel while Britt and Jim grabbed us all some snacks and caffeine. We knew we were in for a long night and LOTS of fun. We stayed up super late talking about all the things. It was an evening of support, love, venting, encouragement, kindness, empathy, and friendship. I can not express how incredible my siblings are. I have no words for the bond we share, the love we have, and the friendships we have developed over a lifetime together. I am blessed beyond measure to have been sent these four angels to help me navigate this life.
This is the only photo I have from the siblings night and sadly Jimmy's not even in it. Ugh! Cute of us girls though ;)
The following morning, after about two or three hours of sleep us girls headed to breakfast. Jim actually left that morning at like 5am to go home and get ready for work. Sorry, J, haha. It was worth it though bro! Ang knew of a tasty little brunch place called Sunday's Best that was on our way home. It was so good. We enjoyed continuing our conversations and eating delicious food. After that we stopped for some caffeine before heading to Mom and Dad's to see the Aunts and Grand-Mere.
Aunt Steph had a Walter Payton jersey for Beckham boy. He was beyond thrilled!
Me and my Gram
Love this lady and all that she has taught me. I can't believe she'll be 93 this December! I will never regret the time I spend with family. Love my Gram!
One night we opted for some fresh air down by the lake. Stretching our legs and enjoying the fall sceneon the mountains was just what we needed.
Stopping at a little pavilion to chat and enjoy the fresh air. Sadly, Aunt Nathalie has to take off early the following morning. Aunt Stephie and Gram stayed until Saturday afternoon. We were happy to have the time we got.
On Friday night my photo shoots began. My first shoot was one that I was highly anticipating with one of my besties from my mission. Betsy is such a rockstar. I absolutely adore her and her kids. They were the cutest little models. We laughed lots and had such a fun time. After the shoot I had the opportunity to hang with Bets for awhile while the kids played. Loved being able to catch up on all things Bets. It was such a treat for me. I love that girl and am so grateful I know her.
A fab family of four.
These three were such a blast! Loved getting to know these cuties and their fun personalities.
My next shoot was a personal fave of mine with the Marx crew. Call me bias, but this is one of my favorite families of all time ;) I was so happy that I got to spend some quality time with each of these people. Er and Craig even let me stay with them during my work trip. They are the best host and hostess. Plus, Craig is a phenomenal cook. I enjoyed crepes and tasty dishes every day this dynamic duo. Thanks E and Craig for being such incredible souls. Love you all! Here's a few faves from that night.
Sweet Avery Renee... my little name sake. She looks like a porcelain doll.
The Magnificent Marx Crew
Loved having some time with the older girls too.
The trains were such a nostalgic background for me and Er. The tracks, the trains, and the sounds was like being back in Ransom, IL. It was awesome!
My next shoot was with my girl Wynnie and her saavy crew. She reached out and asked if I would take her family pics this year since it had been years and years since the last ones. Of course I was beyond thrilled that she asked me. I was so excited to do this for her and Tyler. I know that the pics speak for themselves but, DANG! They were such a beautiful family to photograph. The girls were naturals and they made me laugh so hard. We had LOADS of fun.
Gorgeous fam of five.
Loved this shot of Wyn and Ty.
The next morning I took this cute kid on a photoshoot date with me. I wanted to check out an area that I hoping to shoot at that night. We headed to the American Fork amphitheater and had a great time.
My cute little side kick for the day.
Camo did such an amazing job on his one on one photo shoot with me. He was so smiley and happy. It even started to rain during the session and he didn't mind one bit. We decided to run through the rain and jump in the puddles because...well it's fun! Since Cam was such a great model for me we stopped for his favorite treat on the way home. DONUTS!
Time with my guy.
That evening after the rain died down I met up with these three beauties for a bestie session. Sweet Swarlos (Julie) had reached out and asked if I would be willing to take some pics of her with her best friends. These three are more like sisters if you ask me. Jules is like family to us. I have known Swarlos (our affectionate nickname for her from the show How I Met Your Mother) for years and adore her so much. She is so kind, sweet spirited, and genuine. Love that girl.
Took a few pics for Britt to update her work profile.
Besties for life.
Snuggle up y'all. Too cute!
After laughing A TON and enjoying our time together we headed to dinner. I really enjoyed catching up with Jules and Sash. I hadn't talked with them in such a long time. It was truly a treat to hang with these incredible three ladies a little longer.
Before I headed out to Utah I talked three of my favorite humans into doing a shoot with me. My besties since age 11. As I think about all of the people I am grateful for, these three humans beside me are at the top of the list. I am who I am because of these three ladies. They bring me so much joy, laughter, love, support, and comfort over the years. Our friendship has lasted almost 30 years because we're awesome! And honestly you won't find another four like us. I could not have hand picked better people to stand beside me in my life. I know the Lord put us all together and kept our ties as strong as they are for a reason. You'd never guess that we are all turning 40 within the next few months. Haha. Keeping life young and fun throughout time!
Katie, Les, Rhiannon, Wynnie
Our personalities in a nutshell, haha.

After our little shoot in Er's backyard, we headed to breakfast. Eating amazing food is one of our favorite things to do together ;)

We ate a place called TRUreligion Pancake & Stakehouse and it was SO GOOD.
I was surprised to find out that the girls had the entire day to hang. I was so so happy. I love the time we get together. We decided try something new since we had the time. A ski lift ride at Sundance was the perfect new thing. It was freezing, haha, but loads of fun. Luckily, Wynnie had enough sweatshirts and jackets in her truck for all of us. It even started snowing on our third lift to the top, haha. We watched as the snow dusted the mountains and we huddled close together for warmth. Loved catching up with my girls.
Heading up on the ski lift.
Here comes the snow!
The view from the top is breathtaking. Absolutely gorgeous.
We made it to the cafe. Stopped to take some pics before warming up by the fire inside.
We took several pics to take all of this beauty in. The Lords creations are breathtaking. I'm not sure you get used to a view like this. It's insanely gorgeous.
Those fall colors though. Heart eyes!
Deer Creek
After our Sundance adventure we found a Kneaders to stop at on the way. We warmed up with a bowl of soup and a little treat before parting our ways. I always treasure any time we can get the four of us together. Memories are always made.
The next day Er and I went and got a little pedicure. It was so nice to take a minute for a little R&R. I really enjoyed my one on one time with Er too. I loved being able to stay with her this trip. It was for sure a highlight in my book.
Last but certainly not least was a shoot with a bestie from college. Christina and I were roommates for several months before I got married. We hit it off and ended up reconnecting about a year later. Her husband at the time and Pres became instant friends and are still great friends to this day. We have been friends with them for over a decade. Christina has since remarried and I absolutely adore her and her darling family. It was such an honor to get to know Scott and to see those beautiful girls I love so much. It was like a family members shoot for me.
We originally planned on a separate location but on my way up to that spot I saw this. I knew this was it.
Big Cottonwood Canyon is gorgeous! the colors were so vibrant.
Such a darling family.
The girls had grown so much since Pres and I saw them last. It was so fun catching up with each of them. They have the cutest personalities and are the sweetest girls.
Christina & Scott
I took one more shot of the mountains before heading back to Christina's for dinner. We enjoyed catching up and eating a delicious meal all together. I am so grateful to this cute family for their support and love. Spending time with these five was truly a highlight. It was a long time coming and I was thrilled to reconnect again. Grateful that I can call these guys family.
September ended better than I could have ever imagined. For my first work trip, it was such a success. I had such an amazing time in Utah. Having the opportunity to photograph so many cute families and friends was such a delight and treat. I was overwhelmed by the kindness, support, and love from so many choosing to book a session with me. I cannot wait to come back in 2024 and do it all again. Photography is such a joy in my life. I love learning and growing along the way. It's a gift I am grateful for.
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