On November 7th we received a call from Preston's Mom and Dad explaining that Brian had been taken to the hospital because he had difficulty breathing. This is something that had been going on for a little while. He went to his primary care physician who sent him to an allergist. We thought that he was experiencing really bad allergies. He was given meds to try to help him breathe, but nothing was helping. He and Shelby decided it was time to head to the ER to see if it was something more. The results came back and it was something that none of us could have ever dreamed of hearing and it shook our worlds. Brian was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer at the age of 34. This was something that none of us saw coming.
The cute ArkanClark crew.
After receiving this devastating news I immediately booked Preston a flight to Bentonville. At this point we didn't know what to think or prepare for. Brian was struggling to breathe so badly that we weren't sure what the weekend had in store. Pres and I felt a lot better knowing that he would be in Arkansas with his family as they figured out next steps to take.
Brian was released from the hospital a couple of days before Pres flew in. I will not go into every detail that has happened throughout this devastating journey. I am not sure it is my story to tell. Suffice it to say that this has been a battle from day one. However, we have witnessed several tender mercies and miracles along the way. There has been an abundance of love, support, and service for Brian & Shelby's family. We are very aware that the Lord knows what is happening. He is guiding us to make certain decisions and difficult decisions. Patience as we wait for test results is by far the hardest part. This diagnosis knocked everyone to their knees begging and pleading for more time.
Preston stayed for two and half weeks after we received the news of Brian's cancer diagnosis. He came home at the end of November and plans to go back in mid December. We will continue to go as much as we can. If there is anything that a diagnosis like this can cause it is a realization of time. Time is a gift. We pray and ask for as much time as we can possibly have.
Brian had a cute gratitude tree in his hospital room. Filled with love, blessings, and of course gratitude.
I am beyond grateful that we sent Pres when we did. He stayed for a couple weeks helping, giving encouragement, support, and doing all he could. I will say this... there is something about a brotherly love. A bond that is unmistakeable and full of love. I am SO happy he was there. It is exactly where he needed to be. We are so blessed that Preston has the job he does. This was one of the miracles we saw along the way. His boss' were very supportive and understanding. They never once asked when he was coming back. They told him to stay as long as he needed. What a blessing to have that kind of support from those you work with.
While Pres was in Bentonville, I was holding down the fort at home. I broke away one day to attend the temple. It was exactly where I needed to be. I am so grateful that we have so many temples dotting this beautiful planet of ours. There is a peace, comfort, and understanding that you cannot get anywhere else. Grateful for temples.
To keep our minds busy we headed to the movies. I took the kids to see the new Disney movie called, "The Wish".
One of my dates for the night.
My girlfriend Giselle took me out for an awesome birthday dinner the night before my big day. Preston was still in Bentonville spending time with Brian and family, so she and her husband Michael treated me like a Queen that night. Michael offered to watch the kids for me, while Giselle took me out to one of the fanciest restaurants I have been to in a while. We ordered so much delicious food. I forgot to snap a pic...boo. After our delicious dinner and wonderful conversation we went back to the Dahle house for a slice of cake. It was a night I won't forget. Not because of the celebration, but because of the genuine kindness of friends. It was very thoughtful and I am grateful for their love and friendship.
Birthday morning! I came down to a breakfast, a crown, and a sign saying Happy BDay! The kids treated me like a Queen. They made me my favorite breakfast. Moved a chair in front of the TV, so I could watch one of my shows and got me anything I needed. They are the sweetest kids on the planet.
Since we were celebrating my birthday and Thanksgiving I made a charcuterie board for lunch. It was well received by all ;)
Then our own small turkey dinner.
Pres surprised me with a Door Dashed bouquet of flowers. It made my day. They were beautiful.
Singing with some of my favorite people.
I was so happy to hear that Mikale joined the siblings Thanksgiving week. The four were now complete.
Bri is still in this fight! Keep going brother. We support and love you the whole way through.

Preston made it home safe and sound. We were so thrilled to have Dad back. He was greatly missed, but agian, we also knew he needed to be right where he was. Pres made it back in time for the annual tree lighting ceremony for Manteca sponsored by the hospital.
Jack and I listening to the carolers and waiting for the countdown of the tree lighting.
The kids met Santa afterwards. The hospital had cookies, hot chocolate, and gifts for the kids. It was a wonderful event. We headed to Panera for a family dinner out afterwards. It was a pretty successful evening in my books.
November was one of the most emotional months I have ever had. I found myself crying at random times of the day as news would hit me at different times. It was a lot of waiting for results, wondering what to do next, figuring out hard things, and supporting those you love so dearly from a distance. I cannot express enough how important family is and the time we have with them. Make each day count and remember to say I love you's as often as you can. How grateful I am for the people in my life. They encourage me, help me, love me, and support me. I couldn't ask for anything more.
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