My Dad also, recently retired from the LaSalle power plant and has a new opportunity in Omaha, NE. I am so very happy for him but it was time for me to say goodbye to my childhood home. I have so many great memories in that house. As a kid we'd be riding bikes down to the tracks and the creek near by; climbing in the barn and crib and we had lots of amazing bon fires and BBQ's. Having 3 1/2 acres to run around on was so much fun. I am so proud of mom and dad and I'm very excited for their new adventure.
There's no place like HOME
Jackson was also able to meet his great-grandma's for the first time and we were so fortunate to spend time with Britt and Lydia before they headed off to Anguilla. It was a bitter sweet trip but so happy I got to go home. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family. There is nothing like spending time with loved ones.

Jackson slept the whole flight and woke up right after we landed. YAY!
Britt was so excited to spend some time with this little man.
Lydia would just watch him all the time. She loved having him around. She is going to be a great big sister one day.
"Pop" a little worn out from all the kiddos and Lydia decorated him so nicely with her toys :)
Lydia was always so willing to help.
I was giving Jack a bath and all of sudden we hear Lydia saying "too, too" for me too haha. So we put her in the one next to him. Looks like we should have switched sides haha.
Ready for church
Grandma made her delicious angel food cake so of course we had to partake.
A proud Great Grandma.
4 generations of AWESOME!
Aunt Sue, Jenna and Megan came to visit and meet the little man and of course spend time with me :) Thanks to Aunt Sue for getting Jackson and I home.
Great Grandma Spung enjoyed meeting Jackson.
Oh so cute! Love this pic with my Gram.
Aunt Stephie Lou had a double win that night... Blackhawks win and got to meet Jack :) Can't get better than that.

The power went out at the house one night so we had to bundle up. Can you tell he's also teething? :)
Lydia enjoyed holding Jackson but after a few seconds she would just say "big, big" haha. Yea, he's about her size so I don't blame her.
"Pop" loved having his youngest grandkids around.
I just love this picture. Such a sweet boy.
Saying goodbye to these 2 beautiful girls was hard. I will for sure be missing them both badly. I was so grateful I could spend time with them before they headed out to Anguilla.
Jack loved when Grandma would read him his stories.
Jack met his Great Uncle Phil and I think they both took a liking to each other.
Of course we had to make a stop at the Clarks so Grandma and Grandpa could squeeze on this oh so fluffy boy.
Watching a World War II document with Grandpa and both were very much entertained by it. I think Pop finally found his history buddy :)

I introduced Jackson to Callie and it went really well minus the licking of his face haha. She sure did love him. I also learned to never leave a chicken sandwich close enough that Callie could get it; lesson learned.
Quite the nibbler. He would gnaw on anything he could, even Dad's finger. It was so funny to watch.
I had to grab me some Garrett's popcorn before leaving the O'Hare airport. Best popcorn EVER!
The flight was open enough that Jack got his own seat. Unfortunately he wouldn't sleep unless he was in my arms but he slept the entire flight again. I was one proud Mama. Hope that trend continues.
Thank you to everyone that made coming home a special and very much enjoyable time. We had such a great time visiting with those we could.
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