Love this family of mine!
Our 5 year old boy!!
A very handsome Beckham Boy!
"Beckham, show us your muscles!"
This picture sums up Quinn perfectly. She is very shy especially in groups of people but she is also the happiest, sweetest little girl you'll ever meet.
Momma and Quinnie Bear
Forever LOVE
At the end of December we celebrated two very special people in our family. Jack and Quinn have birthdays within two days of each other. December has been and always will be our busiest month out of the year but we don't mind. It's full of celebrations, service, love and excitement.
Celebrating this sweet boy!
Jack had such a fun birthday this year. We started the day off with presents and a delicious breakfast picked by the birthday boy. He wanted eggos and a gogurt...done :)

First was presents! In years past we would do presents after dinner and cake. After thinking about it for a minute, I realized there's no fun in opening gifts and then having to go to bed, haha. I decided from now on we would open gifts first thing so the kids would have all day to play with their new special gifts. Jack enjoyed kinetic sand, books, magnet blocks to build and a marble run game.
He was so excited to get his very own "marble game."
The boys dove right in and started to build ;)
Happy Birthday Jackson Scott!
Making letters out of his Kinetic sand.
Building with his magnet blocks. He LOVES these things!
Peter Piper Pizza
We played all morning! After naps Pres and I took this special boy to what became a VERY favorite spot...Peter Piper's Pizza. It's basically the same as Chuck E Cheese but with better food :)

So much fun and so many tickets!! Everyone had a blast. They road a couple rides, played games and went up in the playhouse. I couldn't believe we'd never gone before. I wish we would have discovered this long ago, but at least we got to enjoy it a few more times before we left.
Cake Time!

He looks so old ...
I took Jack to the store to pick his own cake this year. He wanted the chocolatiest cake he could find haha. He had his heart set on a hershey's chocolate cake. It was super tasty! Great choice Jack!
One more pic before diving into that cake.
Quinn was there too :) haha
Love you Buddy Bear!

Very chocolatey ... hahaha! Baths were a necessity after this one ;)
Happy Birthday QUINN!
Happy Birthday Sweet Angel!
Opening up presents after nap time. Quinnie's birthday fell on a Sunday this year, so we did all of our celebrating after church and naps.

She loves puzzles, books and her car! The boys brought it in for her to see. She was so excited!
Pushing Beckham around ;)
Let's celebrate!
Cupcakes for our Quinnie girl!

Our baby is 2!
I can't believe how fast those two years went. I feel like out of the three kids hers went the fastest! I hope this year slows down a little because I am not ready for her to be three just yet. I want to enjoy and hold on to this age for a while.
Beep beep!
We rolled right into New Years after Quinn's bday. We didn't do anything special since our kids are so young. I think Pres and I made it to 11pm and headed off to bed! Haha. Here's to a Happy 2019 full of fun, adventure and surprises!
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